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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save amitsaxena/689d29f23d01bd563839 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ruby text only spinner/loader/processing/progress indicators && some FUN
# Loader for infinite time
["|", "/", "-", "\\"].each{|v| STDOUT.write "\r#{v}"; sleep 0.5} while 1
# In case you want to run it for a few seconds (~ 20s in the example below)
10.times{ ["|", "/", "-", "\\"].each{|v| STDOUT.write "\r#{v}"; sleep 0.5} }
# Progress Bar
100.times{STDOUT.write "|"; sleep 0.1}
# Another kind of loading indicator
(f=rand(20); STDOUT.write "\r#{'|'*f}#{'#'*15}#{'|'*(20-f)}"; sleep 0.5) while 1
# Dog drowning in sea waves ;)
(f=rand(10); STDOUT.write "\r#{'~'*f}^o^#{'~'*(20-f)}"; sleep 0.5) while 1
# Travelling ship =P
101.times{ |i| STDOUT.write "\r#{'~'*i}\\____/#{'~'*(100-i)}"; sleep 0.2 }
# Ship rescuing the dog =) #heartWarmingStory
75.times{ |i| f=rand(17); STDOUT.write "\r#{'~'*f}^o^#{'~'*(17-f)}#{'~'*(75-i)}\\___/#{'~'*i}"; sleep 0.2 }; STDOUT.write "\r#{'~'*17}^o^\\___/#{'~'*75}"; sleep 2; 20.times{ |i| STDOUT.write "\r#{'~'*(19-i)}\\___/#{'~'*(i+76)}"; sleep 0.2 }
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