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mehulmpt / profiles.json
Last active December 11, 2021 09:58
Sample profiles.json for new Windows Terminal
"defaultProfile": "{09dc5eef-6840-4050-ae69-21e55e6a2e62}",
"initialRows": 30,
"initialCols": 120,
"alwaysShowTabs": true,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
"experimental_showTabsInTitlebar": true,
"profiles": [
"guid": "{09dc5eef-6840-4050-ae69-21e55e6a2e62}",
shanselman / profile.json
Created May 7, 2019 04:22
Windows Terminal Profile
"defaultProfile": "{7d04ce37-c00f-43ac-ba47-992cb1393215}",
"initialRows": 30,
"initialCols": 120,
"alwaysShowTabs": true,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
"experimental_showTabsInTitlebar": true,
"requestedTheme": "dark",
"profiles": [
cecilemuller /
Last active September 21, 2024 19:19
How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

This focuses on generating the certificates for loading local virtual hosts hosted on your computer, for development only.

Do not use self-signed certificates in production ! For online certificates, use Let's Encrypt instead (tutorial).

* Bresenham Curve Rasterizing Algorithms
* @author Zingl Alois
* @date 17.12.2014
* @version 1.3
* @url
function assert(a) {
if (!a) console.log("Assertion failed in bresenham.js "+a);
augbog / Free O'Reilly
Last active July 23, 2024 15:24
Free O'Reilly Books

Free O'Reilly books and convenient script to just download them.

Thanks /u/FallenAege/ and /u/ShPavel/ from this Reddit post

How to use:

  1. Take the file and put it into a directory where you want the files to be saved.
  2. cd into the directory and make sure that it has executable permissions (chmod +x should do it)
  3. Run ./ and wee there it goes. Also if you do not want all the files, just simply comment the ones you do not want.
MehdiNS / ordered_dithering.txt
Last active October 30, 2023 17:15
Ordered dithering explanation
(Written as a way to stop forgetting these things.
May be wrong sometimes, as it's just the result of my research here and there.
If it helps you, give me a shout!)
Ordered dithering is a technique used to reduce - deliberately! - the precision of an image.
Motivation : artistic (mainly ?), color quantization --> reduce the number of color in an image
kitmenke / finderrors.ps1
Created August 1, 2016 02:45
Working in progress: powershell script to automatically fix DCOM errors which show up in the event log
# Get-EvengLog doesn't quite work I guess:
# Get-EventLog Application -EntryType Error -Source "DistributedCOM"
# The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
#$logs = Get-EventLog -LogName "System" -EntryType Error -Source "DCOM" -Newest 1 -Message "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID*"
# 2 is error
# 3 is warning
$EVT_MSG = "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID"
# Search for System event log ERROR entries starting with the specified EVT_MSG
$logEntry = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='System'; Level=2} | Where-Object { $_.Message -like "$EVT_MSG*" } | Select-Object -First 1
eddieh /
Last active March 7, 2024 20:33
libevent vs libuv

libevent vs libuv

Comparing libevent and libuv. My upfront biased: I want to like libevent. However, I want to objectively compare the two and make an informed decision.

What versions are we comparing?

  • libevent 2.0.22 (Stable) [2014-01-05]
  • libuv 1.8.0 (Stable) [2015-12-15]
jesseschalken /
Last active August 17, 2024 14:44
Code style

My preferred code style is 2-space K&R. This is intended to provide a justification for this style.

Why K&R?

K&R style has the following properties:

  1. Provides symmetric size (in terms of screen space consumed) between the opening and closing syntax of a clode block.
  2. Forces no empty or meaningless lines, thereby avoiding artificial distance between related things that should be together.
  3. Consumes the minimum vertical space while keeping the opening and closing syntax of a block on separate lines from the content.
urraka / stb.c
Last active September 16, 2024 17:12
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"