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Created December 18, 2011 15:32
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Google: Let it snow
(function () {
var g = void 0,
k = !0,
m = null,
o = !1,
p, q = this,
r = function (a) {
var b = typeof a;
if ("object" == b) if (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
if (a instanceof Object) return b;
var c =;
if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object";
if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
} else return "null";
else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object";
return b
aa = function (a) {
var b = r(a);
return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length
u = function (a) {
return "string" == typeof a
ba = function (a) {
a = r(a);
return "object" == a || "array" == a || "function" == a
ca = function (a, b, c) {
return, arguments)
da = function (a, b, c) {
if (!a) throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function () {
var c =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
return a.apply(b, c)
return function () {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
v = function (a, b, c) {
v = Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? ca : da;
return v.apply(m, arguments)
ea = function (a, b) {
function c() {}
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.Sa = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c
Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind ||
function (a, b) {
if (1 < arguments.length) {
var c =, 1);
c.unshift(this, a);
return v.apply(m, c)
return v(this, a)
var w = function (a) {
this.stack = Error().stack || "";
if (a) this.message = "" + a
ea(w, Error); = "CustomError";
var fa = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) var d = ("" + arguments[c]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"),
a = a.replace(/\%s/, d);
return a
ma = function (a) {
if (!ga.test(a)) return a; - 1 != a.indexOf("&") && (a = a.replace(ha, "&amp;")); - 1 != a.indexOf("<") && (a = a.replace(ia, "&lt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf(">") && (a = a.replace(ka, "&gt;")); - 1 != a.indexOf('"') && (a = a.replace(la, "&quot;"));
return a
ha = /&/g,
ia = /</g,
ka = />/g,
la = /\"/g,
ga = /[&<>\"]/;
var x = function (a, b) {
b.unshift(a);, fa.apply(m, b));
this.Ra = a
ea(x, w); = "AssertionError";
var y = function (a, b, c) {
if (!a) {
var d =, 2),
f = "Assertion failed";
if (b) var f = f + (": " + b),
e = d;
throw new x("" + f, e || []);
var z = Array.prototype,
na = z.indexOf ?
function (a, b, c) {
y(a.length != m);
return, b, c)
} : function (a, b, c) {
c = c == m ? 0 : 0 > c ? Math.max(0, a.length + c) : c;
if (u(a)) return !u(b) || 1 != b.length ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, c);
for (; c < a.length; c++) if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
return -1
}, oa = z.forEach ?
function (a, b, c) {
y(a.length != m);, b, c)
} : function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, f = u(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < d; e++) e in f &&, f[e], e, a)
}, pa = function (a) {
return z.concat.apply(z, arguments)
}, qa = function (a) {
if ("array" == r(a)) return pa(a);
for (var b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) b[c] = a[c];
return b
}, ra = function (a, b, c) {
y(a.length != m);
return 2 >= arguments.length ?, b) :, b, c)
var A = function (a, b) {
this.x = a !== g ? a : 0;
this.y = b !== g ? b : 0
A.prototype.toString = function () {
return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")"
var sa = function (a, b) {
for (var c in a), a[c], c, a)
ta = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(","),
ua = function (a, b) {
