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Last active January 10, 2020 21:12
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Semiring polymorphic gcd + bezouts lemma
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; Reflexive; Transitive; Antisymmetric; _Respects₂_; _Respectsʳ_; _Respectsˡ_; Symmetric; Decidable; Irrelevant)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_) renaming (refl to ≡-refl; cong to ≡-cong)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Algebra.Bundles using (CommutativeSemiring)
module Algebra.Divisibility {c ℓ} (S : CommutativeSemiring c ℓ) where
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; _<_; z≤n; s≤s)
open import Data.Nat.Induction using (Acc; acc; <-wellFounded) public
open CommutativeSemiring S using (_+_; _*_; 0#; 1#) renaming (Carrier to C)
open CommutativeSemiring S using (_≈_; setoid; refl; sym; trans)
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
open CommutativeSemiring S using (+-cong; +-congˡ; +-congʳ; +-identityʳ; +-comm; +-assoc)
open CommutativeSemiring S using (*-assoc; *-identityˡ; *-identityʳ; *-congˡ; *-congʳ; zeroˡ; zeroʳ; distribʳ; distribˡ; *-comm)
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₂)
open import Algebra.Definitions _≈_ using (Commutative; Congruent₂; LeftCongruent; RightCongruent)
infix 4 _≉_
_≉_ : Rel C ℓ
x ≉ y = x ≈ y
<-irrelevant : Irrelevant _<_
<-irrelevant (s≤s z≤n) (s≤s z≤n) = ≡-refl
<-irrelevant (s≤s (s≤s a)) (s≤s (s≤s b)) = ≡-cong (λ t s≤s t) (<-irrelevant (s≤s a) (s≤s b))
infix 4 _∣_
record _∣_ (d : C) (a : C) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
constructor divides
quotient : C
equality : a ≈ (quotient * d)
∣-refl : Reflexive _∣_
∣-refl {x} = divides 1# (sym (*-identityˡ x))
∣-trans : Transitive _∣_
∣-trans {x} {y} {z} (divides q₁ y≈q₁*x) (divides q₂ z≈q₂*y) = divides (q₂ * q₁) $ begin
z ≈⟨ z≈q₂*y ⟩
q₂ * y ≈⟨ *-congˡ y≈q₁*x ⟩
q₂ * (q₁ * x) ≈⟨ sym (*-assoc q₂ q₁ x) ⟩
(q₂ * q₁) * x ∎
∣-respʳ : _∣_ Respectsʳ _≈_
∣-respʳ {y} {x₁} {x₂} x₁≈x₂ (divides q x₁≈q*y) = divides q $ begin
x₂ ≈⟨ sym x₁≈x₂ ⟩
x₁ ≈⟨ x₁≈q*y ⟩
q * y ∎
∣-respˡ : _∣_ Respectsˡ _≈_
∣-respˡ {y} {x₁} {x₂} x₁≈x₂ (divides q y≈q*x₁) = divides q $ begin
y ≈⟨ y≈q*x₁ ⟩
