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Created April 21, 2018 05:47
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View course videos properly
# Prereqs:
## The lecture video can be given any NAME.EXT for example: first_week_collective_section.mp4
## The slides video must be gviven the name NAME_slides.EXT for example: first_week_collective_section_slides.mp4
## vlc and ffmpeg must be installed
# Usage:
# The parameter passed to the file must be the lecture video name. To create a final file, the following must be passed: ./open_course first_week_collective_section.mp4
# A final file by the name of final_week_collective_section_final.mp4 will then be created
if [[ -r $1 ]]
IFS='.' read -r -a array <<< "$1"
if [[ -e "${array[0]}_final.${array[1]}" ]]
vlc ${array[0]}_final.${array[1]}
ffmpeg -i $1 -vn -y -acodec copy output-audio.aac
ffmpeg -i "${array[0]}_slides.${array[1]}" -i output-audio.aac -y -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 "${array[0]}_final.${array[1]}"
rm output-audio.aac
vlc ${array[0]}_final.${array[1]}
#vlc "${array[0]}_slides.${array[1]}" --input-slave=output-audio.aac --audio-track=1
#vlc "${1}" &
#vlc "${array[0]}_slides.${array[1]}" &
echo "The file specified must exist."
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