for (var c, d, f = 1; f < arguments.length; f++) {
d = arguments[f];
for (c in d) a[c] = d[c];
for (var e = 0; e < ta.length; e++) c = ta[e],, c) && (a[c] = d[c])
var B, va, C, wa, xa = function () {
return q.navigator ? q.navigator.userAgent : m
wa = C = va = B = o;
var D;
if (D = xa()) {
var ya = q.navigator;
B = 0 == D.indexOf("Opera");
va = !B && -1 != D.indexOf("MSIE");
C = !B && -1 != D.indexOf("WebKit");
wa = !B && !C && "Gecko" == ya.product
var za = B,
E = va,
F = wa,
G = C,
a: {
var H = "",
if (za && q.opera) var Ba = q.opera.version,
H = "function" == typeof Ba ? Ba() : Ba;
else if (F ? I = /rv\:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/ : E ? I = /MSIE\s+([^\);]+)(\)|;)/ : G && (I = /WebKit\/(\S+)/), I) var Ca = I.exec(xa()),
H = Ca ? Ca[1] : "";
if (E) {
var Da, Ea = q.document;
Da = Ea ? Ea.documentMode : g;
if (Da > parseFloat(H)) {
Aa = "" + Da;
break a
Aa = H
var Fa = Aa,
Ga = {},
Ha = function (a) {
var b;
if (!(b = Ga[a])) {
b = 0;
for (var c = ("" + Fa).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "").split("."), d = ("" + a).replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "").split("."), f = Math.max(c.length, d.length), e = 0; 0 == b && e < f; e++) {
var h = c[e] || "",
n = d[e] || "",
j = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g"),
t = RegExp("(\\d*)(\\D*)", "g");
do {
var i = j.exec(h) || ["", "", ""],
l = t.exec(n) || ["", "", ""];
if (0 == i[0].length && 0 == l[0].length) break;
b = ((0 == i[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(i[1], 10)) < (0 == l[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(l[1], 10)) ? -1 : (0 == i[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(i[1], 10)) > (0 == l[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(l[1], 10)) ? 1 : 0) || ((0 == i[2].length) < (0 == l[2].length) ? -1 : (0 == i[2].length) > (0 == l[2].length) ? 1 : 0) || (i[2] < l[2] ? -1 : i[2] > l[2] ? 1 : 0)
} while (0 == b)
b = Ga[a] = 0 <= b
return b
Ia = {},
J = function (a) {
return Ia[a] || (Ia[a] = E && document.documentMode && document.documentMode >= a)
var Ja, Ka = !E || J(9);
!F && !E || E && J(9) || F && Ha("1.9.1");
E && Ha("9");
var La = function (a, b) {
var c;
c = (c = a.className) && "function" == typeof c.split ? c.split(/\s+/) : [];
var d = ra(arguments, 1),
f = c;
for (var e = 0, h = 0; h < d.length; h++) 0 <= na(f, d[h]) || (f.push(d[h]), e++);
f = e == d.length;
a.className = c.join(" ");
return f
var Ma = function (a) {
return a ? new K(L(a)) : Ja || (Ja = new K)
Na = function (a, b) {
var c = b && "*" != b ? b.toUpperCase() : "";
return a.querySelectorAll && a.querySelector && (!G || "CSS1Compat" == document.compatMode || Ha("528")) && c ? a.querySelectorAll(c + "") : a.getElementsByTagName(c || "*")
Pa = function (a, b) {
sa(b, function (b, d) {
"style" == d ? = b : "class" == d ? a.className = b : "for" == d ? a.htmlFor = b : d in Oa ? a.setAttribute(Oa[d], b) : 0 == d.lastIndexOf("aria-", 0) ? a.setAttribute(d, b) : a[d] = b
Oa = {
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
colspan: "colSpan",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
valign: "vAlign",
height: "height",
width: "width",
usemap: "useMap",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
maxlength: "maxLength",
type: "type"
Qa = function (a, b, c) {
function d(c) {
c && b.appendChild(u(c) ? a.createTextNode(c) : c)
for (var f = 2; f < c.length; f++) {
var e = c[f];
if (aa(e) && !(ba(e) && 0 < e.nodeType)) {
var h;
a: {
if (e && "number" == typeof e.length) {
if (ba(e)) {
h = "function" == typeof e.item || "string" == typeof e.item;
break a
if ("function" == r(e)) {
h = "function" == typeof e.item;
break a
h = o
oa(h ? qa(e) : e, d)
