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Last active February 4, 2020 21:10
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A snapshot of MBTA's CMS API Endpoints


A custom, REST-based API that returns JSON for various content from the Drupal CMS.

General Notes

  • Unless otherwise noted, all endpoints require a _format=json URL parameter.

  • Only the GET operation is currently supported (read-only).

  • If a piece of content is unpublished, it will return a 401 (unauthorized response).

  • A 500 response is typically caused by a PHP error in the CMS codebase or by a Views configuration issue with the particular endpoint causing the error.


Title Get content of a single page (node).
URL /node/{node}
OR /{path-alias} (preferred)
Result {} Single object

Node ID: /node/{integer}
Example: /node/1234

Path Alias (preferred): {string}
Example: /my-path/alias
Sample Request /projects/red-line-work?_format=json
Notes /node/1234 will always return the desired content, while the path-alias may or may not work, depending on if the alias and/or redirects are in place for that content (or have been changed/deleted). However, we generally use the path-alias as it's easier to read/reference.
Redirects are supported in this endpoint.

View sample Page response
  "nid": [
      "value": 4148
  "uuid": [
      "value": "c87ca921-f465-413e-82b5-89f1580a43c9"
  "vid": [
      "value": 26900
  "langcode": [
      "value": "en"
  "type": [
      "target_id": "page",
      "target_type": "node_type",
      "target_uuid": "9e4b5efa-9303-469e-b5d6-20ef12fbe1d1"
  "revision_timestamp": [
      "value": 1561404142
  "revision_uid": [
      "target_id": 85,
      "target_type": "user",
      "target_uuid": "65b2380c-15fb-4a37-91f1-123e42ec6939",
      "url": "/user/85"
  "revision_log": [],
  "status": [
      "value": true
  "uid": [
      "target_id": 85,
      "target_type": "user",
      "target_uuid": "65b2380c-15fb-4a37-91f1-123e42ec6939",
      "url": "/user/85"
  "title": [
      "value": "Provider Options Pilot"
  "created": [
      "value": 1550170527
  "changed": [
      "value": 1561404142
  "promote": [
      "value": false
  "sticky": [
      "value": false
  "default_langcode": [
      "value": true
  "revision_default": [
      "value": true
  "revision_translation_affected": [
      "value": true
  "moderation_state": [
      "value": "published"
  "sidebar": [
      "value": false
  "path": [
      "alias": "/accessibility/the-ride/provider-options-pilot",
      "pid": 4239,
      "langcode": "en"
  "publish_on": [],
  "unpublish_on": [],
  "publish_state": [],
  "unpublish_state": [],
  "menu_link": [],
  "body": [
      "value": "<p>The MBTA is now offering the <b>Provider Options Pilot (POP)</b>, which lets RIDE customers sign up to have their trips served by <b>Lyft</b>, a ridesharing company, and <b>Curb</b>, a taxi network company.</p>\r\n\r\n",
      "format": "full_html",
      "processed": "<p>The MBTA is now offering the <b>Provider Options Pilot (POP)</b>, which lets RIDE customers sign up to have their trips served by <b>Lyft</b>, a ridesharing company, and <b>Curb</b>, a taxi network company.</p>\n",
      "summary": ""
  "field_downloads": [],
  "field_image": [],
  "field_keywords": [],
  "field_page_type": [
      "id": 11,
      "name": "The RIDE",
      "vocab": "page_type",
      "data": null
  "field_paragraphs": [],
  "field_related_transit": [],
  "field_sidebar_menu": [],
  "breadcrumbs": [
      "text": "Home",
      "uri": "/"
      "text": "Accessibility on the MBTA",
      "uri": "/accessibility"
      "text": "The RIDE",
      "uri": "/accessibility/the-ride"
      "text": "Provider Options Pilot",
      "uri": ""


Paragraphs are content partials--blocks of content that are self-contained and are potentially re-used on multiple pages. Typically used to populate pages with auxillary content like in the sidebar region.

Title Retrieve a specific paragraph.
URL /admin/content/paragraphs/{paragraphs_library_item}
OR /{path-alias} (preferred)
Result {} Single object

Paragraph ID: /admin/content/paragraphs/{integer}
Example: /cms/revisions/1234

Path Alias: {string}
Example: /paragraphs/custom-html/shuttle-information
Sample Request /paragraphs/custom-html/shuttle-information&_format=json
Notes The front-end can handle both types of requests, but it is preferred to use the full path-alias in the request as it is more human-readable.
Redirects are supported in this endpoint.

