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Last active January 3, 2024 10:38
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import Cocoa
import Foundation
func restart() {
// Check if the app was started fresh or if was restarted with arg `restarts=timestamp:timestamp:...`
// If the app was restarted more than 3 times in 10 seconds, exit with status 1
guard CommandLine.arguments.count == 1 || (
CommandLine.arguments.count == 2 && CommandLine.arguments[1].starts(with: "restarts=")
) else {
var args: [String] = []
if CommandLine.arguments.count == 2 {
let restarts = CommandLine.arguments[1].split(separator: "=")[1].split(separator: ":").map { TimeInterval($0)! }
let now = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
if restarts.filter({ now - $0 < 10 }).count > 3 {
} else {
do {
try exec(arg0: Bundle.main.executablePath!, args: args)
} catch {
print("Failed to restart: \(error)")
func restartOnCrash() {
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGABRT) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGILL) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGSEGV) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGFPE) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGBUS) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGPIPE) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGTRAP) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGHUP) { _ in restart() }
signal(SIGINT) { _ in NSApp.terminate(nil) }
// MARK: - exec
import var Darwin.EINVAL
import var Darwin.ERANGE
import func Darwin.strerror_r
func stringerror(_ code: Int32) -> String {
var cap = 64
while cap <= 16 * 1024 {
var buf = [Int8](repeating: 0, count: cap)
let err = strerror_r(code, &buf, buf.count)
if err == EINVAL {
return "unknown error \(code)"
if err == ERANGE {
cap *= 2
if err != 0 {
return "fatal: strerror_r: \(err)"
return "\(String(cString: buf)) (\(code))"
return "fatal: strerror_r: ERANGE"
func exec(arg0: String, args: [String]) throws -> Never {
let args = CStringArray([arg0] + args)
guard execv(arg0, args.cArray) != -1 else {
throw POSIXError.execv(executable: arg0, errno: errno)
fatalError("Impossible if execv succeeded")
// MARK: - POSIXError
enum POSIXError: LocalizedError {
case execv(executable: String, errno: Int32)
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case let .execv(executablePath, errno):
"execv failed: \(stringerror(errno)): \(executablePath)"
// MARK: - CStringArray
private final class CStringArray {
/// Creates an instance from an array of strings.
init(_ array: [String]) {
cArray = { $0.withCString { strdup($0) } } + [nil]
deinit {
for case let element? in cArray {
/// The null-terminated array of C string pointers.
let cArray: [UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?]
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