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Alexander Altshuler altexy

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altexy / gist:f94a809668aca284c6777e776ded412b
Last active November 2, 2018 11:16
proxy with upstream connections keepalive
worker_processes auto;
worker_rlimit_nofile 65535;
error_log /certs/error.log debug;
events {
worker_connections 15000;
multi_accept on;
use epoll;
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var logger = require('morgan');
let atob = require('atob');
let btoa = require('btoa');
let fs = require('fs-extra');
let mcache = require('memory-cache');
const client = require('node-rest-client').Client
let consolidation = {}
consolidation.token = ""
local function read_file(path)
local file = io_open(path, "rb") -- r read mode and b binary mode
if not file then return nil, "Cannot open file: " .. path end
local content = file:read "*a" -- *a or *all reads the whole file
return content
FROM openresty/openresty:alpine
COPY nginx.conf /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf
COPY test.lua /usr/local/openresty/nginx/test.lua
COPY required.lua /usr/local/openresty/lualib/required.lua
UInt32 Resource::GetDiskInfoEx(PVoid buffer, UInt32 bufferSize, LPDWORD bytesReturned)
if (nullptr == buffer)
LogEvent(LOG_ERROR, L"Resource::GetDiskInfoEx: null buffer error: 0x%x", ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
struct StorageValueList
static ngx_int_t my_http_body_filter(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_chain_t *in)
ngx_int_t rc;
ngx_uint_t last;
ngx_chain_t *cl;
ngx_http_request_t *sr;
ngx_str_t uri = SOME_INTERNAL_URI;
if (in == NULL || r->header_only ) {
return ngx_http_next_body_filter(r, in);
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#define __USE_GNU
#include <dlfcn.h>
LUALIB_API int luaopen_my_module_core (lua_State *L)
/* TODO - Windows version, DllMain, then GetModuleFileName */
Dl_info dl_info;
dladdr((void *)luaopen_my_module_core, &dl_info);