q * x₁ ≈⟨ *-congˡ x₁≈x₂ ⟩
q * x₂ ∎
∣-resp : _∣_ Respects₂ _≈_
∣-resp = ∣-respʳ , ∣-respˡ
infix 10 1∣_ _∣0
1∣_ : n 1# ∣ n
1∣ n = divides n (sym (*-identityʳ n))
_∣0 : n n ∣ 0#
n ∣0 = divides 0# (sym (zeroˡ n))
0∣n⇒n≈0 : {n} 0# ∣ n n ≈ 0#
0∣n⇒n≈0 {n} (divides q n≈q*0) = begin
n ≈⟨ n≈q*0 ⟩
q * 0# ≈⟨ zeroʳ q ⟩
0# ∎
∣n⇒∣m*n : i n m i ∣ n i ∣ m * n
∣n⇒∣m*n i n m (divides q n≈q*i) = divides (m * q) $ begin
m * n ≈⟨ *-congˡ n≈q*i ⟩
m * (q * i) ≈⟨ sym (*-assoc m q i) ⟩
m * q * i ∎
∣n⇒∣n*m : i n m i ∣ n i ∣ n * m
∣n⇒∣n*m i n m i∣n = ∣-respʳ (*-comm m n) (∣n⇒∣m*n i n m i∣n)
record IsGCD (gcd : Op₂ C) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
gcd[a,b]∣a : a b gcd a b ∣ a
gcd[a,b]∣b : a b gcd a b ∣ b
gcd-greatest : {c a b} c ∣ a c ∣ b c ∣ gcd a b
module GCD {gcd : Op₂ C} (isGCD : IsGCD gcd) (∣-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _∣_) where
open IsGCD isGCD
∣1⇒≈1 : {n} n ∣ 1# n ≈ 1#
∣1⇒≈1 {n} n∣1 = ∣-antisym n∣1 (1∣ n)
gcd[0,0]≈0 : gcd 0# 0# ≈ 0#
gcd[0,0]≈0 = ∣-antisym (gcd 0# 0# ∣0) (gcd-greatest ∣-refl ∣-refl)
gcd-comm : Commutative gcd
gcd-comm a b = ∣-antisym
(gcd-greatest (gcd[a,b]∣b a b) (gcd[a,b]∣a a b))
(gcd-greatest (gcd[a,b]∣b b a) (gcd[a,b]∣a b a))
gcd[0,a]≈a : a gcd 0# a ≈ a
gcd[0,a]≈a a = ∣-antisym (gcd[a,b]∣b 0# a) (gcd-greatest (a ∣0) ∣-refl)
gcd[a,0]≈a : a gcd a 0# ≈ a
gcd[a,0]≈a a = ∣-antisym (gcd[a,b]∣a a 0#) (gcd-greatest ∣-refl (a ∣0))
gcd[0,a]≈1⇒a≈1 : a gcd 0# a ≈ 1# a ≈ 1#
gcd[0,a]≈1⇒a≈1 a gcd[0,a]≈1 = ∣1⇒≈1 (∣-respʳ gcd[0,a]≈1 (gcd-greatest (a ∣0) ∣-refl))
gcd[a,0]≈1⇒a≈1 : a gcd a 0# ≈ 1# a ≈ 1#
gcd[a,0]≈1⇒a≈1 a gcd[a,0]≈1 = ∣1⇒≈1 (∣-respʳ gcd[a,0]≈1 (gcd-greatest ∣-refl (a ∣0)))
gcd[a,b]≈0⇒a≈0 : {a b} gcd a b ≈ 0# a ≈ 0#
gcd[a,b]≈0⇒a≈0 {a} {b} gcd[a,b]≈0 = 0∣n⇒n≈0 (∣-respˡ gcd[a,b]≈0 (gcd[a,b]∣a a b))
gcd[a,b]≈0⇒b≈0 : {a b} gcd a b ≈ 0# b ≈ 0#
gcd[a,b]≈0⇒b≈0 {a} {b} gcd[a,b]≈0 = 0∣n⇒n≈0 (∣-respˡ gcd[a,b]≈0 (gcd[a,b]∣b a b))
gcd[a,1]≈1 : a gcd a 1# ≈ 1#
gcd[a,1]≈1 a = ∣-antisym (gcd[a,b]∣b a 1#) (gcd-greatest (1∣ a) ∣-refl)
gcd[1,a]≈1 : a gcd 1# a ≈ 1#
gcd[1,a]≈1 a = ∣-antisym (gcd[a,b]∣a 1# a) (gcd-greatest ∣-refl (1∣ a))
-- gcd[d*a,d*b]≈d*gcd[a,b] : a b d gcd (d * a) (d * b) ≈ d * gcd a b
-- gcd[d*a,d*b]≈d*gcd[a,b] = ?
