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Last active March 25, 2022 04:55
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  • Save alfredoPacheco/086804a34ffb5a976a9beddec4ae3a5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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CV data source
"pdf": "/cv.pdf",
"updated_at": "Mar, 2022",
"external_links": [
"link": "",
"img_src": "/images/linkedin.png",
"img_alt": "Linkedin",
"img_height": null
"job_title": "Software Engineer",
"name": "Jesus Alfredo Pacheco Figueroa",
"mail_to": "",
"profile": "More than 15 years doing the beautiful art of Software Development, I am a full-stack software developer, always looking for optimization, efficiency, edge-technologies and best practices for coding.<br /><br />I am able to make an enterprise application, from its database to its CSS styles and I have a set of Reusable Modules from which I can complete development in faster times.",
"career": "\"Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales\" at Instituto Tecnologico de Ciudad Juarez<br />(With Cedula)",
"about_me": "At my beginnings by 2005, I started with Visual Basic 6.0 where I learned programming basics and staring loving to code, I made a couple of systems for about three years, then I moved on into a more serious language: Java. This time I learned how to program in object-oriented way and reinforced my knowledge by taking some courses at Educacion IT. <br /><br />Some friends and I made our own Company called Inspiracode, we did it for about 4 years and we got failures and successes with several customers and the learning was of multple kinds of aspects, from requirements gathering, deployments to windows/linux, our first SPA framework EnyoJS (from HP) by 2013, Enterprise applications with J2EE and started with source control with git.<br /><br />Capsonic was my first employer as an <i>official</i> Software Developer, here I had migrate to .Net technology for Backend, jQuery and AngularJS for FrontEnd and Real Time with Web Sockets.<br /><br />Technology is growing so fast and a programmer needs to be always up to date. It is a habit for me to spend one or two hours per day on learning new stuff in coding, technology and frameworks. I've been doing apps or tools to auto-help me out as well as making software independently on my free time.",
"courses": [
"organization": "Platzi",
"link": "",
"taken": [
{ "title": "Curso de PostgreSQL" },
{ "title": "Curso de Webpack" },
{ "title": "Fundamentos de Docker" },
{ "title": "Curso Basico de Ionic 2018" },
{ "title": "Curso de Angular 6 2018" },
{ "title": "Curso de C# con .Net Core" },
{ "title": "Curso de Ionic Avanzado 2017" },
{ "title": "Curso Profesional de Javascript" },
{ "title": "Curso Básico de Python" },
{ "title": "Curso de Autenticación con OAuth" },
{ "title": "Curso de Backend con NestJS" },
{ "title": "Curso de Entorno de Trabajo para Ciencia de Datos con Jupyter Notebooks y Anaconda" },
{ "title": "Curso de Estadística Computacional con Python" },
{ "title": "Curso de Estrategias y Tácticas para Levantar Capital de Riesgo" },
{ "title": "Curso de Introducción al Pensamiento Computacional con Python" },
{ "title": "Curso de Next.js" },
{ "title": "Curso de Next.js: Autenticación" },
{ "title": "Curso de POO y Algoritmos con Python" },
{ "title": "Curso de Python Intermedio: Comprehensions, Lambdas y Manejo de Errores" }
"organization": "Udemy",
"link": "",
"taken": [
{ "title": "GitLab CI: Pipelines, CI/CD and DevOps for Beginners" },
{ "title": "Vim, aumenta tu velocidad de desarrollo" },
{ "title": "IOT MASTERCLASS, Preparándonos para la gran revolución!" },
{ "title": "React Native - The Practical Guide" }
"organization": "Pluralsight",
"link": "",
"taken": [
{ "title": "Getting Started with Reactive Programming Using RxJS" },
{ "title": "State of RxJS" },
{ "title": "Getting Started with Asynchronous Programming in .NET" },
{ "title": "PayPal Payments Integration for ASP.NET MVC" },
{ "title": "Asynchronous Messaging with RabbitMQ and EasyNetQ" },
{ "title": "Entity Framework Core 2.1 Migrations: Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "JavaScript Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "Introduction to .NET Testing with NUnit" },
{ "title": "Building Mobile Apps with Ionic, Angular, and TypeScript" },
{ "title": "Angular Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "Angular: Getting Started" },
{ "title": "Dynamic C# Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "Using ServiceStack to Build APIs" },
{ "title": "TypeScript Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "Using OAuth to Secure Your ASP.NET API" },
{ "title": "Yeoman Fundamentals" },
{ "title": "Angular: First Look" },
{ "title": "AngularJS: Get Started" },
{ "title": "What’s New in ASP.NET Core 6.0" },
{ "title": "Testing React Applications with Jest" },
{ "title": "Server Rendering React Components" },
{ "title": "JavaScript Arrays and Collections" },
{ "title": "Handling Data and Stateful Applications in Docker" },
{ "title": "Optimize Performance for React" }
"organization": "Code School",
"link": "",
"taken": [
{ "title": "Assemblling Sass" },
{ "title": "Fundamentals of Design" },
{ "title": "Shapping up with AngularJS" },
{ "title": "Accelerating Through Angular 2" },
{ "title": "ES2015: The Shape of Javascript to Come" },
{ "title": "Breaking the Ice With Regular Expressions" }
"organization": "Educacion IT",
"link": "",
"taken": [
{ "title": "Java Standard Programming, J2SE 6.0 (40hs)" },
