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Created January 9, 2019 07:31
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | A simple graph library
module Graph
( -- * Creating graphs
, newGraph
, node
, Graph(..)
, Vertex(..)
, Node(..)
-- * Topological sort
, topologicalSort
-- * Drawing graphs
, viewGraph
, graphviz
-- * Internal types
, MGraph(..)
, Vertex_(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.List
import Data.STRef
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector.Mutable (MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
-- * Graph API
-- | a 'Node' is just an integer identifier.
newtype Node = Node
{ nodeId :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Num)
-- | An "incomplete" version of 'Vertex' where we do not
-- yet have the output nodes handy, nor the labels. Used
-- when building the graph.
data Vertex_ a = Vertex_
{ vlabel :: !a
, vid :: Node
, vinputs :: [Node]
} deriving (Functor, Eq, Show)
-- | A "mutable graph".
data MGraph s a = MGraph
{ graphData :: !(STRef s (MVector s (Vertex_ a)))
, nextNode :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(STRef s Node)
-- | A vertex in our 'Graph's. Contains the 'label',
-- the node 'ident'ifier, the 'inputs' nodes and 'outputs'
-- nodes of this vertex.
data Vertex a = Vertex
{ label :: !a
, ident :: Node
, inputs :: [(Node, a)]
, outputs :: [(Node, a)]
} deriving (Functor, Eq, Show)
-- | A 'Graph' as collection of vertices.
newtype Graph a = Graph
{ graphArray :: Vector (Vertex a)
} deriving (Functor, Eq, Show)
-- | Initialize a new mutable graph.
newGraph :: ST s (MGraph s a)
newGraph = do
mv0 <- 8
v0 <- newSTRef mv0
n0 <- newSTRef 0
return (MGraph v0 n0)
-- | @node g a xs@ adds a vertex with label @a@
-- and inputs @xs@ to the graph @g@, returning
-- the identifier of the newly added node.
node :: MGraph s a -> a -> [Node] -> ST s Node
node mg a xs = do
mv <- readSTRef (graphData mg)
Node nodeid <- readSTRef (nextNode mg)
let arrSize = MV.length mv
available = arrSize - nodeid
| available < 1 = do mv' <- MV.grow mv (2 * arrSize)
writeSTRef (graphData mg) mv'
return mv'
| otherwise = return mv
targetVec <- getTarget
MV.write targetVec nodeid (Vertex_ a (Node nodeid) xs)
modifySTRef' (nextNode mg) (+1)
return (Node nodeid)
buildOutputs :: Vector (Vertex_ a) -> Vector [(Node, a)]
buildOutputs v = runST $ do
mv <- (V.length v)
forM_ v $ \(Vertex_ a n@(Node i) is) -> do
MV.write mv i []
forM_ is $ \(Node j) ->
MV.modify mv (++[(n, a)]) j
V.freeze mv
buildGraph :: Vector (Vertex_ a) -> Graph a
buildGraph v = Graph ( f v)
where f (Vertex_ a nid@(Node i) is) = Vertex a nid (map lkp is) (outputs V.! i)
lkp n@(Node i) = (n, vlabel (v V.! i))
outputs = buildOutputs v
freezeGraph :: MGraph s a -> ST s (Graph a)
freezeGraph mg = do
numNodes <- (\(Node n) -> n) <$> readSTRef (nextNode mg)
mv <- MV.take numNodes <$> readSTRef (graphData mg)
v <- V.freeze mv
return (buildGraph v)
-- | Turn a computation returning a mutable graph into
-- an immutable 'Graph'.
-- @
-- ex = runGraph $ do
-- g <- newGraph
-- a <- node g \"A\" []
-- b <- node g \"B\" [a]
-- c <- node g \"C\" [a, b]
-- return g
-- @
runGraph :: (forall s. ST s (MGraph s a)) -> Graph a
runGraph f = runST (freezeGraph =<< f)
buildEdges :: Vector (Vertex a) -> [(Node, Node)]
buildEdges v = [ (ni, n)
| Vertex _ n is _ <- V.toList v
, (ni, _) <- is
-- | Returns an error if the graph has cycles, a list of
-- all the vertices of the graph sorted in topological order
-- otherwise.
topologicalSort :: Graph a -> [Vertex a]
topologicalSort (Graph v) =
let (nodes, result) = runST $ do
nodes0 <- newSTRef startNodes
edges0 <- newSTRef edgeList
res0 <- newSTRef []
go nodes0 edges0 res0
if not (null nodes)
then error "topologicalSort: the graph has cycles"
else result
where startNodes = V.toList (V.filter (null . inputs) v)
edgeList = buildEdges v
go nodes edges res = do
ns <- readSTRef nodes
case ns of
[] -> (,) <$> readSTRef edges <*> readSTRef res
(vtx:vs) -> do
modifySTRef' nodes tail
modifySTRef' res (++[vtx])
forM_ (outputs $ v V.! nodeId (ident vtx)) $ \(i, a) -> do
es <- readSTRef edges
writeSTRef edges (es \\ [(ident vtx, i)])
let noOtherIncomingEdge = (==1) . length $ filter ((==i) . snd) es
when noOtherIncomingEdge $
modifySTRef' nodes (\xs -> xs ++ [v V.! nodeId i])
go nodes edges res
-- * Graphviz
-- | Generates the graphviz description of the graph
graphviz :: Graph String -> String
graphviz g = unlines . wrapGraph . foldMap collect $ graphArray g
where collect (Vertex a _ is os) = (" \"" ++ a ++ "\";") : map (ppEdgeToFrom a . snd) is
ppEdgeToFrom lbl1 lbl2 = " \"" ++ lbl2 ++ "\" -> \"" ++ lbl1 ++ "\";"
wrapGraph xs = [ "digraph g {" ] ++ xs ++ [ "}", "" ]
invokeDot :: Graph String -> IO FilePath
invokeDot g = do
fpin <- writeSystemTempFile "" (graphviz g)
fpout <- emptySystemTempFile "graph.png"
callCommand $ "dot -Tpng " ++ fpin ++ " -o " ++ fpout
return fpout
viewDot :: FilePath -> IO ()
viewDot fp = callCommand $ "xdg-open " ++ fp
-- | Visualise the graph by calling out to the @dot@ command
-- and then using @xdg-open@ to open an image viewer.
viewGraph :: Graph String -> IO ()
viewGraph = invokeDot >=> viewDot
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