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Forked from gabriel-nsiqueira/CooldownButton.cs
Last active May 11, 2021 14:36
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CooldownButton for Among Us mods (with example)
HOW TO USE: (reactor is recommended)
1. Copy the code in this file (not including this comment) to CooldownButton.cs
2. Get an image for your button (150 x 150 pixels is recommended) and add it to the VS solution. Make sure the 'Build Action' of the image in VS is 'Embedded resource'
3. Make a button patch. This one will make a button in the bottom left of the screen that prints 'PRESS' on press, everyone can press it and has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HudManager), nameof(HudManager.Start))]
public static class ExampleButton
private static CooldownButton btn;
public static void Postfix(HudManager __instance)
btn = new CooldownButton(
() =>
// Restores the cooldown
btn.Timer = btn.MaxTimer;
"<BUTTON NAMESPACE>.<IMAGE FILE NAME (with file extension)>",
new Vector2(0.125f, 0.125f),
4. Then, if you haven't already, add this patch to your plugin file: (only add this once, or else the button may bug out)
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HudManager), nameof(HudManager.Update))]
public static class CooldownButtonUpdatePatch
public static void Postfix(HudManager __instance)
If you've done everything correctly, a button should appear when going into a game/freeplay!
Credits to for the actual code!! I only added some minor stuff.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Reactor.Extensions;
using Reactor.Unstrip;
using UnityEngine;
// In HudManager.Start, Initialize the class
// HudManager.Update, call CooldownButton.HudUpdate
public class CooldownButton
public static List<CooldownButton> buttons = new List<CooldownButton>();
public KillButtonManager killButtonManager;
private Color startColorButton = new Color(255, 255, 255);
private Color startColorText = new Color(255, 255, 255);
public Vector2 PositionOffset =;
public float MaxTimer = 0f;
public float Timer = 0f;
public float EffectDuration = 0f;
public bool isEffectActive;
public bool hasEffectDuration;
public bool enabled = true;
public Category category;
private string ResourceName;
private Action OnClick;
private Action OnEffectEnd;
private HudManager hudManager;
private float pixelsPerUnit;
private bool canUse;
public CooldownButton(Action OnClick, float Cooldown, string ImageEmbededResourcePath, float PixelsPerUnit, Vector2 PositionOffset, Category category, HudManager hudManager, float EffectDuration, Action OnEffectEnd)
this.hudManager = hudManager;
this.OnClick = OnClick;
this.OnEffectEnd = OnEffectEnd;
this.PositionOffset = PositionOffset;
this.EffectDuration = EffectDuration;
this.category = category;
pixelsPerUnit = PixelsPerUnit;
MaxTimer = Cooldown;
Timer = MaxTimer;
ResourceName = ImageEmbededResourcePath;
hasEffectDuration = true;
isEffectActive = false;
public CooldownButton(Action OnClick, float Cooldown, string ImageEmbededResourcePath, float pixelsPerUnit, Vector2 PositionOffset, Category category, HudManager hudManager)
this.hudManager = hudManager;
this.OnClick = OnClick;
this.pixelsPerUnit = pixelsPerUnit;
this.PositionOffset = PositionOffset;
this.category = category;
MaxTimer = Cooldown;
Timer = MaxTimer;
ResourceName = ImageEmbededResourcePath;
hasEffectDuration = false;
private void Start()
killButtonManager = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(hudManager.KillButton, hudManager.transform);
startColorButton = killButtonManager.renderer.color;
startColorText = killButtonManager.TimerText.Color;
killButtonManager.renderer.enabled = true;
Texture2D tex = GUIExtensions.CreateEmptyTexture();
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Stream myStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourceName);
byte[] buttonTexture = Reactor.Extensions.Extensions.ReadFully(myStream);
ImageConversion.LoadImage(tex, buttonTexture, false);
killButtonManager.renderer.sprite = GUIExtensions.CreateSprite(tex);
PassiveButton button = killButtonManager.GetComponent<PassiveButton>();
void listener()
if (Timer < 0f && canUse)
killButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f);
if (hasEffectDuration)
isEffectActive = true;
Timer = EffectDuration;
killButtonManager.TimerText.Color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
public bool CanUse()
if (PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data == null) return false;
switch (category)
case Category.Everyone:
canUse = true;
case Category.OnlyCrewmate:
canUse = !PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsImpostor;
case Category.OnlyImpostor:
canUse = PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsImpostor;
return true;
public static void HudUpdate()
buttons.RemoveAll(item => item.killButtonManager == null);
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++)
if (buttons[i].CanUse())
catch (NullReferenceException)
System.Console.WriteLine("[WARNING] NullReferenceException from HudUpdate().CanUse(), if theres only one warning its fine");
private void Update()
if (killButtonManager.transform.localPosition.x > 0f)
killButtonManager.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((killButtonManager.transform.localPosition.x + 1.3f) * -1, killButtonManager.transform.localPosition.y, killButtonManager.transform.localPosition.z) + new Vector3(PositionOffset.x, PositionOffset.y);
if (Timer < 0f)
killButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
if (isEffectActive)
killButtonManager.TimerText.Color = startColorText;
Timer = MaxTimer;
isEffectActive = false;
if (canUse)
Timer -= Time.deltaTime;
killButtonManager.renderer.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f);
killButtonManager.renderer.enabled = canUse;
if (canUse)
killButtonManager.renderer.material.SetFloat("_Desat", 0f);
killButtonManager.SetCoolDown(Timer, MaxTimer);
internal delegate bool d_LoadImage(IntPtr tex, IntPtr data, bool markNonReadable);
internal static d_LoadImage iCall_LoadImage;
public static bool LoadImage(Texture2D tex, byte[] data, bool markNonReadable)
if (iCall_LoadImage == null)
iCall_LoadImage = UnhollowerBaseLib.IL2CPP.ResolveICall<d_LoadImage>("UnityEngine.ImageConversion::LoadImage");
var il2cppArray = (UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppStructArray<byte>)data;
return iCall_LoadImage.Invoke(tex.Pointer, il2cppArray.Pointer, markNonReadable);
public enum Category
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