a≉0⇒gcd[a,b]≉0 : a b a ≉ 0# gcd a b ≉ 0#
a≉0⇒gcd[a,b]≉0 a b a≉0 gcd[a,b]≈0 = a≉0 (gcd[a,b]≈0⇒a≈0 gcd[a,b]≈0)
b≉0⇒gcd[a,b]≉0 : a b b ≉ 0# gcd a b ≉ 0#
b≉0⇒gcd[a,b]≉0 a b b≉0 gcd[a,b]≈0 = b≉0 (gcd[a,b]≈0⇒b≈0 gcd[a,b]≈0)
gcd-cong : Congruent₂ gcd
gcd-cong {a} {b} {c} {d} a≈b c≈d = ∣-antisym
(gcd-greatest (∣-respʳ a≈b (gcd[a,b]∣a a c)) (∣-respʳ c≈d (gcd[a,b]∣b a c)))
(gcd-greatest (∣-respʳ (sym a≈b) (gcd[a,b]∣a b d)) (∣-respʳ (sym c≈d) (gcd[a,b]∣b b d)))
gcd-congˡ : LeftCongruent gcd
gcd-congˡ c≈d = gcd-cong refl c≈d
gcd-congʳ : RightCongruent gcd
gcd-congʳ a≈b = gcd-cong a≈b refl
infix 4 _⊥_
_⊥_ : C C Set
n ⊥ m = gcd n m ≈ 1#
⊥-sym : Symmetric _⊥_
⊥-sym {x} {y} gcd[x,y]≡1 = begin
gcd y x ≈⟨ gcd-comm y x ⟩
gcd x y ≈⟨ gcd[x,y]≡1 ⟩
1# ∎
⊥-respʳ : _⊥_ Respectsʳ _≈_
⊥-respʳ {y} {x₁} {x₂} x₁≈x₂ gcd[y,x₁]≈1 = begin
gcd y x₂ ≈⟨ gcd-congˡ (sym x₁≈x₂) ⟩
gcd y x₁ ≈⟨ gcd[y,x₁]≈1 ⟩
1# ∎
⊥-respˡ : _⊥_ Respectsˡ _≈_
⊥-respˡ {y} {x₁} {x₂} x₁≈x₂ gcd[x₁,y]≈1 = begin
gcd x₂ y ≈⟨ gcd-congʳ (sym x₁≈x₂) ⟩
gcd x₁ y ≈⟨ gcd[x₁,y]≈1 ⟩
1# ∎
⊥-resp : _⊥_ Respects₂ _≈_
⊥-resp = ⊥-respʳ , ⊥-respˡ
module _
(∣_∣ : n {n≉0 : n ≉ 0#} ℕ)
(_div_ : (n m : C) {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} C) (_mod_ : (n m : C) {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} C)
data Remainder (n : C) (m : C) {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
0≈ : (r≈0 : (n mod m) {m≉0} ≈ 0#) Remainder n m
0≉ : (r≉0 : (n mod m) {m≉0} ≉ 0#) ∣ n mod m ∣ {r≉0} < ∣ m ∣ {m≉0} Remainder n m
module Euclidean
(_≈?_ : Decidable _≈_)
(≈-irrelevant : Irrelevant _≈_)
(≉-irrelevant : Irrelevant _≉_)
(∣-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _∣_)
(division : n m {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} n ≈ m * (n div m) {m≉0} + (n mod m) {m≉0})
(modulus : n m {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} Remainder n m {m≉0})
(mod-cong : {x₁ x₂} {y₁ y₂} x₁ ≈ x₂ y₁ ≈ y₂ {y₁≉0 y₂≉0} (x₁ mod y₁) {y₁≉0} ≈ (x₂ mod y₂) {y₂≉0})
(mod-distribʳ-* : c a b {b≉0} {b*c≉0} ((a * c) mod (b * c)) {b*c≉0} ≈ (a mod b) {b≉0} * c)
-- ∣-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _∣_
-- ∣-antisym {x} {y} (divides q₁ y≈q₁*x) (divides q₂ x≈q₂*y) with q₁ ≈? 0#
-- ... | yes q₁≈0 = ?
-- ... | no q₁≉0 with q₂ ≈? 0#
-- ... | yes q₂≈0 = ?
