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Last active April 25, 2023 13:16
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Run processes on the "Icestorm" efficiency cores of the M1 Mac chip
#!/usr/bin/env swift
// Inspired by:
// Run directly:
// chmod +x runbg.swift
// ./runbg.swift
// Compile to static binary:
// swiftc runbg.swift -o runbg
// ./runbg
// Or download already compiled binary:
// curl > /usr/local/bin/runbg
// chmod +x /usr/local/bin/runbg
// runbg
// Usage examples:
// Optimize all images on the desktop: runbg imageoptim ~/Desktop
// Re-encode video with ffmpeg to squeeze more bytes: runbg ffmpeg -i big-video.mp4 smaller-video.mp4
// Compile project in background: runbg make -j 4
import Foundation
if CommandLine.arguments.count <= 1 {
print(CommandLine.arguments[0], "executable args...")
let SHELL = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SHELL"] ?? "/bin/zsh"
let FM = FileManager()
@discardableResult func asyncNow(timeout: TimeInterval, _ action: @escaping () -> Void) -> DispatchTimeoutResult {
let task = DispatchWorkItem { action() } task)
let result = task.wait(timeout: + timeout)
if result == .timedOut {
return result
// MARK: - ProcessStatus
struct ProcessStatus {
var output: Data?
var error: Data?
var success: Bool
var o: String? {
var e: String? {
func stdout(of process: Process) -> Data? {
let stdout = process.standardOutput as! FileHandle
try? stdout.close()
guard let path = process.environment?["__swift_stdout"],
let stdoutFile = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path) else { return nil }
return try! stdoutFile.readToEnd()
func stderr(of process: Process) -> Data? {
let stderr = process.standardOutput as! FileHandle
try? stderr.close()
guard let path = process.environment?["__swift_stderr"],
let stderrFile = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path) else { return nil }
return try! stderrFile.readToEnd()
func shellProc(_ launchPath: String = "/bin/zsh", args: [String], env: [String: String]? = nil) -> Process? {
let outputDir = try! FM.url(
for: .itemReplacementDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask,
appropriateFor: FM.homeDirectoryForCurrentUser,
create: true
let stdoutFilePath = outputDir.appendingPathComponent("stdout").path
FM.createFile(atPath: stdoutFilePath, contents: nil, attributes: nil)
let stderrFilePath = outputDir.appendingPathComponent("stderr").path
FM.createFile(atPath: stderrFilePath, contents: nil, attributes: nil)
guard let stdoutFile = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: stdoutFilePath),
let stderrFile = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: stderrFilePath)
else {
return nil
let task = Process()
task.standardOutput = stdoutFile
task.standardError = stderrFile
task.launchPath = launchPath
task.arguments = args
var env = env ?? ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment
env["__swift_stdout"] = stdoutFilePath
env["__swift_stderr"] = stderrFilePath
task.environment = env
do {
} catch {
print("Error running \(launchPath) \(args): \(error)")
return nil
return task
func shell(
_ launchPath: String = "/bin/zsh",
command: String,
timeout: TimeInterval? = nil,
env _: [String: String]? = nil
) -> ProcessStatus {
shell(launchPath, args: ["-c", command], timeout: timeout)
func shell(
_ launchPath: String = "/bin/zsh",
args: [String],
timeout: TimeInterval? = nil,
env: [String: String]? = nil
) -> ProcessStatus {
guard let task = shellProc(launchPath, args: args, env: env) else {
return ProcessStatus(output: nil, error: nil, success: false)
guard let timeout = timeout else {
return ProcessStatus(
output: stdout(of: task),
error: stderr(of: task),
success: task.terminationStatus == 0
let result = asyncNow(timeout: timeout) {
if result == .timedOut {
return ProcessStatus(
output: stdout(of: task),
error: stderr(of: task),
success: task.terminationStatus == 0
extension String {
@inline(__always) var trimmed: String {
trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
extension Data {
var s: String? { String(data: self, encoding: .utf8) }
var executable = (CommandLine.arguments[1] as NSString).expandingTildeInPath
if !FM.fileExists(atPath: executable) {
let which = shell(SHELL, command: "which '\(CommandLine.arguments[1])'")
guard which.success, let output = which.o else {
if let err = which.e {
print("\(executable) not found")
executable = output
let p = Process()
p.qualityOfService = .background
p.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: executable)
p.arguments = CommandLine.arguments.suffix(from: 2).map { $0 }
signal(SIGINT) { _ in p.terminate() }
signal(SIGTERM) { _ in p.terminate() }
signal(SIGKILL) { _ in p.terminate() }
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