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Forked from AndrasKovacs/IxFix.hs
Created March 9, 2019 04:32
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Example for recursion schemes for mutually recursive data
UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies,
StandaloneDeriving, DataKinds, PolyKinds, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable,
DeriveTraversable, LambdaCase, PatternSynonyms, TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Singletons.TH
-- type synonyms
infixr 5 ~>
infixr 5 .~>
infixr 5 ~>.
type f ~> g = forall i. f i -> g i -- Natural transformation
type f .~> g = forall i. f -> g i -- Constant on the left
type f ~>. g = forall i. f i -> g -- Constant on the right
-- K and I
newtype K a b = K a deriving
(Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
newtype I a = I a deriving
(Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Applicative I where
pure = I
I f <*> I a = I (f a)
instance Monoid a => Applicative (K a) where
pure _ = K mempty
K a <*> K a' = K (mappend a a')
getK (K a) = a
getI (I a) = a
-- Indexed classses
class IxFunctor (f :: (k -> *) -> (k -> *)) where
imap :: (a ~> b) -> (f a ~> f b)
class IxFunctor t => IxTraversable t where
-- the type would be "(a ~> (f . b)) -> (t a ~> (f . t b))" if we had the composition
-- function on type level.
itraverse :: Applicative f => (forall i. a i -> f (b i)) -> (forall i. t a i -> f (t b i))
class IxFoldable t where
iFoldMap :: Monoid m => (a ~>. m) -> (t a ~>. m)
imapDefault :: IxTraversable t => (a ~> b) -> (t a ~> t b)
imapDefault f = getI . itraverse (I . f)
iFoldMapDefault :: (IxTraversable t, Monoid m) => (a ~>. m) -> (t a ~>. m)
iFoldMapDefault f = getK . itraverse (K . f)
-- Indexed fixpoint
newtype IxFix f i = In (f (IxFix f) i)
out (In f) = f
deriving instance Show (f (IxFix f) t) => Show (IxFix f t)
deriving instance Eq (f (IxFix f) t) => Eq (IxFix f t)
deriving instance Ord (f (IxFix f) t) => Ord (IxFix f t)
-- Folds returning an indexed type
cata :: IxFunctor f => (f a ~> a) -> (IxFix f ~> a)
cata phi = phi . imap (cata phi) . out
cataM :: (Monad m, IxTraversable t) => (forall i. t a i -> m (a i)) -> (forall i. IxFix t i -> m (a i))
cataM phi = phi <=< itraverse (cataM phi) . out
-- Folds returning constant types
cata' :: IxFunctor f => (f (K a) ~>. a) -> (IxFix f ~>. a)
cata' phi = getK . cata (K . phi)
cataM' :: (Monad m, IxTraversable t) => (t (K a) ~>. m a) -> (IxFix t ~>. m a)
cataM' phi = phi <=< itraverse (fmap K . cataM' phi) . out
data ExprType = ExprTy | PatTy
data ExprF (k :: ExprType -> *) (i :: ExprType) where
-- "Expr" tagged family of constructors
EIntF :: Int -> ExprF k ExprTy
ELamF :: k PatTy -> k ExprTy -> ExprF k ExprTy
-- "PatTy" tagged familfy of constructors
PAsF :: String -> k ExprTy -> ExprF k PatTy
type Expr = IxFix ExprF
pattern EInt i = In (EIntF i)
pattern ELam pat expr = In (ELamF pat expr)
pattern PAs str expr = In (PAsF str expr)
deriving instance (Show (k PatTy), Show (k ExprTy)) => Show (ExprF k i)
deriving instance (Eq (k PatTy), Eq (k ExprTy)) => Eq (ExprF k i)
instance IxFunctor ExprF where
imap = imapDefault
instance IxFoldable ExprF where
iFoldMap = iFoldMapDefault
instance IxTraversable ExprF where
itraverse f = \case
EIntF i -> pure (EIntF i)
ELamF pat expr -> ELamF <$> f pat <*> f expr
PAsF str expr -> PAsF str <$> f expr
-- Some use cases
expr = ELam (PAs "foo" (ELam (PAs "bar" (EInt 0)) (EInt 0))) (EInt 0)
-- Non-indexed return
patStrings :: Expr i -> [String]
patStrings = cata' $ \case
EIntF _ -> []
PAsF str (K strs) -> str : strs
ELamF (K strs) (K strs') -> strs ++ strs'
-- patStrings expr == ["foo","bar"]
-- indexed return
-- ----------------------------------------
incrementInts :: Expr i -> Expr i
incrementInts = cata $ \case
EIntF i -> EInt (i + 1)
other -> In other
-- incrementInts expr ==
-- In (ELamF (In (PAsF "foo" (In (ELamF (In (PAsF "bar" (In (EIntF 1)))) (In (EIntF 1)))))) (In (EIntF 1)))
-- return with elimination on type tags (warning: rampant singletons usage!)
-- Reify TyFun application
data At (f :: TyFun k * -> *) (x :: k) where
At :: f @@ x -> At f x
-- type level case
type family Case (cases :: [(key, val)]) (k :: key) where
Case ('(k , v) ': kvs) k = v
Case ('(k' , v) ': kvs) k = Case kvs k
Case '[] k = Error "Case: key not found"
-- Note: Lookup in "singletons" is bugged out as of 2.0.1
-- If we had Lookup, then we could have written Case the following way:
-- type family Case cases key where
-- Case cases key = FromJust (Lookup key cases)
$(genDefunSymbols [''Case])
foldFoo :: Expr i -> At (CaseSym1 ['(ExprTy, Int), '(PatTy, Bool)]) i
foldFoo = cata $ \case
EIntF i -> At i
PAsF str _ -> At False
ELamF pat expr -> expr
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