"title": "Java Advanced Programming: Threads & Networking, J2SE 6.0 (18hs)"
{ "title": "Java Web: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Struts & AJAX (30hs)" },
{ "title": "UML y UP: Análisis y Diseño Orientado a Objetos (15hs)" },
{ "title": "Java Web Services (12hs)" },
{ "title": "Java HIBERNATE (21hs)" },
{ "title": "Java Mobile (15hs)" }
"books": [
"title": "The TypeScript Handbook",
"read_at": "",
"author": "",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "TypeScript Deep Dive",
"read_at": "",
"author": "",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "ServiceStack Succinctly",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Zoran Maksimovic",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "ServiceStack 4 Cookbook",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Kyle Hodgson, Darren Reid",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Mastering ServiceStack",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Andreas Niedermair",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Learning Ionic",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Arvind Ravulavaru",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Expert Angular",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Mathieu Nayrolles, Rajesh Gunasundaram, Sridhar Rao",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "AngularJS",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Brad Green, Shyam Seshadri",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Sails.js in Action",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Mike McNeil, Irl Nathan",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection",
"read_at": "",
"author": "",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Express in Action",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Evan Hahn",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "JavaScript Enlightenment",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Cody Lindley",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Microsoft C#. Lenguaje y Aplicaciones",
"read_at": "",
"author": "",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"title": "Thinking in Java",
"read_at": "",
"author": "Bruce Eckel",
"link": "",
"cover": ""
"skills": {
"Programming Lenguages": [
"title": "Javascript",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "Typescript",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "C#",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "SharpScript",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "Java",
"level": 40,
"link": ""
"title": "VBA",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"Frameworks": [
"title": "AngularJS",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "React",
"level": 95,
"link": ""
"title": "EnyoJS",
"level": 40,
"link": ""
"title": "Angular",
"level": 40,
"link": ""
"title": "SailsJS",
"level": 50,
"link": ""
"title": "ServiceStack",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "NextJS",
"level": 95,
"link": ""
"title": "Ionic (Lately with React)",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"Databases": [
"title": "PostgreSQL",
"level": 70,
"link": ""
"title": "SQL Server",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"title": "MS Access",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"Libraries": [
"title": "jQuery",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "SockerIO",
"level": 70,
"link": ""
"title": "mommentjs",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"title": "EPPlus",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"Style": [
"title": "SASS",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "Bootstrap",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Material-UI",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"ORM": [
"title": "ServiceStack.ORMLite",
"level": 95,
"link": ""
"title": "Entity Framework 6",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Entity Framework Core",
"level": 95,
"link": ""
"Reporting": [
"title": "Reporting Services",
"level": 70,
"link": ""
"title": "PowerBI",
"level": 60,
"link": ""
"title": "Jasper Reports",
"level": 50,
"link": ""
"CMS": [
"title": "Sharepoint",
"level": 75,
"link": ""
"title": "Wordpress",
"level": 70,
"link": ""
"title": "Alfresco",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"Theroy": [
"title": "Object Oriented Programming",
"level": 100,
"link": ""
"title": "Dependency Injection",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Functional Programming",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Reactive Programming",
"level": 50,
"link": ""
"title": "Responsive Design",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "MVC Pattern",
"level": 100,
"link": ""
"title": "Repository Pattern",
"level": 100,
"link": ""
"title": "Async",
"level": 100,
"link": ""
"title": "Real Time",
"level": 70,
"link": ""
"title": "Message Queue",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"title": "Caching",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"Tools": [
"title": "Git",
"level": 75,
"link": ""
"title": "GitHub",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "GitLab",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"title": "Sublime Text",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Visual Studio Code",
"level": 90,
"link": ""
"title": "Yeoman",
"level": 95,
"link": ""
"title": "WebPack",
"level": 60,
"link": ""
"title": "Jira",
"level": 40,
"link": ""
"title": "Bitbucket",
"level": 50,
"link": ""
"DevOps": [
