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Created June 16, 2016 05:49
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Using focus in elm 0.17
module Pong exposing (..)
import Element exposing (..)
import Collage exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Keyboard exposing (KeyCode)
import AnimationFrame
import Time exposing (Time)
import Html exposing (Html, text)
import Html.App as Html
import Window
import Focus exposing (..)
-- Model
type alias Size =
{ width : Int, height : Int }
type alias Position =
{ x : Int, y : Int }
type alias Model =
{ gameSize : Size
, paddle : { size : Size, position : Position }
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ gameSize = Size 0 0
, paddle = { size = Size 5 20, position = Position 0 0 }
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( initialModel, Cmd.none )
-- Update
type Msg
= NoOp
| SizeChange Size
| Up
| Down
updateModel : Msg -> Model -> Model
updateModel msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
SizeChange size ->
{ model | size = size }
Up ->
|> update (paddle => position => y) (\y -> y + 1)
Down ->
--Focus.update (.paddle .position .y) (\y -> y - 1) model
update (paddle => position => y) (\y -> y - 1) model
-- View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
( w, h ) =
( model.gameSize.width, model.gameSize.height )
( pw, ph ) =
( model.paddle.size.width, model.paddle.size.height )
collage w
[ drawGame (toFloat w) (toFloat h)
, drawPaddle (toFloat pw) (toFloat ph)
, toForm (show model)
|> toHtml
drawGame : Float -> Float -> Form
drawGame w h =
rect w h
|> filled black
drawPaddle : Float -> Float -> Form
drawPaddle w h =
rect w h
|> filled gray
-- Subscriptions
keyPress : Sub Msg
keyPress =
toMsg n =
case n of
38 ->
40 ->
_ ->
Keyboard.downs toMsg
input : Model -> Sub Msg
input _ =
Sub.batch [ Window.resizes SizeChange, keyPress ]
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = \msg model -> ( updateModel msg model, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = input
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