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Last active November 14, 2023 14:12
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Batch script to rename files in a specified directory based on a user-defined template.
:: Batch Script: FileRenamer.bat
:: Description:
:: This batch script renames files in a specified directory based on a user-defined template.
:: It allows customization of the renaming process by providing options for directory,
:: template, file pattern, delimiter, and starting index.
:: Usage:
:: FileRenamer.bat [-d <directory>] [-t <template>] [-p <pattern>] [-del <delimiter>] [-i <index>]
:: Options:
:: -d <directory> Specify the target directory. Default is the current directory.
:: -t <template> Specify the filename template. Default is "{i}{d}{name}.{ext}".
:: -p <pattern> Specify the file matching pattern using wildcards. Default is "*".
:: -del <delimiter> Specify the delimiter used in the new filenames. Default is a space.
:: -i <index> Specify the starting index for renaming files. Default is 1.
:: Example:
:: FileRenamer.bat -d "C:\MyFiles" -t "{name}_{i}.{ext}" -p "*.txt" -del "_" -i 100
:: Script Logic:
:: 1. Parses command line arguments to customize the renaming process.
:: 2. Loops through files matching the specified pattern in the specified directory.
:: 3. Generates new filenames using the specified template and updates file names accordingly.
:: Note:
:: Ensure to test the script on a small set of files before bulk renaming to avoid unintentional changes.
:: Author: Solovyev Aleksey <>
:: Date: 14.11.2023
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Set the console code page to UTF-8 to support Unicode characters
chcp 65001 > nul
:: Initialize variables
set "delimiter= "
set "directory=%CD%"
set "index=1"
set "pattern=*"
set "template={i}{d}{name}.{ext}"
:: Parse command line arguments
if "%~1"=="" goto :args_done
if /i "%~1"=="-d" (
set "directory=%~2"
) else if /i "%~1"=="-t" (
set "template=%~2"
) else if /i "%~1"=="-p" (
set "pattern=%~2"
) else if /i "%~1"=="-del" (
set "delimiter=%~2"
) else if /i "%~1"=="-i" (
set "index=%~2"
goto :parse_args
cd "%directory%"
:: Loop through files matching the specified pattern
for %%F in (%pattern%) do (
:: Ensure the index is two digits (padded with leading zeros if needed)
if !index! lss 10 set index=0!index!
:: Generate the new name using the template and replace placeholders
set name=%template:{i}=!index!%
set name=!name:{d}=%delimiter:"=%!
set name=!name:{name}=%%~nF!
set name=!name:{ext}=%%~xF!
set name=!name:..=.!
ren "%%F" "!name!"
set /a "index+=1"
exit /b 0
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