View sample Paragraph response
  "id": [
      "value": 77
  "uuid": [
      "value": "dae1b972-419e-4739-99ca-f4ec721e839d"
  "revision_id": [
      "value": 433
  "langcode": [
      "value": "en"
  "revision_created": [
      "value": 1576785152
  "revision_uid": [
      "target_id": 85,
      "target_type": "user",
      "target_uuid": "65b2380c-15fb-4a37-91f1-123e42ec6939",
      "url": "/user/85"
  "revision_log": [],
  "status": [
      "value": true
  "label": [
      "value": "Facts: Fenway Portal"
  "paragraphs": [
      "target_id": 9912,
      "target_revision_id": 249109,
      "id": [
          "value": 9912
      "uuid": [
          "value": "e45123ab-b5e8-44ce-91c9-9ca97751847e"
      "revision_id": [
          "value": 249109
      "langcode": [
          "value": "en"
      "type": [
          "target_id": "custom_html",
          "target_type": "paragraphs_type",
          "target_uuid": "2dd52121-118d-4153-9ddd-0131939b4409"
      "status": [
          "value": true
      "created": [
          "value": 1567713827
      "parent_id": [
          "value": "77"
      "parent_type": [
          "value": "paragraphs_library_item"
      "parent_field_name": [
          "value": "paragraphs"
      "behavior_settings": [
          "value": []
      "default_langcode": [
          "value": true
      "revision_translation_affected": [
          "value": true
      "field_custom_html_body": [
          "value": "<ul class=\"list-unstyled\">\r\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"check\"}} Contract awarded:</strong> March 2018</li>\r\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Projected completion:</strong>&nbsp;Spring 2020</li>\r\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Budget:</strong> $22,187,285</li>\r\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Status:</strong> 62% construction complete</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n",
          "format": "full_html",
          "processed": "<ul class=\"list-unstyled\"><li><strong>{{fa \"check\"}} Contract awarded:</strong> March 2018</li>\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Projected completion:</strong> Spring 2020</li>\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Budget:</strong> $22,187,285</li>\n\t<li><strong>{{fa \"star\"}} Status:</strong> 62% construction complete</li>\n</ul>"
      "field_right_rail": [
          "value": false
  "created": [
      "value": 1567713827
  "changed": [
      "value": 1576785152
  "uid": [
      "target_id": 24,
      "target_type": "user",
      "target_uuid": "7c7e0f53-7558-455b-b10c-ac94b611f4a4",
      "url": "/user/24"
  "default_langcode": [
      "value": true
  "revision_translation_affected": [],
  "path": [
      "alias": "/paragraphs/custom-html/facts-fenway-portal",
      "pid": 4565,
      "langcode": "en"


A versatile endpoint that returns abbreviated versions of content, making it faster than the deprecated methods below. Results all share common data such as title, teaser text, date, image, and tags (among various other metadata). Teasers can be filtered and sorted dynamically in the request.

