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How to show a tooltip in AndroidX Jetpack Compose?
// Tooltip implementation for AndroidX Jetpack Compose
// See usage example in the next file
// Tested with Compose version **1.1.0-alpha06**
// Based on material DropdownMenu implementation.
import androidx.compose.animation.core.MutableTransitionState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.animation.core.updateTransition
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.alpha
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.window.Popup
import androidx.compose.ui.window.PopupProperties
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
* Tooltip implementation for AndroidX Jetpack Compose.
* Based on material [DropdownMenu] implementation
* A [Tooltip] behaves similarly to a [Popup], and will use the position of the parent layout
* to position itself on screen. Commonly a [Tooltip] will be placed in a [Box] with a sibling
* that will be used as the 'anchor'. Note that a [Tooltip] by itself will not take up any
* space in a layout, as the tooltip is displayed in a separate window, on top of other content.
* The [content] of a [Tooltip] will typically be [Text], as well as custom content.
* [Tooltip] changes its positioning depending on the available space, always trying to be
* fully visible. It will try to expand horizontally, depending on layout direction, to the end of
* its parent, then to the start of its parent, and then screen end-aligned. Vertically, it will
* try to expand to the bottom of its parent, then from the top of its parent, and then screen
* top-aligned. An [offset] can be provided to adjust the positioning of the menu for cases when
* the layout bounds of its parent do not coincide with its visual bounds. Note the offset will
* be applied in the direction in which the menu will decide to expand.
* @param expanded Whether the tooltip is currently visible to the user
* @param offset [DpOffset] to be added to the position of the tooltip
* @see androidx.compose.material.DropdownMenu
* @see androidx.compose.material.DropdownMenuPositionProvider
* @see androidx.compose.ui.window.Popup
* @author Artyom Krivolapov
fun Tooltip(
expanded: MutableState<Boolean>,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
timeoutMillis: Long = TooltipTimeout,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Black,
offset: DpOffset = TooltipOffset,
properties: PopupProperties = TooltipPopupProperties,
content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,
) {
val expandedStates = remember { MutableTransitionState(false) }
expandedStates.targetState = expanded.value
if (expandedStates.currentState || expandedStates.targetState) {
if (expandedStates.isIdle) {
LaunchedEffect(timeoutMillis, expanded) {
expanded.value = false
onDismissRequest = { expanded.value = false },
popupPositionProvider = DropdownMenuPositionProvider(offset, LocalDensity.current),
properties = properties,
) {
// Add space for elevation shadow
modifier = Modifier.padding(TooltipElevation),
) {
TooltipContent(expandedStates, backgroundColor, modifier, content)
* Simple text version of [Tooltip]
fun Tooltip(
expanded: MutableState<Boolean>,
text: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
timeoutMillis: Long = TooltipTimeout,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Black,
offset: DpOffset = TooltipOffset,
properties: PopupProperties = TooltipPopupProperties,
) {
Tooltip(expanded, modifier, timeoutMillis, backgroundColor, offset, properties) {
/** @see androidx.compose.material.DropdownMenuContent */
private fun TooltipContent(
expandedStates: MutableTransitionState<Boolean>,
backgroundColor: Color,
modifier: Modifier,
content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,
) {
// Tooltip open/close animation.
val transition = updateTransition(expandedStates, "Tooltip")
val alpha by transition.animateFloat(
label = "alpha",
transitionSpec = {
if (false isTransitioningTo true) {
// Dismissed to expanded
tween(durationMillis = InTransitionDuration)
} else {
// Expanded to dismissed.
tween(durationMillis = OutTransitionDuration)
) { if (it) 1f else 0f }
backgroundColor = backgroundColor.copy(alpha = 0.75f),
contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.contentColorFor(backgroundColor)
.takeOrElse { backgroundColor.onColor() },
modifier = Modifier.alpha(alpha),
elevation = TooltipElevation,
) {
val p = TooltipPadding
modifier = modifier
.padding(start = p, top = p * 0.5f, end = p, bottom = p * 0.7f)
content = content,
private val TooltipElevation = 16.dp
private val TooltipPadding = 16.dp
private val TooltipPopupProperties = PopupProperties(focusable = true)
private val TooltipOffset = DpOffset(0.dp, 0.dp)
// Tooltip open/close animation duration.
private const val InTransitionDuration = 64
private const val OutTransitionDuration = 240
// Default timeout before tooltip close
private const val TooltipTimeout = 2_000L - OutTransitionDuration
// Color helpers
* Calculates an 'on' color for this color.
* @return [Color.Black] or [Color.White], depending on [isLightColor].
fun Color.onColor(): Color {
return if (isLightColor()) Color.Black else Color.White
* Calculates if this color is considered light.
* @return true or false, depending on the higher contrast between [Color.Black] and [Color.White].
fun Color.isLightColor(): Boolean {
val contrastForBlack = calculateContrastFor(foreground = Color.Black)
val contrastForWhite = calculateContrastFor(foreground = Color.White)
return contrastForBlack > contrastForWhite
fun Color.calculateContrastFor(foreground: Color): Double {
return ColorUtils.calculateContrast(foreground.toArgb(), toArgb())
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.material.ripple.rememberRipple
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role
* How to show a Tooltip in AndroidX Jetpack Compose on long click.
* Usage example.
fun TooltipOnLongClickExample(onClick: () -> Unit = {}) {
// Commonly a Tooltip can be placed in a Box with a sibling
// that will be used as the 'anchor' for positioning.
Box {
val showTooltip = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
// Buttons and Surfaces don't support onLongClick out of the box,
// so use a simple Box with combinedClickable
modifier = Modifier
interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
indication = rememberRipple(),
onClickLabel = "Button action description",
role = Role.Button,
onClick = onClick,
onLongClick = { showTooltip.value = true },
) {
Text("Click Me (will show tooltip on long click)")
Tooltip(showTooltip) {
// Tooltip content goes here.
Text("Tooltip Text!!")
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Thanks for sharing this extremely useful Composable!

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amal commented Oct 31, 2021

Thanks for sharing this extremely useful Composable!

@Skaldebane, thank you for the feedback. Glad that it's useful :)

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Which libraries you imported for using this?

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amal commented Aug 2, 2022

@himanshufoodpanda kotlin coroutines lib and compose libs: core, runtime, foundation, ui, animation, and material.
If you want to use material3, code need to be adjusted a bit.

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hi, what version of compose do you use?
i have this issue and i think that it is because i don;t use the latest version 1.2.0

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amal commented Aug 2, 2022

@camper9993 no, this solution uses internal part of compose framework, so you need this in code to have the access:

It's probably lost in copy-paste, see here: #file-tooltip-kt-L1

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@amal thanks a lot

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@amal @file:Suppress("INVISIBLE_REFERENCE", "INVISIBLE_MEMBER") This is not working for me. Error still remains in file like for @camper9993

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amal commented Aug 3, 2022

@himanshufoodpanda it should work. Checked with many different versions of compose.

Please check that source code is copied exactly as is. @file:Suppress should be exactly on the first line, before all the imports.

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birojow commented Aug 18, 2022


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How can I keep the popup when I click outside? It dismisses when I click outside. In my case, it must stay in place and move up and down. And I need to show and dismiss at certain events.

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I think this should be changed:
properties: PopupProperties = PopupProperties(focusable = false),
In that way the tooltip is not catching screen touches so you can keep interacting with the rest of the widgets while the tooltip is shown.

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