-- ... | no q₂≉0 = q₁≉0∧q₂≉0⇒x≈y q₁≉0 q₂≉0
-- where
-- q₁≉0∧q₂≉0⇒x≈y : q₁ ≉ 0# q₂ ≉ 0# x ≈ y
-- q₁≉0∧q₂≉0⇒x≈y q₁≉0 q₂≉0 = ?
gcdₕ : (n m : C) {m≉0 : m ≉ 0#} Acc _<_ (∣ m ∣ {m≉0}) C
gcdₕ n m {m≉0} (acc downward) with modulus n m {m≉0}
... | 0≈ r≈0 = m
... | 0≉ r≉0 r<m = gcdₕ m (n mod m) (downward _ r<m)
gcd : C C C
gcd n m with m ≈? 0#
... | yes m≈0 = n
... | no m≉0 = gcdₕ n m {m≉0} (<-wellFounded (∣ m ∣))
∣b∣a%b⇒∣a : {c a b} {b≉0 : b ≉ 0#} c ∣ b c ∣ (a mod b) {b≉0} c ∣ a
∣b∣a%b⇒∣a {c} {a} {b} {b≉0} (divides q₁ b≈q₁*c) (divides q₂ a%b≈q₂*c) = divides ((a div b) {b≉0} * q₁ + q₂) $ begin
a ≈⟨ division a b {b≉0} ⟩
b * (a div b) + a mod b ≈⟨ +-cong (*-congʳ b≈q₁*c) a%b≈q₂*c ⟩
(q₁ * c) * (a div b) + q₂ * c ≈⟨ +-congʳ (*-comm (q₁ * c) (a div b)) ⟩
(a div b) * (q₁ * c) + q₂ * c ≈⟨ +-congʳ (sym (*-assoc (a div b) q₁ c)) ⟩
((a div b) * q₁) * c + q₂ * c ≈⟨ sym (distribʳ c ((a div b) * q₁) q₂) ⟩
((a div b) * q₁ + q₂) * c ∎
gcd[a,b]∣a×gcd[a,b]∣b : a b (gcd a b ∣ a) × (gcd a b ∣ b)
gcd[a,b]∣a×gcd[a,b]∣b a b with b ≈? 0#
... | yes b≈0 = ∣-refl , (∣-respʳ (sym b≈0) (a ∣0))
... | no b≉0 = loop a b {b≉0} (<-wellFounded ∣ b ∣)
loop : a b {b≉0} (rec : Acc _<_ (∣ b ∣ {b≉0})) (gcdₕ a b rec ∣ a) × (gcdₕ a b rec ∣ b)
loop a b {b≉0} (acc downward) with modulus a b {b≉0}
... | 0≈ r≈0 = ∣b∣a%b⇒∣a ∣-refl (∣-respʳ (sym r≈0) (b ∣0)) , ∣-refl
... | 0≉ r≉0 r<m with loop b (a mod b) (downward _ r<m)
... | gcd∣b , gcd∣a%b = ∣b∣a%b⇒∣a gcd∣b gcd∣a%b , gcd∣b
∣a∣b⇒∣a%b : {c a b} {b≉0 : b ≉ 0#} c ∣ a c ∣ b c ∣ (a mod b) {b≉0}
∣a∣b⇒∣a%b {c} {a} {b} {b≉0} (divides q₁ a≈q₁*c) (divides q₂ b≈q₂*c) = divides ((q₁ mod q₂) {q≉0}) $ begin
a mod b ≈⟨ mod-cong a≈q₁*c b≈q₂*c {b≉0} {q₂*c≉0} ⟩
(q₁ * c) mod (q₂ * c) ≈⟨ mod-distribʳ-* c q₁ q₂ ⟩
(q₁ mod q₂) * c ∎
q≉0 : q₂ ≉ 0#
q≉0 q₂≈0 = b≉0 $ begin
b ≈⟨ b≈q₂*c ⟩
q₂ * c ≈⟨ *-congʳ q₂≈0 ⟩
0# * c ≈⟨ zeroˡ c ⟩
0# ∎
q₂*c≉0 : q₂ * c ≉ 0#
q₂*c≉0 q₂*c≈0 = b≉0 $ begin
b ≈⟨ b≈q₂*c ⟩
q₂ * c ≈⟨ q₂*c≈0 ⟩
0# ∎
gcd-greatest : {c a b} c ∣ a c ∣ b c ∣ gcd a b
gcd-greatest {c} {a} {b} c∣a c∣b with b ≈? 0#
... | yes b≈0 = c∣a
... | no b≉0 = loop c a b (<-wellFounded ∣ b ∣) c∣a c∣b
loop : c a b {b≉0} (rec : Acc _<_ (∣ b ∣ {b≉0})) c ∣ a c ∣ b c ∣ gcdₕ a b rec
loop c a b {b≉0} (acc downward) c∣a c∣b with modulus a b {b≉0}
... | 0≈ r≈0 = c∣b