} else d(e)
L = function (a) {
return 9 == a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument || a.document
K = function (a) {
this.C = a || q.document || document
}; = function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.C,
f = arguments,
e = f[0],
h = f[1];
if (!Ka && h && ( || h.type)) {
e = ["<", e]; && e.push(' name="', ma(, '"');
if (h.type) {
e.push(' type="', ma(h.type), '"');
var n = {};
ua(n, h);
h = n;
delete h.type
e = e.join("")
e = d.createElement(e);
if (h) u(h) ? e.className = h : "array" == r(h) ? La.apply(m, [e].concat(h)) : Pa(e, h);
2 < f.length && Qa(d, e, f);
return e
K.prototype.createElement = function (a) {
return this.C.createElement(a)
K.prototype.createTextNode = function (a) {
return this.C.createTextNode(a)
K.prototype.appendChild = function (a, b) {
var M = function (a) {
var b;
a: {
b = L(a);
if (b.defaultView && b.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (b = b.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a, m))) {
b = b.position || b.getPropertyValue("position");
break a
b = ""
return b || (a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle.position : m) || &&
Ra = function (a) {
if (E && !J(8)) return a.offsetParent;
for (var b = L(a), c = M(a), d = "fixed" == c || "absolute" == c, a = a.parentNode; a && a != b; a = a.parentNode) if (c = M(a), d = d && "static" == c && a != b.documentElement && a != b.body, !d && (a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth || a.scrollHeight > a.clientHeight || "fixed" == c || "absolute" == c || "relative" == c)) return a;
return m
N = function (a) {
var b, c = L(a),
d = M(a),
f = F && c.getBoxObjectFor && !a.getBoundingClientRect && "absolute" == d && (b = c.getBoxObjectFor(a)) && (0 > b.screenX || 0 > b.screenY),
e = new A(0, 0),
b = c ? 9 == c.nodeType ? c : L(c) : document;
if (h = E) if (h = !J(9)) h = "CSS1Compat" != Ma(b).C.compatMode;
h = h ? b.body : b.documentElement;
if (a == h) return e;
if (a.getBoundingClientRect) {
b = a.getBoundingClientRect();
if (E) a = a.ownerDocument, b.left -= a.documentElement.clientLeft + a.body.clientLeft, -= a.documentElement.clientTop + a.body.clientTop;
a = Ma(c).C;
c = !G && "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode ? a.documentElement : a.body;
a = a.parentWindow || a.defaultView;
c = new A(a.pageXOffset || c.scrollLeft, a.pageYOffset || c.scrollTop);
e.x = b.left + c.x;
e.y = + c.y
} else if (c.getBoxObjectFor && !f) b = c.getBoxObjectFor(a), c = c.getBoxObjectFor(h), e.x = b.screenX - c.screenX, e.y = b.screenY - c.screenY;
else {
b = a;
do {
e.x += b.offsetLeft;
e.y += b.offsetTop;
b != a && (e.x += b.clientLeft || 0, e.y += b.clientTop || 0);
if (G && "fixed" == M(b)) {
e.x += c.body.scrollLeft;
e.y += c.body.scrollTop;
b = b.offsetParent
} while (b && b != a);
if (za || G && "absolute" == d) e.y -= c.body.offsetTop;
for (b = a;
(b = Ra(b)) && b != c.body && b != h;) if (e.x -= b.scrollLeft, !za || "TR" != b.tagName) e.y -= b.scrollTop
return e
Ta = function () {
var a = Ma(g),
b = m;
if (E) b = a.C.createStyleSheet(), Sa(b);
else {
var c = Na(a.C, "head")[0];
c || (b = Na(a.C, "body")[0], c ="head"), b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b));
b ="style");
a.appendChild(c, b)
Sa = function (a) {
E ? a.cssText = "canvas:active{cursor:pointer}" : a[G ? "innerText" : "innerHTML"] = "canvas:active{cursor:pointer}"
var O = function (a, b) {
var c = {},
for (d in b) c[d] =[d],[d] = b[d];
return c
P = function (a, b) {
this.M = a || m;
this.fa = m;
this.ya = b ||
function () {};
this.Q = 0;
this.ta = 0.05
Ua = function (a, b) {
a.ya = b
P.prototype.s = function () {
if (this.M && this.ta) {
this.Q += this.ta;
if (1 < this.Q) this.Q = 1, this.ta = 0, this.ya();
