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Created February 15, 2021 10:43
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Pytorch Utils
import os
import s3fs
import math
import torch
import datetime
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from collections import OrderedDict
s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=False)
def log(*args):
print(f"[{}]", *args)
def create_class_weight(labels_dict, mu=0.15):
total = np.sum(list(labels_dict.values()))
keys = labels_dict.keys()
class_weight = dict()
for key in keys:
score = math.log(mu * total/ float(labels_dict[key]) )
class_weight[key] = score if score > 1.0 else 1.0
return class_weight
def compute_weights(labels_index, labels_count, label):
labels = labels_index[label] #=> index of label
weights = create_class_weight(labels_count[label]) #=> labels_count #=> quantity of items into training for each label
weights = sorted([(labels[name], value) for name, value in weights.items()], key=lambda x: x[0])
return [v for k, v in weights]
def open_io(path: str, mode: str = 'r'):
if path.startswith('s3://'):
return"//", 1)[1], mode)
elif path.startswith('gs://'):
return, mode)
return open(path, mode)
def open_fn(path: str):
return open_io(path, "rb")
def exists(path):
if path.startswith('s3://'):
return s3.exists(path.split("//", 1)[1])
if path.startswith('gs://'):
return os.path.exists(path)
def mkdirs(*paths):
for path in paths:
if not (path.startswith('s3://') or path.startswith('gs://')):
log("creating", path)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
def ls(path: str):
if path.startswith('s3://'):
elif path.startswith('gs://'):
return [os.path.join(path, filename) for filename in]
results = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
results += [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in files]
return results
def copy_all(origin_dir, destiny_dir: str):
log("coping", origin_dir, "to", destiny_dir)
for origin_path in ls(origin_dir):
with open_io(origin_path, "rb") as f:
destiny_path = os.path.join(destiny_dir, origin_path.replace(origin_dir + "/", ""))
if not (destiny_dir.startswith("s3://") or destiny_dir.startswith("gs://")):
with open_io(destiny_path, "wb") as ff:
def create_checkpoint(model, optimizer, epoch, path, losses):
log("start create checkpoint")
best_path = os.path.join(path, f'checkpoint-best.pth.tar')
last_path = os.path.join(path, f'checkpoint-last.pth.tar')
_checkpoint = {
'epoch': epoch,
'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
'losses': losses
with open_io(last_path, "wb") as f:
log("creating last checkpoint", last_path), f)
if len(losses) == 1 or losses[-1] <= min(losses[:-1]):
log("creating best checkpoint", best_path)
with open_io(best_path, "wb") as f:, f)
def restore_checkpoint(model, optimizer, path, name='checkpoint-last.pth.tar', restore=True):
log("start restoring checkpoint")
last_path = os.path.join(path, "checkpoints", name)
if not exists(last_path):
return 0, []
log("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(last_path))
with open_io(last_path, "rb") as f:
checkpoint = torch.load(f)
if restore:
if checkpoint.get('state_dict') is not None:
log("Restoring model")
# new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
# for k, v in checkpoint['state_dict'].items():
# name = k[7:] if k.startswith("module.") else k
# new_state_dict[name] = v
# model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict)
if checkpoint.get('optimizer') is not None and optimizer is not None:
log("Restoring Optimizer")
return checkpoint['epoch'] + 1, checkpoint.get('losses', [])
class Mean:
def __init__(self):
self.values = []
def add(self, x):
def avg(self):
return sum(self.values) / len(self.values)
class Metric:
def __init__(self):
self.y_true = []
self.y_pred = [] = 0
def add(self, y_true, y_pred): += len(y_true)
self.y_true += y_true.tolist()
self.y_pred += y_pred.tolist()
def acc(self):
return sum((np.array(self.y_true) == np.array(self.y_pred)).astype('int')) /
def f1(self, average='macro'):
return f1_score(np.array(self.y_true), np.array(self.y_pred), average=average)
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