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Last active January 29, 2021 12:29
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Boilerplate Manager RoboFile (for use with Task Runner)
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion;
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
const VERSION_FILE = '.boilerplate-template-version';
var $currentGitVersion = null;
* Applies a template to your project
* @param $type template type, for example laravel
* @param $destination destination folder
public function templateApply($destination, $type = null)
$current = $this->getCurrentTemplate($destination);
if ($current) {
$this->say(sprintf('Existing template <info>%s</info> found at version <info>%s</info>', $current['type'], $current['version']));
$recent = $this->getCurrentGitVersion();
if (!$this->isUpgradeAvailable($current, $recent)) {
if ($this->confirm(sprintf('Do you want to path the current project status to the newest version which is <info>%s</info>', $recent))) {
} else {
$this->templateForceInstall($destination, $type);
private function getCurrentTemplate($projectDir)
$versionFile = $this->getVersionFile($projectDir);
if (!file_exists($versionFile)) {
return false;
list($type, $version) = explode('|', trim(file_get_contents($versionFile)));
return compact('type', 'version');
private function getVersionFile($dir)
private function getCurrentGitVersion()
if ($this->currentGitVersion == null) {
$this->currentGitVersion = trim(exec('git describe --tags'));
return $this->currentGitVersion;
private function isUpgradeAvailable(array $current, $recent)
if ($recent === $current['version']) {
$this->say('<info>You are already at the most recent version</info> You can use --force to reapply');
return false;
return true;
* Tries to upgrades the template in your project folder with the current version
* @param $destination project folder
public function templateUpgrade($destination)
$recent = $this->getCurrentGitVersion();
$current = $this->getCurrentTemplate($destination);
$this->_exec('git diff ' . escapeshellarg($recent . '..' . $current['version']) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($current['type']) . ' > last.patch');
$patchPath = realpath('last.patch');
$this->_exec('cd ' . escapeshellarg($destination) . ' && git apply --reject -v -p2 ' . $patchPath);
$this->writeVersionFile($current['type'], $destination);
private function writeVersionFile($type, $dir)
$version = $this->getCurrentGitVersion();
file_put_contents($this->getVersionFile($dir), $type . '|' . $version);
$this->say('Version file written. Please fix conflicts if any, verify and commit everything');
* Force installation / replace for the template
* @param $type project type
* @param $destination destination folder
public function templateForceInstall($destination, $type = null)
if ($type == null) {
$question = new ChoiceQuestion(
'Please select the template to be used',
$question->setErrorMessage('Choice is %s is invalid.');
$type = $this->doAsk($question);
$this->_copyDir($type, $destination);
$this->writeVersionFile($type, $destination);
private function getTypes()
$directories = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$names = [];
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$names[] = basename($directory);
return $names;
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