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Created March 24, 2019 19:22
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Hungarian Method, wrapper around scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
def make_assignments(xDF):
a simple wrapper around the
which implements the Hungarian Algorithm
# Input:
# a rectangular dataframe with costs (cost matrix)
# Format:
# rowsxcolumns = rows = workers, cols = tasks
a dataframe with optimized assignments
# N.B: INDEX of the dataframe MUST be ids of the workers
# if more tasks than workers, we need to clone the workers
# see stackoverflow question : "Hungarian algorithm: multiple jobs per worker"
# see
# see docs on the scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment can deal with
# about input as rectangular matrix
# and also another inspiration
1. add DISALLOWED assignements
N.B: Bug in the scipy when values and np.Inf or np.nan
see stackoverflow:
2. ??? CONTROLING maximum number of tasks per worker and number
of workers per tasks ?? maybe through "cloning" (i.e. skipping)
example from
cost_matrix = [[5, 9, 1],
[10, 3, 2],
[8, 7, 4]]
df = pd.DataFrame(cost_matrix,
columns=['task_1', 'task_2', 'task_3'],
index = ['worker_1', 'worker_2', 'worker_3'])
# How many clone are needed
# needed if more tasks than workeds
xclone_needed =[1] / xDF.shape[0])) - 1
xDF_clones = pd.DataFrame(xDF.values,
columns = xDF.columns,
index = [x + '_clone_1' for x in xDF.index])
# make the clones
for xclone_nr in range(2, 2+xclone_needed):
xClone = pd.DataFrame(xDF.values,
columns = xDF.columns,
index = [x + '_clone_'+ str(xclone_nr) for x in xDF.index])
xDF_clones = xDF_clones.append(xClone)
# make the optimization of the assignemenrs
workers_idx, tasks_idx = linear_sum_assignment(xDF_clones.values)
# get values by indices
x_tasks = np.take(a = xDF_clones.columns,
indices = tasks_idx)
x_workers_1 = np.take(a = xDF_clones.index,
indices = workers_idx)
# for workers we need to get the aggregate the tasks of the
# clones
x_workers = [x.split('_clone')[0] for x in x_workers_1]
xDF_Res = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x_workers, x_tasks)),
columns=['worker', 'task'])
return xDF_Res
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