... | 0≉ r≉0 r<m = loop c b (a mod b) (downward _ r<m) c∣b (∣a∣b⇒∣a%b c∣a c∣b)
gcd-isGCD : IsGCD gcd
gcd-isGCD = record
{ gcd[a,b]∣a = λ a b proj₁ (gcd[a,b]∣a×gcd[a,b]∣b a b)
; gcd[a,b]∣b = λ a b proj₂ (gcd[a,b]∣a×gcd[a,b]∣b a b)
; gcd-greatest = gcd-greatest
open GCD gcd-isGCD ∣-antisym public
data Identity (d : C) (a : C) (b : C) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
: (x y : C) d + x * a ≈ y * b Identity d a b
: (x y : C) d + y * b ≈ x * a Identity d a b
identity-sym : {d} Symmetric (Identity d)
identity-sym (+ʳ x y pf) = +ˡ y x pf
identity-sym (+ˡ x y pf) = +ʳ y x pf
identity-base : {d a} Identity d d a
identity-base {d} {a} = +ˡ 1# 0# $ begin
d + 0# * a ≈⟨ +-congˡ (zeroˡ a) ⟩
d + 0# ≈⟨ +-identityʳ d ⟩
d ≈⟨ sym (*-identityˡ d) ⟩
1# * d ∎
: d x y a b {b≉0}
d + x * b ≈ y * (a mod b) {b≉0}
d + (x + y * (a div b) {b≉0}) * b ≈ y * a
stepʳ d x y a b {b≉0} d+x*b≈y*[a%b] = begin
d + (x + y * a div b) * b ≈⟨ +-congˡ (distribʳ b x (y * (a div b) {b≉0})) ⟩
d + (x * b + y * a div b * b) ≈⟨ sym (+-assoc d (x * b) (y * a div b * b)) ⟩
(d + x * b) + y * a div b * b ≈⟨ +-cong d+x*b≈y*[a%b] (*-assoc y (a div b) b) ⟩
y * a mod b + y * (a div b * b) ≈⟨ sym (distribˡ y (a mod b) (a div b * b)) ⟩
y * (a mod b + a div b * b) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (+-comm (a mod b) (a div b * b)) ⟩
y * (a div b * b + a mod b) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (+-congʳ (*-comm (a div b) b)) ⟩
y * (b * a div b + a mod b) ≈⟨ *-congˡ (sym (division a b)) ⟩
y * a ∎
: d x y a b {b≉0}
d + y * (a mod b) {b≉0} ≈ x * b
d + y * a ≈ (x + y * (a div b) {b≉0}) * b
stepˡ d x y a b {b≉0} d+x*b≈y*[a%b] = begin
d + y * a ≈⟨ +-congˡ (*-congˡ (division a b {b≉0})) ⟩
d + y * (b * a div b + a mod b) ≈⟨ +-congˡ (*-congˡ (+-comm (b * a div b) (a mod b))) ⟩
d + y * (a mod b + b * a div b) ≈⟨ +-congˡ (distribˡ y (a mod b) (b * a div b)) ⟩
d + (y * (a mod b) + y * (b * a div b)) ≈⟨ sym (+-assoc d (y * (a mod b)) (y * (b * a div b))) ⟩
(d + y * (a mod b)) + y * (b * a div b) ≈⟨ +-cong d+x*b≈y*[a%b] (*-congˡ (*-comm b (a div b))) ⟩
x * b + y * (a div b * b) ≈⟨ +-congˡ (sym (*-assoc y (a div b) b)) ⟩
x * b + (y * a div b) * b ≈⟨ sym (distribʳ b x (y * a div b)) ⟩
(x + y * (a div b)) * b ∎
identity-step : {d a b} {b≉0} Identity d b ((a mod b) {b≉0}) Identity d a b
