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Last active March 9, 2021 05:04
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Consolidate multiple household records into one household record
# Use dplyr package
# Create example data frame
data <- data.frame(personal_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
name = c('Albert', 'Beth', 'Cindy', 'David', 'Eugene', 'Fred'),
household_id = c('1H', '1H', '2H', '2H', '3H', '3H'),
score1 = c(3, NA, 1, NA, 1, NA),
score2 = c(5, NA, NA, 2, 2, NA),
score3 = c(NA, 'banana', 'cherry', NA, 'eggplant', NA),
score4 = c(NA, 'bonobo', NA, 'dog', NA, 'ferret'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# data:
# personal_id name household_id score1 score2 score3 score4
# 1 1 Albert 1H 3 5 <NA> <NA>
# 2 2 Beth 1H NA NA banana bonobo
# 3 3 Cindy 2H 1 NA cherry <NA>
# 4 4 David 2H NA 2 <NA> dog
# 5 5 Eugene 3H 1 2 eggplant <NA>
# 6 6 Fred 3H NA NA <NA> ferret
# Custom function that takes all the values for a particular score column and a particular household,
# drops any NA values, sorts them in ascending order, and returns the first value
household_score <- function(scores) {
sort(scores, na.last = NA)[1]
# Create summary data frame containg household ID and household score for each score column
# across() function accepts a range of columns and a function to apply to each column
household_data <- data %>%
select(household_id:score4) %>%
group_by(household_id) %>%
summarize(across(score1:score4, household_score),
.groups = 'drop') # Removes message about ungrouping
# household_data:
# household_id score1 score2 score3 score4
# 1 1H 3 5 banana bonobo
# 2 2H 1 2 cherry dog
# 3 3H 1 2 eggplant ferret
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