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Created July 3, 2014 11:07
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ST2 Insert Special Symbol Plugin
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import unicodedata
class InsertSpecialSymbolCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
DEBUG = True
replacements = dict(([-1].lower(), L) for L in map(unichr, range(945, 970)))
def debug(string):
if InsertSpecialSymbolCommand.DEBUG: print(string)
def run(self, edit):
""" Replaces the selected word with an appropriate symbol """
view = self.view
for cursor in view.sel():
wordRegion = view.word(cursor)
word = view.substr(wordRegion)
symbol = self.replacements.get(word.lower(), None)
if symbol is not None:
view.replace(edit, wordRegion, symbol if word[0].islower() else symbol.upper())
InsertSpecialSymbolCommand.debug("Substitution not available for '%s'." % word)
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ammojamo commented Jul 3, 2014

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