Title Get a list of content teasers.
URL /cms/teasers/{tag_1}/{tag_2}/{tag_depth}
Result [] List | 5 items (variable)
Arguments (all optional)
- Tag: Topic Argument: /cms/teasers/{string}/any/4
Default Value: any
Example: /cms/teasers/guides
- Tag: Route ID Argument: /cms/teasers/any/{string}/4
Default Value: any
Example: /cms/teasers/any/commuter-rail
- Depth Modifier Argument: /cms/teasers/any/any/{integer}
Default Value: 4
Example: /cms/teasers/guides/red/2
URL Parameters (all optional)
- Sticky Content marked as "Sticky" | Default: any
Parameter: sticky={0|1} (boolean integer)
Example: sticky=0
- Sidebar Content marked as "Promoted to Sidebar" | Default: any
Parameter: sidebar={0|1} (boolean integer)
Example: sidebar=1
- Promoted Content marked as "Promoted to Front Page" | Default: any
Parameter: promoted={0|1} (boolean integer)
Example: promoted=1
- Type Filters results to certain content type(s) | Default: any type
Parameter: type[]={string} (supports multiple values via OR logic)
Example: type[]=project&type[]=event
- Type Operation Type operator logic | Default: in
Parameter: type_op={in|not in}
Example: type[]=project&type_op=not%20in
- Date (single) Pivot on a date | Default: >=
Parameter: date[value]={YYYY-MM-DD|now}
Example: date[value]=2020-01-01&date_op=>=
- Date (range) Filter by date range (requires date_op)
Parameter: date[min]={YYYY-MM-DD|now}&date[max]={YYYY-MM-DD|now}
Example: date[min]=2020-01-01&date[max]=2020-01-31&date_op=between
- Date Operation Operator for date comparison (required when using date)
Parameter: date_op={string}
Example: date[value]=2020-01-01&date_op=<=
- Related To Only show content referencing or referenced by a certain node
Parameter: related_to={integer}
Example: related_to=3444
- Except Exclude a certain node from the results
Parameter: except={integer}
Example: except=3445
- Only Only show a certain, single node
Parameter: only={integer}
Example: only=3443
- Sort By The field to sort results by (see notes)
Parameter: sort_by={string}
Example: sort_by=field_updated_on_value
- Sort Order The order results are sorted in | Default: DESC
Parameter: sort_order={DESC|ASC}
Example: sort_by=field_updated_on_value&sort_order=ASC
- Limit Limit the number of results | Default: 5
Parameter: items_per_page={1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|20|50}
Example: items_per_page=20
- Offset Number of results to skip | Default: 0
Parameter: offset={integer}
Example: items_per_page=10&offset=10
Sample Request /cms/teasers/any/red?type[]=news_entry&type[]=project_update&related_to=3004&items_per_page=3&_format=json

View sample Teasers response
    "nid": "4446",
    "title": "Wollaston Station Reopens Friday, August 16",
    "type": "project_update",
    "topic": "Projects",
    "path": "/projects/wollaston-station-improvements/update/wollaston-station-reopens-friday-august-16",
    "image_uri": "",
    "image_alt": "The newly renovated Wollaston Station, viewed from the parking lot, with trees, a bike lane, and sunlight.",
    "text": "When Wollaston Station reopens Friday, August 16, 2019, you’ll find a fully accessible, modern station.",
    "location": "|||",
    "diversion_start": "",
    "start": "",
    "end": "",
    "updated": "",
    "posted": "2019-08-15",
    "created": "2019-08-01",
    "changed": "2020-01-08",
    "field_related_transit": [
        "id": 219,
        "name": "Red",
        "vocab": "route",
        "data": {
          "gtfs_id": "Red",
          "gtfs_group": "line",
          "gtfs_ancestry": {
            "mode": ["subway"],
            "line": null,
            "branch": null,
            "custom": null
    "field_project_status": ""
    "nid": "4166",
    "title": "Wollaston Construction Photos (February 2019)",
    "type": "project_update",
    "topic": "Projects",
    "path": "/projects/wollaston-station-improvements/update/wollaston-construction-photos-february-2019",
    "image_uri": "",
    "image_alt": "The window sill at the north side of the bridge connecting to the platform headhouse.",
    "text": "The following photos document progress during the Wollaston Station Improvements project.",
    "location": "|||",
    "diversion_start": "",
    "start": "",
    "end": "",
    "updated": "",
    "posted": "2019-02-28",
    "created": "2019-02-28",
    "changed": "2020-01-16",
    "field_related_transit": [
        "id": 219,
        "name": "Red",
        "vocab": "route",
        "data": {
          "gtfs_id": "Red",
          "gtfs_group": "line",
          "gtfs_ancestry": {
            "mode": ["subway"],
            "line": null,
            "branch": null,
            "custom": null
    "field_project_status": ""
    "nid": "4149",
    "title": "Some Shuttles Phased Out",
    "type": "project_update",
    "topic": "Projects",
    "path": "/projects/wollaston-station-improvements/update/some-shuttles-phased-out",
    "image_uri": "",
    "image_alt": "Yankee bus shuttle during Wollaston's renovation",
    "text": "Trains will share one track between North Quincy and Quincy Center as needed during off-peak hours.",
    "location": "|||",
    "diversion_start": "",
    "start": "",
    "end": "",
    "updated": "",
    "posted": "2019-02-18",
    "created": "2019-02-18",
    "changed": "2020-01-08",
    "field_related_transit": [
        "id": 219,
        "name": "Red",
        "vocab": "route",
        "data": {
          "gtfs_id": "Red",
          "gtfs_group": "line",
          "gtfs_ancestry": {
            "mode": ["subway"],
            "line": null,
            "branch": null,
            "custom": null
    "field_project_status": ""



Only published content is considered.


