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Last active February 17, 2016 20:51
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  • Save andersevenrud/3ce81c9be9d8a6b8aa08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andersevenrud/3ce81c9be9d8a6b8aa08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function(Application, GUI, Dialogs, Utils, API, VFS) {
'use strict';
function ApplicationFooBar(args, metadata) {
Application.apply(this, ['ApplicationFooBar', args, metadata, {
src: 'data/index.html',
icon: metadata.icon,
width: 640,
height: 480,
allow_resize: false,
allow_restore: false,
allow_maximize: false
ApplicationFooBar.prototype = Object.create(Application.prototype);
// When you get message back from IFRAME
ApplicationFooBar.prototype.onPostMessage = function(message, ev) {
alert('Value of "foo" is: ' +;
// Call this to send message to iframe (example)
ApplicationFooBar.prototype.myMethodSomething = function() {
this.postMessage({bar: 'baz'});
OSjs.Applications = OSjs.Applications || {};
OSjs.Applications.ApplicationFooBar = OSjs.Applications.ApplicationFooBar || {};
OSjs.Applications.ApplicationFooBar.Class = ApplicationFooBar;
})(OSjs.Helpers.IFrameApplication, OSjs.GUI, OSjs.Dialogs, OSjs.Utils, OSjs.API, OSjs.VFS);
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