"title": "Docker",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "GitLab CI/CD",
"level": 85,
"link": ""
"title": "Kubernetes",
"level": 30,
"link": ""
"Idioms": [
"title": "Technical English",
"level": 80,
"link": ""
"title": "Colloquial English",
"level": 45,
"link": ""
"title": "Spanish (Native)",
"level": 100,
"link": ""
"portfolio": [
"title": "Betternet 3.0",
"link": "",
"description": "Web and Mobile apps for Betterware",
"date": "In-Progress..",
"technologies": [
"React Native",
"cover": ""
"title": "IoT-Hub",
"link": "",
"description": "Ingest of IoT devices data to get metrics in manufacturing environments in real time.",
"date": "In-Progress..",
"technologies": [
"Gitlab CI/CD",
"Server Sent Events",
"Message Queue",
"cover": ""
"title": "CV",
"link": "",
"description": "This Resume",
"date": "2020 Jul",
"technologies": [
"Github Gist",
"cover": ""
"title": "SIAFRACC",
"link": "",
"description": "Sistema Administrativo para Fraccionamientos. Accounting system for Neighborhoods, allows control charges, deposits, balances, imports, notifications to residents.",
"date": "2020 Jun",
"technologies": [
"Gitlab CI/CD",
"Server Sent Events",
"Message Queue",
"cover": ""
"title": "Generator",
"link": "",
"description": "An application to generate applications. Original project was done with Yeoman, but now I translated to .Net ecosystem by using ServiceStack and SharpScript. I also developed a CLI console app with NodeJS to consume backend. It is mark as infinite as I will be always in charge on updating it to edge technologies.",
"date": "Infinite...",
"technologies": ["ServiceStack", "PostgreSQL", "SharpScript", "NodeJS"],
"cover": ""
"title": "OEE",
"link": "",
"description": "Manufacturing system to track OEEs (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). Support for Machine downtimes, defects, OEE calculation based on parts produced vs quality and downtime, categorized by Production Lines, Parts Numbers and Shifts. Can be turn to fullscreen allow monitoring, it auto refreshes to pull recent metrics.",
"date": "2020 Mar",
"technologies": [
"SQL Server",
"cover": ""
"title": "Universal Catalogs",
"link": "",
"description": "Generic backend service to share catalogs across multiple applications by exposing an API",
"date": "2020 Jan",
"technologies": ["ServiceStack", "Caching", "Docker", "PostgreSQL"],
"cover": ""
"title": "NCN",
"link": "",
"description": "Non-Conformity Note. Audits can be tracked with this system, it supports document historical revisions, approvals workflow and notifications by email.",
"date": "2019 Oct",
"technologies": [
"SQL Server",
"cover": ""
"title": "ScanPack",
"link": "",
"description": "Manufacturing system to help on Packaging stage to prapare Finished Goods to send to customer, it help on reducing QNs (Customer Complaints), it counts with two frontends: admin and operation. It also lets printing two excel reports.",
"date": "2019 Sep",
"technologies": [
".Net Web API",
"SQL Server",
"Entity Framework",
"cover": ""
"title": "CMD",
"link": "",
"description": "Capsonic Metrics Dashboard is a Dashboard system where users can register and watch Company metrics. This is a SPA application made with AngularJS, .Net WebAPI, Entity Framework and Ninject.",
"date": "2018 Dec",
"technologies": [
".Net Web API",
"SQL Server",
"Entity Framework",
"cover": ""
"title": "IQS",
"link": "",
"description": "Integrated Quotation System. It is a system for processing customer's requests for quotations, it calculates prices and finally responds back in a summarized letter.",
"date": "2018 Jul",
"technologies": [
".Net Web API",
"SQL Server",
"cover": ""
"title": "BEXU",
"link": "",
"description": "BEXU stands for Bulk Excel Files Update. This is a standalone \"Windows Forms Application\" by using Sharepoint SDK, Async and EPPlus to update a bulk of Excel files in Sharepoint.",
"date": "2016 Aug",
"technologies": [".Net Windows Forms", "SharePoint SDK", "EPPlus"],
"cover": ""
"title": "APQM",
"link": "",
"description": "Advanced Purchasing Quote Management. This is a system for submitting RFQs (Request for quotes) to vendors via email, and gather their responses, comparing multiple quotations, and allows selecting the best vendor based on delivery times and lower costs.",
"date": "2015 Apr",
"technologies": [
".Net Web API",
"SQL Server",
"cover": ""
"title": "SISOPREGA",
"link": "",
"description": "Sistema de Soporte al Proceso de Exportacion Ganadera. System for controlling the inventory and the operations flow for exporting/buying/selling livestock between Mexico and USA.",
"date": "2014 Sep",
"technologies": [
"Java EE",
"cover": ""
"git_activity": [
"title": "2020 GitLab",
"src": "/images/gitlab-2020.png"
"title": "2020 GitHub",
"src": "/images/github-2020.png"
"title": "2019 GitHub. 748 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2019.png"
"title": "2018 GitHub. 544 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2018.png"
"title": "2017 GitHub. 746 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2017.png"
"title": "2016 GitHub. 298 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2016.png"
"title": "2015 GitHub. 322 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2015.png"
"title": "2014 GitHub. 253 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2014.png"
"title": "2013 GitHub. 668 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2013.png"
"title": "2012 GitHub. 89 contributions",
"src": "/images/github-2012.png"
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