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Created August 5, 2024 08:40
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  • Save alezhu/887385998d17759a8891558f488f3963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alezhu/887385998d17759a8891558f488f3963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.\scripts\install-current-user PowerShell replace
@echo off
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%~dp0install-current-user.ps1"
function ExitWithCode($exitcode) {
exit $exitcode
$sCurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$sBasePath = Split-Path -Path $sCurrentDirectory -Parent
$sJarFile = Join-Path -Path $sBasePath -ChildPath "ja-netfilter.jar"
$bJarFileExists = Test-Path -Path $sJarFile -PathType leaf
if (!$bJarFileExists) {
Write-Host "ja-netfilter.jar not found"
ExitWithCode 2
Write-Host 'Set VM_OPTIONS for JetBrains products. It may take a few seconds to execute this script.';
# $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');
$aJBProducts = @("idea", "clion", "phpstorm", "goland", "pycharm", "webstorm", "webide", "rider", "datagrip", "rubymine", "dataspell", "aqua", "rustrover", "gateway", "jetbrains_client", "jetbrainsclient", "studio", "devecostudio")
$sPattern = "^\-javaagent:.*[\/\\]ja\-netfilter\.jar.*"
function ProcessVmOptions($sFile) {
$aContent = (Get-Content $sFile)
$sContent = ""
foreach ($sLine in $aContent) {
if ($sLine -match $sPattern) {
$sContent += $sLine + "`n"
$sContent = $sContent + "-javaagent:" + $sJarFile + "=jetbrains"
Set-Content -Path $sFile -Value $sContent
function setEnvironment($sKey, $value, $sTarget) {
$regKey = switch ($sTarget.ToUpper()) {
"MACHINE" { 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' }
"USER" { 'HKCU:\Environment' }
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regKey -Name $sKey -Value $value
$sLastEnvKey = ""
$sLastEnvValue = ""
foreach ( $sPrd in $aJBProducts ) {
Write-Host "Product: $sPrd"
$sVmOptionsFile = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $sBasePath -ChildPath "vmoptions") -ChildPath "$sPrd.vmoptions"
$bVmOptionsFileExists = Test-Path -Path $sVmOptionsFile -PathType leaf
if ($bVmOptionsFileExists) {
ProcessVmOptions $sVmOptionsFile
#$sEnvKey = "Env:$($sPrd.ToUpper())_VM_OPTIONS"
$sEnvKey = "$($sPrd.ToUpper())_VM_OPTIONS"
#Set-Item -Path $sEnvKey -Value $sVmOptionsFile
#[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($sEnvKey, $sVmOptionsFile, 'User')
setEnvironment $sEnvKey $sVmOptionsFile 'USER'
$sLastEnvKey = $sEnvKey
$sLastEnvValue = $sVmOptionsFile
if ($sLastEnvKey -ne "") {
Write-Host 'Send a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all windows';
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($sLastEnvKey, $sLastEnvValue, 'User')
Write-Host 'Done. Press any key to continue...';
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');
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