var a = "0 0 2px rgba(255,0,0," + this.Q + ")",
a = O(this.M, {
boxShadow: a,
MozBoxShadow: a,
webkitBoxShadow: a,
oBoxShadow: a,
msBoxShadow: a,
opacity: this.Q
if (!this.fa) this.fa = a
P.prototype.restore = function () {
this.M && this.fa && O(this.M, this.fa)
var Va = function () {
this.H = []
Va.prototype.k = function (a, b, c) {
if (a) {
var d = a,
f = b,
e = c;
d.addEventListener ? d.addEventListener(f, e, o) : d.attachEvent("on" + f, e)
var Wa = function (a, b, c) {
a && (a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, c, o) : a.detachEvent("on" + b, c))
var Xa = Math.PI / 2,
Q = function (a, b, c) { = a;
this.P = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute";
var a = Math.floor(3 * Math.random() + 0),
d = "\u2744";
1 < a ? d = "\u2745" : 2 < a && (d = "\u2746");
this.P.innerHTML = d;;
this.Y = c;
this.X = b;
Q.prototype.reset = function () {
this.x = Math.random() * this.X;
this.ea = 4.5 * Math.random() + 1;
this.y = -this.ea;
this.B = 2 * Math.random() + -1;
this.xa = this.ea;
var a = Math.floor(255 * (0.4 * Math.random() + 0.5)).toString(16);
O(this.P, {
fontSize: 2.5 * this.ea + "px",
left: this.x + "px",
top: this.y + "px",
color: "#" + a + a + a
Q.prototype.move = function (a, b) {
this.y += this.B * b + this.xa * a;
this.B += 0.2 * Math.random() + -0.1;
if (-1 > this.B) this.B = -1;
else if (1 < this.B) this.B = 1;
this.x += this.B * a + this.xa * b;
this.y > this.Y + this.ea && this.reset()
Q.prototype.s = function () { = this.x + "px"; = this.y + "px"
var R = function (a) { = a;
this.X = a.offsetWidth;
this.Y = a.offsetHeight;
this.da = [];
this.ra = 1; = 0;
this.Ma = !! navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)
R.prototype.s = function () {
200 > this.da.length && 0.5 > Math.random() && this.da.push(new Q(, this.X, this.Y));
for (var a = 0, b; b = this.da[a]; a++) b.move(this.ra,, b.s()
R.prototype.Ca = function (a) {
if (this.Ma) {
var b = window.orientation & 2,
c = b ? a.beta : a.gamma / 2,
a = b ? 0 > a.gamma ? 1 : -1 : 0 > a.beta ? -1 : 1;
if (c && 45 > Math.abs(c)) c = a * Xa * (c / 45), this.ra = Math.cos(c), = Math.sin(c)
} else {
if (!a.gamma && a.x) a.gamma = -(a.x * (180 / Math.PI));
if (a.gamma && 90 > Math.abs(a.gamma)) c = Xa * (a.gamma / 90), this.ra = Math.cos(c), = Math.sin(c)
R.prototype.N = function (a, b) {
O(, {
width: a + "px",
height: b + "px"
this.X = a;
this.Y = b;
for (var c = 0, d; d = this.da[c]; c++) {
var f = b;
d.X = a;
d.Y = f
var Ya = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.oa = b;
this.g = a;
this.x = c;
this.y = d;
this.width = b.width;
this.height = b.height; = (this.width + 120) / 88;
this.Ea = (this.height + 120) / 66; = 0;
this.$ = o;
this.w = [];
this.G = [];
for (a = 0; 66 > a; a++) {
this.w[a] = [];
this.G[a] = [];
b = Math.min(a, 65 - a);
for (c = 0; 88 > c; c++) d = Math.min(c, 87 - c), 8 > d || 8 > b ? (d = 1 - Math.min(d, b) / 8, this.G[a].push(4 * Math.random() * d * d)) : this.G[a].push(0), this.w[a].push(0)
this.S = 0;
this.L = [];
this.v = m;
this.ka = [];
this.W = this.aa = 0;
this.I = m; = o
Za = function (a, b, c) {
b = (b + 60) / | 0;
c = (c + 60) / a.Ea | 0;
return [b, c]
$a = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0, f = c - 1; f <= c + 1; f++) for (var e = b - 1; e <= b + 1; e++) var h = a,
n = e,
j = f,
n = Math.max(0, Math.min(87, n)),
j = Math.max(0, Math.min(65, j)),
d = d + h.w[j][n];
return d / 9
ab = function (a, b) {
a.$ = k;
b.fillStyle = "rgba(240,246,246,0.8)";
b.fillRect(0, 0, b.canvas.width, b.canvas.height)
Ya.prototype.s = function (a) {
if (!(this.$ || 88 < || 5808 < this.S)) {
a.fillStyle = "rgba(240,246,246,0.08)";
for (var b = 0; 200 > b; b++) {
