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Last active August 20, 2020 16:35
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2020 APL Problem Solving Competition Phase II
Problem 9, Task 1 - Weights
1) Read the diagram of a mobile from the file as a vector of lines (M).
2) Find lines which exactly repeat the preceding lines and contain only
vertical bars (│) and spaces. Such lines don't bring any useful
information. (This filtering step allows to process files which are
very deep without running out of memory. For example, 10K characters
wide, 100K lines deep. Without filtering, such a file would be
represented by a matrix with 1 billion characters!)
3) Remove the repeating lines and format the rest of the lines into a
character matrix (2D).
q~((/'')¨M)0,2/M⎕NGET 1
Find the distinct weight names to know how many variables are there.
Assumption: all characters other than " ┌─┴┐│" and newline are weights.
N' ┌─┴┐│'~M
Coefficients matrix: specifies the relationships between weights.
It is such a matrix that satisfies (C+.×W)≡(1,(¯1+≢N)⍴0),
where W is the solution vector (numeric values of weights).
We have only one row at this point: to set the first weight as the unit.
C(1@1)(1(N))0 the first weight is provisionally set to be 1
Define recursive function for parsing.
Returns a boolean vector for weights found in the sub-mobile (sub-tree)
Meanwhile, appends the matrix C as it goes (see the next function)
descent{ this function parses input vertically
y+¯1+/''(-1)M[;] find first non-'│' from here down
''=M[y;]:y explore explore new lever if fulcrum is found
(1@(NM[y;]))(N)0 otherwise: turn weight name into a vector
Parses a lever and adds the resulting relations between weights into C
explore{ this function parses input horizontally
d('┐┌')M[;] find all lever edges in the current row
l r(1)¨((-1)d)(d) offsets of the left and right edges
w1(+1)descent -l parse left sub-mobile
w2(+1)descent +r parse right sub-mobile
cfs(l×w1)-r×w2 relationship between weights here (coefs)
Ccfs÷/cfs divide the coefs by GCD and catenate to C
w1+w2 return all the weights of this sub-mobile
Find the topmost link: it will be the starting point for parsing.
Assumption: there are no empty lines above the mobile.
ign1 descent x parse the input to find the matrix C
1) Obtain a solution by multiplying the inverse of C by vector 1 0 ... 0
(equivalent to just taking the first column of the inverse).
2) Divide the solution vector by generalized GCD of its values to get
the smallest integer solution.
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