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Created August 9, 2024 07:06
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// Released under the MIT License
import * as React from 'react';
export enum TransitionStates {
// `MOUNTED` means the child was mounted along with the parent transition group
// `ENTERED` means the child item was added AFTER the parent was mounted
// `YEETED` implies the element has been removed, but we are still waiting
// for its cleanup callback to be fired
function wrapChildrenDefault(children: React.ReactNode): React.ReactNode {
return children;
export type TransitionGroupRenderItem<T> = (
key: string,
item: T,
state: TransitionStates,
cleanUp: () => void,
) => React.ReactNode;
interface ItemCache<T> {
item: T;
children: React.ReactNode | null;
state: TransitionStates;
cleanUp: () => void;
renderItem: TransitionGroupRenderItem<T>;
type ItemCacheMap<T> = Map<string, ItemCache<T>>;
export interface TransitionGroupProps<T> {
items: T[];
renderItem: TransitionGroupRenderItem<T>;
getItemKey(item: T): string;
wrapChildren?: (children: React.ReactNode, items: T[]) => React.ReactNode;
cleanUpDebounceTimeout?: number;
export function TransitionGroup<T>({
wrapChildren = wrapChildrenDefault,
}: TransitionGroupProps<T>) {
const debounceRef = React.useRef(-1);
React.useLayoutEffect(() => () => clearTimeout(debounceRef.current));
const [, forceUpdate] = React.useState({});
// `null` value here allows us to determine the MOUNTED render
const previousItemCache = React.useRef<ItemCacheMap<T> | null>(null);
const itemCache = React.useMemo<ItemCacheMap<T>>(() => {
// Create id Set to track deleted items
const previousItems = new Set(previousItemCache.current?.keys());
// Duplicate itemCache to maintain sort order -- items order does not matter
const itemCache: ItemCacheMap<T> = new Map(previousItemCache.current);
for (const item of items) {
const key = getItemKey(item);
let itemData = itemCache.get(key);
// If the item doesn't exist, we should create it
if (itemData == null) {
const state = previousItemCache.current != null ? TransitionStates.ENTERED : TransitionStates.MOUNTED;
const cleanUp = () => {
const item = previousItemCache.current?.get(key);
if (item == null) {
// Silently do nothing if the element has already been YEETED - in
// practice when using things like animation completion handlers,
// it's often possible to have multiple cleanUp triggers, and it
// would be much nicer to not have to fix this at the call sites
} else if (item.state === TransitionStates.YEETED) {
// Actually clean up the item and re-render
if (cleanUpDebounceTimeout != null) {
debounceRef.current = setTimeout(() => forceUpdate({}), cleanUpDebounceTimeout);
} else {
} else {
// If we got in here it's because cleanUp was used improperly
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' &&
console.warn(`TransitionGroup.cleanUp: Attempted to remove an item that isn't yeetable: ${key}`);
const children = renderItem(key, item, state, cleanUp);
itemData = {item, children, state, cleanUp, renderItem};
// Only re-render children if item, renderItem or state has changed
else if (
itemData.item !== item ||
itemData.renderItem !== renderItem ||
// If this equates to true, it means a YEETED item was come back
itemData.state === TransitionStates.YEETED
) {
const {cleanUp} = itemData;
const state = itemData.state === TransitionStates.YEETED ? TransitionStates.ENTERED : itemData.state;
const children = renderItem(key, item, state, itemData.cleanUp);
itemData = {item, children, state, cleanUp, renderItem};
itemCache.set(key, itemData);
// Iterate through all the items to yeet
for (const key of previousItems) {
let itemData = itemCache.get(key);
if (itemData == null) continue;
// The item needs to be converted into a yeeted state and/or re-rendered
if (itemData.state !== TransitionStates.YEETED || itemData.renderItem !== renderItem) {
const {item, cleanUp} = itemData;
const children = renderItem(key, itemData.item, TransitionStates.YEETED, itemData.cleanUp);
const state = TransitionStates.YEETED;
itemData = {item, children, state, cleanUp, renderItem};
if (itemData.children != null) {
itemCache.set(key, itemData);
} else {
// An item that has been YEETED but not yet run cleanUp -- we need to
// hold onto it but there's nothing to do otherwise
else {
itemCache.set(key, itemData);
return itemCache;
}, [items, getItemKey, renderItem, cleanUpDebounceTimeout]);
React.useInsertionEffect(() => {
previousItemCache.current = itemCache;
// Lets try to ensure we keep leeks to a minimum, ok?
return () => previousItemCache.current?.clear();
}, [itemCache]);
const children: React.ReactNode[] = [];
for (const [, item] of itemCache) {
return <>{children.length > 0 ? wrapChildren(children, items) : null}</>;
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