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Created August 14, 2011 03:52
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My .screenrc file
# Screen Options ##
shell bash # Tell screen your default shell
startup_message off # Turn off start message
defscrollback = 5000
shelltitle '$ |bash' # Dynamic window titled for running program
msgwait 1 # Set messages timeout to one second
nethack on # Turn on nethack error messages
backtick 0 0 0 whoami # Set "%0`" to equal the output of "whoami"
escape ^Oo
# Change the xterm initialization string to avoid window size change
termcapinfo xterm* 'is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l'
# Last line is status: green hostname, window list in cyan, and time and date right aligned:
# hardstatus alwayslastline "%{=b}%{G}%H: %{C}%w %=%{G}%D, %m/%d %C%a"
# This status is the same as the above, except it puts "<username>@" in front of the hostname
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{=b}%{G}Screen @ %0`@%H: %{C}%w %=%{G}%D, %m/%d"
# autodetach on
# This is useful if you want a separate screen in every running terminal window
# but not if you have 'exec screen -XRR' in your .profile
## Keybindings ##
# F7='k7', F8='k8', F9='k9', F10='k;', F11='F1', F12='F2'
# Good things to bind to hotkeys:
# prev (go to previous screen)
# next (go to next screen)
# kill (kill this window)
# screen (create a new window)
# title (rename the current window)
# detach (detach this session from this terminal)
bindkey -k k1 select 0
bindkey -k k2 select 1
bindkey -k k3 select 2
bindkey -k k4 select 3
bindkey -k k5 prev
bindkey -k k6 next
bindkey -k k7 title
bindkey -k k8 screen
bindkey -k k9 kill
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