var c = Math.random() * (this.width + 120) - 60,
d = Math.random() * (this.height + 120) - 60,
f = Za(this, c, d),
e = this.w[f[1]][f[0]];
e >= 4 * (1 + Math.random()) / 2 && (c |= 0, d |= 0, a.beginPath(), a.arc(c, d, e / 4 * | 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI, k), a.fill(), a.closePath(), this.S++)
for (b = 0; 200 > b; b++) if (c = Math.random() * (this.width + 120) - 60, d = Math.random() * (this.height + 120) - 60, f = Za(this, c, d), e = this.w[f[1]][f[0]], f = this.G[f[1]][f[0]], e = 2 > e ? Math.max(e, f) : f, e >= Math.random()) e = 3 * Math.min(1, e) * | 0, c |= 0, d |= 0, f = a.createRadialGradient(c, d, 0, c, d, e), f.addColorStop(0, "rgba(240,246,246,0.16)"), f.addColorStop(1, "rgba(240,246,246,0)"), a.fillStyle = f, a.fillRect(c - e + 1, d - e + 1, 2 * e - 1, 2 * e - 1), this.S++
for (b = 0; b < this.L.length; b++) this.L[b].s(a)
var cb = function (a, b) {
a.ka = b;
a.aa = 0;
a.W = 0;
a.I = m
bb = function (a) {
if (!(a.v || a.aa >= a.ka.length)) {
var b = a.ka[a.aa].O;
if (!a.I) a.I = new S, a.L.push(a.I);, b[a.W]);
if (a.W >= b.length) a.W = 0, a.aa++, a.I = m
T = function (a, b) {
a.v &&[0], b[1])
db = function (a) {
a.g.k(window, "touchmove", v(a.Ka, a));
a.g.k(window, "touchstart", v(a.La, a));
a.g.k(window, "touchend", v(a.Ja, a));
a.g.k(window, "mousemove", v(a.Ha, a));
a.g.k(window, "mousedown", v(a.Ga, a));
a.g.k(window, "mouseup", v(a.Ia, a))
p = Ya.prototype;
p.Ha = function (a) {
this.v && ! && T(this, [a.clientX - this.x | 0, a.clientY - this.y | 0])
p.Ga = function (a) {
if (( || a.srcElement) == this.oa && (0 == a.button || 1 == a.button)) {
var b = [a.clientX - this.x | 0, a.clientY - this.y | 0];
this.v = new S;
T(this, b);
return o
p.Ia = function () {
this.v = m
p.La = function (a) { = k;
a = a.touches.item(0);
a = [a.clientX - this.x | 0, a.clientY - this.y | 0];
this.v = new S;
T(this, a)
p.Ja = function (a) { = o;
this.v = m;
return o
p.Ka = function (a) {
var b = a.touches.item(0);
T(this, [b.clientX - this.x | 0, b.clientY - this.y | 0]);
return o
p.N = function (a, b, c) {
this.oa.width = a;
this.oa.height = b;
this.width = a;
this.height = b;
ab(this, c)
var S = function () {
this.Qa = this.Oa = 30;
this.O = []
}; = function (a, b) {
this.O.push([a, b])
S.prototype.s = function (a) {
if (0 != this.O.length) {
var b = a.globalCompositeOperation;
a.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
a.lineWidth = this.Oa;
a.lineCap = "round";
a.lineJoin = "round";
var c = this.O[0];
a.moveTo(c[0], c[1] - 1);
for (var d = 0; c = this.O[d]; d++) a.lineTo(c[0], c[1]);
a.globalCompositeOperation = b
var U = function (a) {
this.n = this.o = m;
this.g = a;
this.D = new P
eb = function (a) {
if (!a.o) return m;
var b = document.createElement("button"),
c = N(a.o),
d = a.o.offsetWidth,
a = a.o.offsetHeight;
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/) && (d = 86, a = 40);
document.getElementById("skb") ? (b.className = "lsbb", O(b, {
fontSize: "15px",
color: "#374A82"
}), b.innerHTML = "\u2652", c.y -= 1) : (b.innerHTML = "Defrost", O(b, {
backgroundColor: "#4d90fe",
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this.D = new P;
this.m = m
fb = function (a) {
function b(a) {
return d.charAt(a >> 6 & 63) + d.charAt(a & 63)
function c(a) {
var c = 0;
0 > a && (c = 32, a = -a);
return b(c | a & 31).charAt(1)
for (var d = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", a = a.i.L, f = [], e = 0, h; h = a[e]; ++e) {
var n = [];
h = h.O;
for (var j = m, t = 0, i; i = h[t]; t++) j && 32 > Math.abs(i[0] - j[0]) && 32 > Math.abs(i[1] - j[1]) ? (j = [i[0] - j[0], i[1] - j[1]], n.push(c(j[0]) + c(j[1]))) : n.push((0 == t ? "" : ";") + (b(i[0]) + b(i[1]))), j = i;
return "1;" + f.join("!")
