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Ian Moss alterisian

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urbed /
Last active March 9, 2017 12:15
Any comments please?
  1. Im reasonably happy to live with the method in the controller, unless you say otherwise.

  2. I've looked in vain for an authorative answer for the 'neater syntax' part of this: If I wanted a categories controller with simpy a param[:id] for both URLs below, what would I write in routes.rb please? I reckon this involves writing two GET directives in a particular order in routes.rb, but is there a neater syntax?

  GET /categories/:id/show_full    categories#show_full
  GET	 /categories/:id             categories#show
  1. So I believe I'm doing three (N+1) queries to display that page. If I was concerned about performance (one day I will be) what lines of attack do I have to reduce a performance hit?


alterisian / fixnum_ordinalize.rb
Created November 27, 2012 13:07
Adds ordinalize i.e. th,st,rd to a number for use in date string outputs
class Fixnum
def ordinalize
if (11..13).include?(self % 100)
case self % 10
when 1; "#{self}st"
when 2; "#{self}nd"
when 3; "#{self}rd"
else "#{self}th"
eightbitraptor / go go TDD
Created October 19, 2011 10:40
My 2 favourite config lines ever
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *_spec.rb
\ map ;t :w\|:!rspec --no-color %<cr>
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *_test.rb
\ map ;t :w\|:!ruby -Ilib %<cr>
ryanb /
Created May 6, 2011 01:10
The Changelogs for Rails 3.1 Beta 1

Railties 3.1 RC4

  • The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. [fxn]

  • Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. [fxn]

  • Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby [Rashmi Yadav]

  • Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby [Vishnu Atrai]

jeffkreeftmeijer / bassie.png
Created April 11, 2011 12:01
Colored image blob detection
alterisian / grailsCheatSheet
Created November 11, 2010 11:55
Grails Command Line Cheat Sheet
grails create-app Creates a Grails application for the given name
grails create-domain-class Creates a new domain class
grails generate-all Generates a CRUD interface (controller + views) for a domain class
grails install-plugin Installs a plug-in for the given URL or name and version
grails create-controller Creates a new controller
grails interactive Starts Grails CLI (script runner) in interactive mode.
Keeps the JVM running between grails commands for faster script execution.
grails console Load the Grails interactive Swing console
grails run-app grails [environment]* run-app - Runs a Grails application