Certain content types can reference other content types. This endpoint supports both directions, so you may for instance request all project_update content related to a given project, or request the project a certain project_update references.

Current relationships:

  • Project <=> Project Update
  • Project <=> Diversion
  • Event ==> Project

Tag Filtering

The first argument matches content by topic ("Tags" taxonomy). The second, the "Related Transit" taxonomy (route IDs). These two arguments can be used in combination to further refine results (they will be AND-ed together).

The Depth Modifier argument controls whether child terms (positive integer) or parent terms (negative integer) of the given tags are included in the query. The number indicates how many levels up or down in the taxonomy hierarchy.

For example, any/green-b/-1 will match any content tagged explicitly with green-b or tagged with its parent, green (but not the grandparent, subway). Requesting subway/any/2 would result in content tagged with subway, green, green-b, green-c, orange, etc (content tagged with subway and two levels deeper). This hierarchy is manually configured and maintained in the CMS.


Field name values for sort_by are private. Normally these values are passed-through from the CMS to the final request. Names for these fields can be found in the CMS configuration.

project, project_update, news_entry and event types can all be sorted via sort_order. Other content types like page default to the fallback of creation_date, DESC.

Sorting will be executed in the following order. Note that not all content types contain all sort fields (in which case they are ignored). Content marked as "Sticky" will be listed first if sticky is used as the sort_by value (regardless of all other criteria).

  1. sticky
  2. start_time
  3. updated_on
  4. posted_on
  5. changed
  6. authored_on

Route PDFs

Returns all PDFs associated with the given route as sub-objects of a single route object response.

Title Retrieve all PDFs associated with a specific route ID.
URL /cms/route-pdfs/{route_id}
Result [] List | 1 item
Route ID: /cms/route-pdfs/{string}
Example: /cms/route-pdfs/CR-Providence
Sample Request /cms/route-pdfs/CR-Providence?_format=json
Notes The CMS has a taxonomy which statically mirrors all of the GTFS route names.
Each of the terms in this taxonomy contains a PDF multi-value field which powers the content of this endpoint.
If new routes are added or changed in GTFS, a developer must update the CMS taxonomy manually to match.

View sample Route PDFs response
    "tid": [
        "value": 214
    "uuid": [
        "value": "932d3fc2-6d39-43ec-a1f5-177314284a1e"
    "revision_id": [
        "value": 214
    "langcode": [
        "value": "en"
    "vid": [
        "target_id": "route",
        "target_type": "taxonomy_vocabulary",
        "target_uuid": "c1a3cf50-3263-48dc-8619-bebd7c711757"
    "revision_created": [],
    "revision_user": [],
    "revision_log_message": [],
    "status": [
        "value": true
    "name": [
        "value": "CR-Providence"
    "description": [
        "value": "<p>Providence/Stoughton Line</p>\r\n",
        "format": "full_html",
        "processed": "<p>Providence/Stoughton Line</p>\n"
    "weight": [
        "value": 12
    "parent": [
        "target_id": 250,
        "target_type": "taxonomy_term",
        "target_uuid": "20368495-57a8-48b2-b999-8f11fe1cab9b",
        "url": "/route/commuter-rail"
    "changed": [
        "value": 1577742123
    "default_langcode": [
        "value": true
    "revision_translation_affected": [
        "value": true
    "path": [
        "alias": "/route/cr-providence",
        "pid": 4022,
        "langcode": "en"
    "field_gtfs_group": [
        "value": "line"
    "field_gtfs_id": [
        "value": "CR-Providence"
    "field_pdfs": [
        "target_id": 650,
        "target_revision_id": 6033,
        "id": [
            "value": 650
        "uuid": [
            "value": "54266e59-cb70-4532-9348-2a18b382d194"
        "revision_id": [
            "value": 6033
        "langcode": [
            "value": "en"
        "type": [
            "target_id": "route_pdfs",
            "target_type": "paragraphs_type",
            "target_uuid": "c2a6a712-c210-4400-bd87-f8bb7a7e8944"
        "status": [
            "value": true
        "created": [
            "value": 1510013262
        "parent_id": [
            "value": "214"
        "parent_type": [
            "value": "taxonomy_term"
        "parent_field_name": [
            "value": "field_pdfs"
        "behavior_settings": [
            "value": []
        "default_langcode": [
            "value": true
        "revision_translation_affected": [
            "value": true
        "field_link_text_override": [],
        "field_pdf_date_end": [
            "value": "2017-11-19"
        "field_pdf_date_start": [
            "value": "2017-05-22"
        "field_route_pdf": [
            "target_id": 499,
            "display": null,
            "description": "",
            "target_type": "file",
            "target_uuid": "41b8713e-8229-4ad1-84e6-358ebb3269a4",
            "url": "",
            "mime_type": "application/pdf"
        "target_id": 651,
        "target_revision_id": 6034,
        "id": [
            "value": 651
        "uuid": [
            "value": "7065de84-cd12-4d36-8fce-5c8ba0adf791"
        "revision_id": [
            "value": 6034
        "langcode": [
            "value": "en"
        "type": [
            "target_id": "route_pdfs",
            "target_type": "paragraphs_type",
            "target_uuid": "c2a6a712-c210-4400-bd87-f8bb7a7e8944"
        "status": [
            "value": true
        "created": [
            "value": 1510013279
        "parent_id": [
            "value": "214"
        "parent_type": [
            "value": "taxonomy_term"
        "parent_field_name": [
            "value": "field_pdfs"
        "behavior_settings": [
            "value": []
        "default_langcode": [
            "value": true
        "revision_translation_affected": [
            "value": true
        "field_link_text_override": [
            "value": "Back Bay/South Station schedule"
        "field_pdf_date_end": [
            "value": "2017-11-19"
        "field_pdf_date_start": [
            "value": "2017-05-22"
        "field_route_pdf": [
            "target_id": 512,
            "display": null,
            "description": "",
            "target_type": "file",
            "target_uuid": "40a80fb5-669b-4277-8342-f62581ed8706",
            "url": "",
            "mime_type": "application/pdf"
    "field_route_friendly_name": [
        "value": "Providence/Stoughton Line"
    "field_tree_data": [
        "key": "mode",
        "description": "Commuter Rail",
        "value": "commuter_rail"

