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Last active September 8, 2024 04:09
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  • Save andelink/00af4840d16038371d2e6ce78c704c66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andelink/00af4840d16038371d2e6ce78c704c66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zed "Filter Through Command" - Context:
"label": "filter-through-command",
"command": "~/bin/zed-filter-through-command",
"reveal": "always",
"hide": "on_success",
"shell": { "program": "sh" }
"label": "filter-through-jq",
"command": "~/bin/zed-filter-through-command",
"args": ["jq", "-S"], // same as above but defaulting to jq -S
"reveal": "always",
"hide": "on_success",
"shell": { "program": "sh" }
#!/usr/bin/env zsh -f
setopt errexit
setopt pipefail
# Context:
if [[ ! $(command -v fzf) ]] {
echo "\e[31;1mfzf not found\e[m: brew install fzf" >&2
exit 1
# Export for FZF child processes
if [[ -n ${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT} ]] {
OUTFILE="$(mktemp -p /tmp "${${(%):-%N}:t:r}.XXXXX")"
BORDER_LABEL=' ENTER write output / CTRL-Y copy output / CTRL-T copy command / CTRL-Q clear command / ESC or CTRL-C abort '
PREVIEW_LABEL=' Preview ([alt] up/down, page up/down) '
FZFCMD='{ [[ -n \${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT} ]] && <<<\${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT} || <<<\$(<${ZED_FILE}) } | ${(@)${=${(Q):-{q}}}}'
{ [[ -n ${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT} ]] && <<<"${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT}" || <<<$(<${ZED_FILE}) } | fzf \
--wrap \
--read0 \
--no-info \
--no-bold \
--no-mouse \
--disabled \
--reverse \
--no-separator \
--header-first \
--pointer '' \
--border bottom \
--border-label-pos 0:bottom \
--preview-window right,60%,wrap \
--query "${*:-cat}" \
--header "${HEADER}" \
--border-label "${BORDER_LABEL}" \
--preview-label "${PREVIEW_LABEL}" \
--preview "eval \"${FZFCMD}\"" \
--bind "ctrl-t:execute-silent:pbcopy <<< {q}" \
--bind "ctrl-y:execute-silent:eval \"${FZFCMD} | pbcopy\"" \
--bind "enter:execute-silent:eval \"${FZFCMD} >${OUTFILE}\"" \
--bind enter:+accept-or-print-query \
--bind ctrl-q:clear-query \
--bind up:preview-up \
--bind down:preview-down \
--bind scroll-up:preview-up \
--bind scroll-down:preview-down \
--bind page-up:preview-page-up \
--bind page-down:preview-page-down \
--bind alt-up:preview-top \
--bind alt-down:preview-bottom \
--color header:italic,label:italic,bg:-1,bg+:-1,fg:-1,fg+:-1,border:-1 \
> /dev/null || RC=$?
# Code 130: FZF was aborted
# No selection: FZF wrote to the output file
[[ ${RC:-0} -eq 130 || -z ${ZED_SELECTED_TEXT} ]] && exit
# Assume if the user got to this point, they intended to write something
if [[ ! -s ${OUTFILE} ]] {
echo "\e[31;1mNo output to write\e[m" >&2
exit 1
# Overwrite selection with command output
'BEGIN{$col=$ENV{ZED_COLUMN}-1; undef $/ if $ENV{ZED_ROW}==1}'
'undef $/ if $.==$ENV{ZED_ROW}-1;'
'$.==$ENV{ZED_ROW} and s|(?<=.{$col})\Q$ENV{ZED_SELECTED_TEXT}|$repl|s'
perl -spi \
-e "${PERLCMD[*]}" \
-- -repl="$(<${OUTFILE})" \
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