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Last active August 28, 2019 19:31
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from typing import List, TypeVar, Callable
import numpy as np
T = TypeVar('T')
def bootstrap_paired_ttest(results_a: List[T],
results_b: List[T],
evaluate_func: Callable[[List[T]], float],
sample_times: int = 10000,
print_temporary_p_value = False,
time_window_to_print_temporary_p_value = 20) -> float:
Calculate the p-value that the results from system A, is better than the results
from system b
:param results_a: List of instances/results from system A
:param results_b: List of instances/results from system B
:param evaluate_func: evaluation function that take in results as input and return a float as evaluation metric
:param sample_times: number of times for sampling
:param print_temporary_p_value: whether to print the p_value in the middle
:param time_window_to_print_temporary_p_value: If printing the p_value, how long does it take to print
:return: return the p-value
total_num = len(results_a)
p = 0
for i in range(sample_times):
sample_indices = np.random.randint(0, total_num, total_num)
a_results = []
b_results = []
for index in sample_indices:
metric_a = evaluate_func(a_results)
metric_b = evaluate_func(b_results)
if metric_a - metric_b < 0:
p += 1
if print_temporary_p_value and (i+1)%time_window_to_print_temporary_p_value == 0:
temporary_p_value = p / (i+1)
print(f"p value at {i+1} iteration is {temporary_p_value}")
p_val = p / sample_times
return p_val
Example usage:
results_a = [50, 100, 22,33, 21]
results_b = [10, 22, 1,45,20]
def evaluate(results:List[int]) -> float:
return sum(results)/len(results)
bootstrap_paired_ttest(results_a=results_a, results_b=results_b, evaluate_func=evaluate)
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