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function b(a) {
var b = String.fromCharCode(a);
return "A" <= b && "Z" >= b ? a - 65 : "a" <= b && "z" >= b ? a - 97 + 26 : "0" <= b && "9" >= b ? a - 48 + 52 : "-" == b ? 62 : "_" == b ? 63 : m
function c(a, c) {
var d = b(a.charCodeAt(c)),
e = b(a.charCodeAt(c + 1));
return d === m || e === m ? m : d << 6 | e
function d(a, c) {
var d = b(a.charCodeAt(c));
if (d === m) return m;
d & 32 && (d = -(d & 31));
return d
var f = /&frostwriting=([A-Za-z0-9-_!;]+)/.exec(window.location.href);
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if (0 == h) return o;
s = k
if (0 == h || !i || s) {
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s = c(j, l + 2);
if (i === m || s === m) return o;, s);
i = [i, s];
l += 4
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if (l + 1 >= j.length) return o;
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ja = d(j, l + 1);
if (s === m || ja === m) return o;[0] + s, i[1] + ja);
i = [i[0] + s, i[1] + ja];
l += 2
cb(a.i, e);
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hb = function () {
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V.prototype.wa = function (a) {
return o
V.prototype.Fa = function (a) {
var b = fb(this),
c = hb() + "&frostwriting=" + b;
if ("1;" == b) W(this, hb(), "Draw something on your window. #letitsnow");
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this.m = setTimeout(v(function () {
W(this, window.location.href, "My drawing is too complex to share, but you should try this out and have fun, anyway. #letitsnow");
this.m = m
}, this), 5E3)
} else W(this, c, "Check out what I drew. #letitsnow");
return this.wa(a)
var W = function (a, b, c) {
if (a.m !== m) clearTimeout(a.m), a.m = m;
gbar.asmc(function () {
return {
items: [{
properties: {
url: [b],
name: ["Google - Let it snow!"],
image: [""],
description: [c]
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d.initEvent("click", k, o);
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"SPAN" == this.a.tagName ? = "20px" : this.D.M = this.a;
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this.g.k(this.a, "mousedown", v(this.wa, this))
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this.m !== m && clearTimeout(this.m);
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var d = a.H[c];
d && d[0] == b && (Wa.apply(m, d), a.H[c] = m)
this.p.parentNode.insertBefore(this.a, this.p);
this.p = this.a = m
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V.prototype.Na = function (a) {
a && "OK" == a.status && !a.error && && (clearTimeout(this.m), W(this,, "Check out what I drew. #letitsnow"))
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Y = "goog.egg.snowyfog.Snowyfog".split("."),
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!(Y[0] in Z) && Z.execScript && Z.execScript("var " + Y[0]);
for (var $; Y.length && ($ = Y.shift());)!Y.length && X !== g ? Z[$] = X : Z = Z[$] ? Z[$] : Z[$] = {};
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this.g = new Va;
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this.J = new U(this.g);
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X.prototype.Pa = function () {
this.ha = k;
for (var a = this.g, b = 0; b < a.H.length; ++b) {
var c = a.H[b];
c && (Wa.apply(m, c), a.H[b] = m)
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var lb = function (a) {
if (!a.ia) a.ia = k, = "auto", Ta(), db(a.i),, (a) {
this.Z = o;
this.i = m;
this.h && this.h.parentNode.removeChild(this.h);
this.h = m;
}, a))
mb = function (a) {
if (a.Z) {
var b = a.i;
if (!(580.8 > b.S) && !(b.$ || 88 < {
for (var c = b.S = 0, d = 0; 66 > d; d++) for (var f = 0; 88 > f; f++) b.w[d][f] += b.G[d][f], 3.5 <= b.w[d][f] && c++;;
if (c >= 70.4 * 66) b.$ = k;
else for (d = 0; 66 > d; d++) for (f = 0; 88 > f; f++) if (c = 4 - b.w[d][f], c > 4 * Math.random() && 0.7 < Math.random()) {
var e = Math.min(1, 3 * $a(b, f, d)) * Math.random();
b.G[d][f] = c * e
} else b.G[d][f] = 0
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window.setTimeout(this.ja, 50);
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this.A && this.R && mb(this)
X.prototype.resize = X.prototype.N;
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o_______o too compressed.

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akayj commented Oct 10, 2012

hard to figure out what is it ……

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