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Created April 1, 2023 11:34
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Modify HR zone boundaries for existing Garmin activity (export .fit file from Garmin Connect and convert it to .csv file using fitcsvtool)
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# run example:
# Rscript --vanilla hr.R 99,119,139,158,178,198 ACTIVITY.csv
# params:
# new upper boundaries for HR zones
# it should be a vector of 6 integers separated by commas, e.g.
# "99,119,139,158,178,198"
# input csv file as exported by fitcsvtool,
# e.g. ACTIVITY.csv generated by:
# java -jar FitCSVTool.jar ACTIVITY.csv
# (optional) output filename, if not specified, it will use original file name
# with ".mod" suffix, e.g. ACTIVITY.mod.csv
# Returns the new csv file whch you can then convert to fit binary file
# using fitcsvtool, e.g.
# java -jar FitCSVTool.jar -c ACTIVITY.mod.csv
# test if there is at least two arguments
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
if (length(args) < 2) {
"At least two arguments must be supplied:
upper HR zone boundaries and input csv file\n",
call. = FALSE
if (length(args) == 2) {
# default output file file
args[3] <- stringr::str_replace(args[1], ".csv", ".mod.csv")
hv <- args[1]
fn <- args[2]
fo <- args[3]
# import csv file
dt <- fread(fn, fill = TRUE)
# set new boundaries
hr_bounds_v <- as.integer(strsplit(hv, split = ",")[[1]])
hr_bounds <- paste(hv, collapse = "|")
dt[Type == "Data" & Message == "time_in_zone", `Value 5` := hr_bounds]
# get time stamps
ts <- dt[Type == "Data"][Message == "time_in_zone"]$`Value 1`
# update time in zones per timestamps
for (i in seq_along(ts)[-length(ts)]) {
tst <- ts[i]
ten <- ts[i + 1]
x <- dt[Type == "Data"][Message == "record"][`Field 1` == "timestamp"][
`Value 1` >= tst & `Value 1` <= ten
]$`Value 1`
t <- as.integer(x[-1]) - as.integer(x[-length(x)])
h <- dt[Type == "Data"][Message == "record"][`Field 1` == "timestamp"][
`Value 1` >= tst & `Value 1` < ten
]$`Value 8`
z <- cut(h, c(0, hv, Inf))
s <- tapply(c(t, rep(1, pmax(0, length(z) - length(t)))), z, sum)
s[] <- 0
dt[Type == "Data" & Message == "time_in_zone" & `Value 1` == tst,
`Value 2` := paste(s, collapse = "|")
# uppdate total time in zones
zs <- dt[Type == "Data" & Message == "time_in_zone"]$`Value 2`
zm <- sapply(zs, function(x) {
sapply(strsplit(x, split = "\\|")[[1]], as.integer)
rownames(zm) <- NULL
zt <- paste(apply(zm, 1, sum), collapse = "|")
dt[Type == "Data" & Message == "time_in_zone" & `Value 1` == ts[length(ts)],
`Value 2` := paste(s, collapse = "|")
# save new csv file
fwrite(dt, fo, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE)
message("Done, saved file ", fo)
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