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Last active May 10, 2022 09:51
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Running Backtrader
import backtrader as bt
import yfinance as yf
def get_yf_data(ticker="BTC-USD", interval="1d", period="max", **kwargs):
A function that returns a Backtrader data feed using Yahoo Finance API
ticker - Yahoo Finance Ticket to fetch
interval - Interval defined by yfinance docs
period - Time period of return as defined by yfinance
kwargs - Further key word arguments for yfinance history interaction
ticker_yf = yf.Ticker(ticker)
hist = ticker_yf.history(period=period, interval=interval, kwargs)
return bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname = hist)
class ComissionInfo(bt.CommissionInfo):
Commission Object mainly used to define getsize
getsize allows for the buying or selling of fractional shares
params = (
("commission", 0.00075),
("margin", None),
("commtype", None)
def getsize(self, price, cash):
"""Returns fractional size for cash operation @price"""
return self.p.leverage * (cash / price)
class CashMarket(bt.analyzers.Analyzer):
Analyzer returning a dict of account value
def create_analysis(self):
self.rets = {}
def notify_cashvalue(self, cash, value):
total = cash + value
self.rets[self.strategy.datetime.datetime()] = math.floor(total)
def get_analysis(self):
return self.rets
data = get_yf_data()
cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
# Add Data and Strategy to the bt instance
# Add TimeReturn and our own Cash Market Analyser, cerbero returns these as a list
# results.analyzer[]
ankwargs = dict(timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Years)
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.TimeReturn, fund=True, **ankwargs)
## Add Comm for fractional shares
# Set our starting cash on the account
results =
cerebro.plot(iplot=False, style='candlestick')
return results
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