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Last active September 12, 2023 06:02
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Zip ignore list from gitignore for React Native Project
zip -r <zip-file-name>.zip <folder-to-be-zipped> "**/dist/*" -x "**/tmp/*" -x "**/out-tsc/*" -x "**/.idea/*" -x "**/.project/*" -x "**/.classpath/*" -x "**/.c9/*" -x "**/.launch/*" -x "**/.settings/*" -x "**/.sublime-workspace/*" -x "**/.sass-cache/*" -x "**/connect.lock/*" -x "**/coverage/*" -x "**/libpeerconnection.log/*" -x "**/npm-debug.log/*" -x "**/yarn-error.log/*" -x "**/testem.log/*" -x "**/typings/*" -x "**/.DS_Store/*" -x "**/Thumbs.db/*" -x "**/build/*" -x "**/.pbxuser/*" -x "**/.mode1v3/*" -x "**/.mode2v3/*" -x "**/.perspectivev3/*" -x "**/xcuserdata/*" -x "**/.xccheckout/*" -x "**/.moved-aside/*" -x "**/DerivedData/*" -x "**/.hmap/*" -x "**/.ipa/*" -x "**/.xcuserstate/*" -x "**/ios/.xcode.env.local/*" -x "**/build/*" -x "**/.idea/*" -x "**/.gradle/*" -x "**/*" -x "**/.iml/*" -x "**/.hprof/*" -x "**/*/.cxx/*" -x "**/.yarn/*" -x "**/node_modules/*" -x "**/npm-debug.log/*" -x "**/yarn-error.log/*" -x "**/buck-out/*" -x "**/.buckd/*" -x "**/.keystore/*" -x "**/fastlane/report.xml/*" -x "**/fastlane/Preview.html/*" -x "**/*/fastlane/screenshots/*" -x "**/*/fastlane/test_output/*" -x "**/.jsbundle/*" -x "**/*/ios/Pods/*" -x "**/*/vendor/bundle/*"
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