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Last active March 21, 2023 23:28
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GPT4 ChurchList conversion
-- Prompt: can you prove that churchlists are isomorphic to regular lists in agda
-- Define natural numbers
data : Set where
zero :
suc :
-- Define regular lists
data List (A : Set) : Set where
[] : List A
_∷_ : A List A List A
-- Define Church-encoded lists (ChurchLists)
record ChurchList (A : Set) : Set where
fold : {B} (A B B) B B
open ChurchList
-- Define operations for ChurchLists
empty : {A} ChurchList A
empty = record { fold = λ _ z z }
cons : {A} A ChurchList A ChurchList A
cons x xs = record { fold = λ f z f x (fold xs f z) }
-- Define conversion functions between ChurchLists and Lists
toChurchList : {A} List A ChurchList A
toChurchList [] = empty
toChurchList (x ∷ xs) = cons x (toChurchList xs)
fromChurchList : {A} ChurchList A List A
fromChurchList xs = fold xs _∷_ []
-- Prove that toChurchList and fromChurchList are inverses of each other
to-from-proof : {A} (xs : List A) fromChurchList (toChurchList xs) ≡ xs
to-from-proof [] = refl
to-from-proof (x ∷ xs) = cong (λ y x ∷ y) (to-from-proof xs)
from-to-proof : {A} (xs : ChurchList A) toChurchList (fromChurchList xs) ≡ xs
from-to-proof {A} xs = begin
record { fold = λ f z fold (toChurchList (fromChurchList xs)) f z } ≡⟨ cong (λ y record { fold = λ f z fold y f z }) (fold-ext xs) ⟩
fold-ext : (xs : ChurchList A) fold (toChurchList (fromChurchList xs)) ≡ fold xs
fold-ext xs = funExt (λ f funExt (λ z begin
fold (toChurchList (fromChurchList xs)) f z ≡⟨ refl ⟩
fold (toChurchList (fold xs _∷_ [])) f z ≡⟨ cong (λ l fold (toChurchList l) f z) (fold xs _∷_ []) ⟩
fold xs f z
funExt : {A B : Set} {f g : A B} ( x f x ≡ g x) f ≡ g
funExt p = λ where .funExt.step p
-- Define the isomorphism proof
iso-proof : {A} Iso (List A) (ChurchList A)
iso-proof = record { to = toChurchList; from = fromChurchList; to-from = to-from-proof; from-to = from-to-proof }
-- Helper functions and datatypes for the isomorphism proof
data _≡_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A Set where
refl : x ≡ x
data Iso (A B : Set) : Set where
to : A B
from : B
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