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Created June 16, 2022 15:45
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This thought struck me as I read Thomas Dohmkes recent remarks at WeAreDevelopers.
Data tells us that AI can already write ~40% of the code developed during a typical day. Thats not necessarily a bad thing. The purpose of your AI Copilot is not for "developer productivity", it is to achieve the impact that is realized by improving developer happiness.
By eliminating the more mundane aspects of software development and enabling developers to focus on the creative or higher order aspects of their work, we truly unlock their ability to be innovative. Developers who are innovating or solving challenging difficult problems are happier. Teams with happy developers have an easier time attracting and retaining talent and companies who foster innovation are more profitable because they measurably improve the lives of their stakeholders.
As a software developer, AI can be your best friend, fighting the daily onslaught of mundane tasks. Your copilot is not to be feared as the next wave of intellectual outsourcing. It can have a profoundly positive, cascading impact on your direct and transitive spheres of influence.
A quick anecdote. I was recently challenged when demoing Copilot at a large financial services provider. The engineer pointed out that copilots implementation of an algorithm wasn't the most efficient, instead stackoverflow had a better solution. How to reconcile this? It only struck me now that the value copilot brought was in the initial scaffolding of that algorithm, empowering the developer to accept its performance, seek a known more performant solution or innovate.
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