Content Revisions

This is a snapshot of the full object which is either older or newer than the public/published version.

Title Preview a specific node revision.
URL /cms/revisions/{node}
Result [] List | 1 item
Node ID: /cms/revisions/{integer}
Example: /cms/revisions/1234
URL Parameters (required) Revision ID: vid={integer}
Example: vid=56789
Sample Request /cms/revisions/4570?vid=32938&_format=json
Notes The front-end will automatically convert the CMS-generated URL (example: /normal/page/alias?preview=&vid=32938&nid=4570) to the proper CMS request for this endpoint (sample request above).

View sample Content Revisions response
    "nid": [
        "value": 3004
    "uuid": [
        "value": "6c72a458-6158-4080-9282-52387841237e"
    "vid": [
        "value": 32906
    "langcode": [
        "value": "en"
    "type": [
        "target_id": "project",
        "target_type": "node_type",
        "target_uuid": "d5951988-9e07-45d9-9e6c-bbf540ed62cc"
    "revision_timestamp": [
        "value": 1573062807
    "revision_uid": [
        "target_id": 157,
        "target_type": "user",
        "target_uuid": "5525592e-00ce-486d-85af-ec9af8d2f563",
        "url": "/user/157"
    "revision_log": [],
    "status": [
        "value": false
    "uid": [
        "target_id": 17,
        "target_type": "user",
        "target_uuid": "7f5b2504-04b6-4cf2-b3fa-9419d595fd4e",
        "url": "/user/17"
    "title": [
        "value": "Wollaston Station Improvements"
    "created": [
        "value": 1506603085
    "changed": [
        "value": 1573062807
    "promote": [
        "value": true
    "sticky": [
        "value": false
    "default_langcode": [
        "value": true
    "revision_translation_affected": [
        "value": true
    "moderation_state": [
        "value": "draft"
    "sidebar": [
        "value": false
    "path": [
        "alias": "/projects/wollaston-station-improvements",
        "pid": 3292,
        "langcode": "en"
    "publish_on": [],
    "unpublish_on": [],
    "publish_state": [
        "value": "_none"
    "unpublish_state": [
        "value": "_none"
    "menu_link": [],
    "body": [
        "value": "",
        "format": "full_html",
        "processed": "",
        "summary": "Wollaston Station will be completely renovated to become an accessible, modern, code-compliant station. "
    "field_contact_information": [],
    "field_end_year": [],
    "field_featured": [
        "value": false
    "field_featured_image": [
        "target_id": 7529,
        "alt": "The building facade of the newly renovated Wollaston Station, viewed head on from the new parking lot.",
        "title": "",
        "width": 3000,
        "height": 1416,
        "target_type": "file",
        "target_uuid": "a9e940d3-23af-42b3-bcb0-c2258e3ab4ab",
        "url": "",
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg"
    "field_files": [],
    "field_image": [
        "url": "",
        "alt": "The building facade and entrances of newly renovated Wollaston Station, with the platform to the right, viewed from the parking lot."
    "field_keywords": [
        "value": "wollaston station wollaston closure wollaston closed wollaston shuttle wollaston bus shuttle wollaston shuttle bus"
    "field_media_email": [],
    "field_media_phone": [],
    "field_page_type": [
        "id": 19,
        "name": "Projects",
        "vocab": "page_type",
        "data": null
    "field_paragraphs": [
        "target_id": 6357,
        "target_revision_id": 232647,
        "id": [
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Returns the most recent, published banner. If both an "important" and non-important banner are published, the "important" banner will be returned. This is typically used for the top of the front-end's homepage.