identity-step {d} {a} {b} {b≉0} (+ʳ x y d+x*b≈y*[a%b]) = +ˡ y (x + y * (a div b)) (stepʳ d x y a b {b≉0} d+x*b≈y*[a%b])
identity-step {d} {a} {b} {b≉0} (+ˡ x y d+y*[a%b]≈x*b) = +ʳ y (x + y * (a div b)) (stepˡ d x y a b {b≉0} d+y*[a%b]≈x*b)
data Bézoutₕ (a : C) (b : C) {b≉0 : b ≉ 0#} (rec : Acc _<_ (∣ b ∣ {b≉0})) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
lemmaₕ : d gcdₕ a b rec ≈ d Identity d a b Bézoutₕ a b rec
gcdₕ-base : {a b} {b≉0} {rec : Acc _<_ (∣ b ∣ {b≉0})} (r≈0 : (a mod b) {b≉0} ≈ 0#) gcdₕ a b rec ≈ b
gcdₕ-base {a} {b} {b≉0} {acc downward} [r≈0]₁ with modulus a b {b≉0}
... | 0≈ [r≈0]₂ rewrite ≈-irrelevant [r≈0]₁ [r≈0]₂ = refl
... | 0≉ r≉0 _ = contradiction [r≈0]₁ r≉0
: {d a b} {b≉0} {r≉0 : (a mod b) {b≉0} ≉ 0#} {r<m : ∣ a mod b ∣ {r≉0} < ∣ b ∣ {b≉0}} {downward}
gcdₕ b (a mod b) (downward ∣ a mod b ∣ r<m) ≈ d gcdₕ a b (acc downward) ≈ d
gcdₕ-step {d} {a} {b} {b≉0} {[r≉0]₁} {[r<m]₁} gcdₕ[b,a%b]≈d with modulus a b {b≉0}
... | 0≈ r≈0 = contradiction r≈0 [r≉0]₁
... | 0≉ [r≉0]₂ [r<m]₂ rewrite ≉-irrelevant [r≉0]₁ [r≉0]₂ | <-irrelevant [r<m]₁ [r<m]₂ = gcdₕ[b,a%b]≈d
bézoutₕ : a b {b≉0} (rec : Acc _<_ (∣ b ∣ {b≉0})) Bézoutₕ a b rec
bézoutₕ a b {b≉0} (acc downward) with modulus a b {b≉0}
... | 0≈ r≈0 = lemmaₕ b (gcdₕ-base r≈0) (identity-sym identity-base)
... | 0≉ r≉0 r<m with bézoutₕ b (a mod b) {r≉0} (downward _ r<m)
... | lemmaₕ d gcdₕ[b,a%b]≈d ident = lemmaₕ d (gcdₕ-step gcdₕ[b,a%b]≈d) (identity-step ident)
data Bézout (a : C) (b : C) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where
lemma : d gcd a b ≈ d Identity d a b Bézout a b
b≈0⇒gcd[a,b]≈a : a b b ≈ 0# gcd a b ≈ a
b≈0⇒gcd[a,b]≈a a b b≈0 with b ≈? 0#
... | yes _ = refl
... | no b≉0 = contradiction b≈0 b≉0
gcdₕ⇒gcd : {d a b} {b≉0} gcdₕ a b {b≉0} (<-wellFounded ∣ b ∣) ≈ d gcd a b ≈ d
gcdₕ⇒gcd {d} {a} {b} {[b≉0]₁} gcdₕ[a,b]≈d with b ≈? 0#
... | yes b≈0 = contradiction b≈0 [b≉0]₁
... | no [b≉0]₂ rewrite ≉-irrelevant [b≉0]₁ [b≉0]₂ = gcdₕ[a,b]≈d
bézout : a b Bézout a b
bézout a b with b ≈? 0#
... | yes b≈0 = lemma a (b≈0⇒gcd[a,b]≈a a b b≈0) identity-base
... | no b≉0 with bézoutₕ a b {b≉0} (<-wellFounded ∣ b ∣)
... | lemmaₕ d gcdₕ[a,b]≈d ident = lemma d (gcdₕ⇒gcd gcdₕ[a,b]≈d) ident
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