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Created July 6, 2021 02:25
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Parse Html Mail Template with node.js replacing string between brackets.
// Require the module
const { parseMailTemplate } = require("./path/to/parseMailTemplate");
// The params we need to pass
const html = '<html lang="es"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Email Verification</title></head><body><h1>Hey, {{ name }}</h1><p>You have just created an account on <strong>{{ company }}</strong>. Please click the following <a href="{{ link }}" target="_blank">link</a> so you can start using your account.</p></body></html>';
const data = {
name: "Jhon Doe",
company: "My awesome company",
link: ",
// Call the function
parseMailTemplate(html, data, (error, parsedHtml) => {
if (error) console.log(error);
// Do whatever you want with your parsed tamplate
* Parse Html Mail Template
* Replace all strings between brackets with the given data
* @param {string} html The hatml sting
* @param {object} data The values taht will replace all strings between brackets
* @param {function} next Callback function
* @returns {string} parsedHtml || {object} error
exports.parseMailTemplate = (html, data, next) => {
let error, parsedHtml;
// If not html given, sets error
if (!html) {
error = {
name: "RequiredValue",
message: "You need to specify a template to parse",
// If not data given sets error
if (!data) {
error = { name: "RequiredValue", message: "You need to specify the data" };
// If error retunn error
if (error) {
if (next && typeof next === "function") next(error, null); // If there is a callback function, send the error
return error;
// Repalces string between brackets
parsedHtml = html.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, (_, g) => {
// If there is a wrong data index, returns error
if (!data[g.trim()]) {
error = { name: "IndexDoesNotExists", message: "Index missing on data" };
if (next && typeof next === "function") next(error, null);
return error;
return data[g.trim()];
if (next && typeof next === "function") next(error, parsedHtml); // If there is a callback function, send the parsed html
return parsedHtml;
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