Title Get the most recent, published banner or important notice..
URL /cms/banners
Result [] List | 1 item
Sample Request /cms/banners?_format=json
Notes There are no arguments or parameters for this endpoint.
Limited to single result.
Sort order is by type (important > non-important), then by publish date (DESC).
Only published items are considered.

View sample Banners response
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What's Happening

Returns a set of content typically used on the home page of the front-end.

Title Get the most recent, published what's happening items.
URL /cms/whats-happening
Result [] List | 5 items
Sample Request /cms/whats-happening?_format=json
Notes There are no arguments or parameters for this endpoint.
The API will return 2 items marked as sticky, followed by 3 items not marked as sticky.
Sort order is by sticky (sticky > not-sticky), then by publish date (DESC).
Only published items are considered.

View sample What's Happening response
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Returns a list of people content, typically used to show MBTA staff as a list or as a single person.

Title List all persons.
URL /cms/people
Result [] List | 10 items
URL Parameters
Node ID (single result): id={integer}
Example: id=244
Sample Request /cms/people?id=244&_format=json
Notes There is no sorting for this; the front-end is responsible for sorting.

View sample People response
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Deprecated Endpoints

These endpoints should no longer be used - they have been superceded by more efficient methods (above). They are documented here for comparison and reference for older branches.


Typically used with a pager to control navigation of offset results.

Title List of news (full objects). Returns 10 items
Result [] List | 10 items
URL /cms/news
URL Parameters
(all optional)
Node ID (single result): id={integer}
Example: id=123
Migration ID: migration_id={integer}
Example: migration_id=8891
Page: page={integer}
Example: page=0


Typically used with a start and end date range to limit results to a single month. Can also be used to filter events to only those related to a certain project by project_id.

Title List of events (full objects).
Result [] List | unlimited items
URL /cms/events
URL Parameters
(all optional)
Node ID (single result): id={integer}
Example: id=123
Project ID: project_id={integer}
Example: project_id=4456
Meeting ID: meeting_id={integer}
Example: meeting_id=8891
Start Time (greater-than-or-equal-to): start_time_gt={YYYY-MM-DD}
Example: start_time_gt=2020-01-02
End Time (less-than-or-equal-to): end_time_lt={YYYY-MM-DD}
Example: end_time_lt=2020-01-31


Used to list all projects, usually limited to a certain number to avoid timeouts.

Title List of projects (full objects).
Result [] List | unlimited items
URL /cms/projects
URL Parameters
(all optional)
Node ID (single result): id={integer}
Example: id=123
Limit: items_per_page={integer}
Example: items_per_page=50

Project Updates

Typically used to show all project updates related to a certain project (filtered by project_id).

Title List of project updates (full objects).
Result [] List | 10 items
URL /cms/project-updates
URL Parameters
(all optional)
Node ID (single result): id={integer}
Example: id=4461
Project ID: project_id={integer}
Example: project_id=4460

Recent News

Used on a single news page to show other recent news items EXCEPT the one currently being viewed.

Title List of news items (full objects). Returns 4 items
Result [] List | 4 items
URL /cms/recent-news
URL Parameters
Current Node ID: current_id={integer}
Example: current_id=323
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