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Last active February 17, 2022 11:01
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Script to test botocore service spec service and shape assumptions
from typing import cast, Callable
from botocore.model import StructureShape, ListShape, Shape, MapShape, ServiceModel
from import list_services
def traverse_members(service: ServiceModel, shape: Shape, fun: Callable, traversed_shapes=None, hierarchy=0):
if traversed_shapes is None:
traversed_shapes = []
if in traversed_shapes:
fun(service, shape, hierarchy)
if shape.type_name in ["list", "structure", "map"]:
hierarchy += 1
if shape.type_name == "list":
shape = cast(ListShape, shape)
traverse_members(service, shape.member, fun, traversed_shapes, hierarchy)
elif shape.type_name == "structure":
shape = cast(StructureShape, shape)
for _, member_shape in shape.members.items():
traverse_members(service, member_shape, fun, traversed_shapes, hierarchy)
elif shape.type_name == "map":
shape = cast(MapShape, shape)
traverse_members(service, shape.key, fun, traversed_shapes, hierarchy)
traverse_members(service, shape.value, fun, traversed_shapes, hierarchy)
def main():
def test_shape_assumptions(current_service: ServiceModel, current_shape: Shape, hierarchy: int):
if current_shape.serialization.get("location"):
# test the assumptions:
# - all location traits are defined in the root structure
if hierarchy > 1:
raise Exception(f"Non root location trait: {current_service}/{current_shape}")
# - all location traits are defined in services which have a rest protocol
if current_service.protocol not in ["rest-xml", "rest-json"]:
raise Exception(f"Non-REST service with location trait: {current_service}")
# - maps within the header (location trait is "headers") only contain string values
if current_shape.serialization.get("location") == "headers":
if current_shape.type_name == "map":
current_shape = cast(MapShape, current_shape)
if not (current_shape.key.type_name == current_shape.value.type_name == "string"):
raise Exception(f"Non-string headers location trait shape: {current_service}/{current_shape}")
elif current_shape.type_name == "structure":
current_shape = cast(StructureShape, current_shape)
for _, member_shape in current_shape.members.items():
if member_shape.type_name != "string":
raise Exception(f"Non-string headers location trait shape: {current_service}/{current_shape}")
elif current_shape.type_name == "list":
current_shape = cast(ListShape, current_shape)
if current_shape.member.type_name != "string":
raise Exception(f"Non-string headers location trait shape: {current_service}/{current_shape}")
if current_shape.serialization.get("payload") and current_service.protocol not in ["rest-xml", "rest-json"]:
raise Exception(f"Payload in non-rest service: {current_service}")
services = list_services()
for service in services:
for shape_name in service.shape_names:
shape = service.shape_for(shape_name)
traverse_members(service, shape, test_shape_assumptions)
print("All good...")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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