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Last active August 23, 2024 10:06
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Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi
# Purpose: Shell script to connect a USB connected device via adb over WiFi
# Author: Amanshu Raikwar
# Assumptions:
# 1. USB debugging is enabled in the Android device
# 2. The Android device is connected to the computer via USB
# 3. The Android device is connected to the same wifi as the computer
# 4. The Android device is accessible through port 5555 over the wifi network
# How To Use (without any options):
# 1. Paste the file where adb resides, for mac it is ~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/
# 2. Run ./adbwificonnect
# 3. Choose the device by typing X in [X] --> ... when prompted
# 4. Wait around 6-7 seconds
# 5. Connected!
# Options:
# -a
# To connect to all available devices
# -d device_id
# Sepcifies the device id to be connected to
# if no command line params provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# list available devices
echo "Available devices:"
devices="$(./adb devices)"
export IFS=$'\n'
declare -a devicemap
# save device info in an array
for word in $devices; do
devicemap+=("$(echo $word | awk '{print $1}')")
echo "[$i] --> $word"
# wait for user input to choose device
read -p "Choose device: " choice
# chosen device id
devicename="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f2)"
devicemodel="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f2)"
echo "Connecting to device $device $devicename $devicemodel..."
# restart adb in tcpip mode for the device
./adb -s $device tcpip 5555
# wait for adb to restart
# note: this may change depending on the computer
sleep 5s
# find out the wlan0 ip of the device by running ifconfig in device's shell
ip="$(./adb -s $device shell ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}')"
echo "Connecting to $ip..."
# connect to the device
./adb connect $ip:5555
# connect to all available devices
elif [ $1 == "-a" ]; then
# list available devices
echo "Connecting to all available devices..."
devices="$(./adb devices)"
export IFS=$'\n'
declare -a devicemap
# iterate for each device and connect
for word in $devices; do
# device id
device=("$(echo $word | awk '{print $1}')")
# skip the first line
if [ "$i" != "0" ]; then
echo "---"
devicename="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f2)"
devicemodel="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f2)"
echo "Connecting to device $device $devicename $devicemodel..."
# restart adb in tcpip mode for the device
./adb -s $device tcpip 5555
# wait for adb to restart
# note: this may change depending on the machine
sleep 5s
# find out the wlan ip of the device by running ifconfig in device's shell
ip="$(./adb -s $device shell ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}')"
echo "Connecting to $ip..."
# connect to the device
./adb connect $ip:5555
# connect to a specific device
elif [ $1 == "-d" ]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "-d expects device id as the second parameter"
exit 1
devicename="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f2)"
devicemodel="$(./adb devices -l | grep $device | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f2)"
echo "Connecting to device $device $devicename $devicemodel..."
# restart adb in tcpip mode for the device
./adb -s $device tcpip 5555
# wait for adb to restart
# note: this may change depending on the machine
sleep 5s
# find out the wlan ip of the device by running ifconfig in device's shell
ip="$(./adb -s $device shell ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}')"
echo "Connecting to $ip..."
# connect to the device
./adb connect $ip:5555
echo "Flag '$1' is not supported!"
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Just replace ./adb to adb to get it workig on MacOS Mojave

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Just replace ./adb to adb to get it workig on MacOS Mojave

That works if you have added adb to your path

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xmile1 commented Jan 7, 2021

for Android 10 You should update the code to get IP to

- ip="$(./adb -s $device shell ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}')"
+ ip="$(./adb -s $device shell ip address show dev wlan0 scope global | awk '/inet / {split($2,var,"/"); print var[1]}')"


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