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Alex Nozdriukhin alexnoz

  • Third Stone from the Sun
View GitHub Profile
const handler = {
get(target, propKey, receiver) {
if (/^_[0-9]+$/.test(propKey)) {
const result = [];
const first = Number(receiver);
const last = Number(propKey.slice(1));
for (let i=first; i<=last; i++) {
return result;
alexnoz / easing-functions.js
Last active February 17, 2020 17:27
A bunch of easing functions
function linear (m) {
return m
function power1In (m) {
return -Math.cos(m * (Math.PI / 2)) + 1
function power1Out (m) {
return Math.sin(m * (Math.PI / 2))
ebidel / feature_detect_es_modules.js
Last active September 4, 2023 13:56
Feature detect ES modules: both static import and dynamic import()
Complete feature detection for ES modules. Covers:
1. Static import: import * from './foo.js';
2. Dynamic import(): import('./foo.js').then(module => {...});
Thanks to @_gsathya, @kevincennis, @rauschma, @malyw for the help.
bendc / simulate-typing.js
Created September 1, 2017 08:57
Fake typing animation
const trackTime = timing => {
const now =;
if (!timing.startTime) timing.startTime = now;
const elapsed = now - timing.startTime;
const {duration} = timing;
if (duration != null && duration <= elapsed) timing.startTime = null;
return elapsed;
const delay = (callback, duration) => {
nblackburn / camelToKebab.js
Last active December 15, 2023 03:19
Convert a string from camel case to kebab case.
module.exports = (string) => {
return string.replace(/([a-z0-9]|(?=[A-Z]))([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
acdlite / app.js
Last active January 20, 2023 08:23
Quick and dirty code splitting with React Router v4
// getComponent is a function that returns a promise for a component
// It will not be called until the first mount
function asyncComponent(getComponent) {
return class AsyncComponent extends React.Component {
static Component = null;
state = { Component: AsyncComponent.Component };
componentWillMount() {
if (!this.state.Component) {
getComponent().then(Component => {
jeffreymorganio / javascript-array-of-random-values.js
Created June 12, 2016 15:01
Create and fill a JavaScript array with random values.
function randomDataSet(dataSetSize, minValue, maxValue) {
return new Array(dataSetSize).fill(0).map(function(n) {
return Math.random() * (maxValue - minValue) + minValue;
evanwill /
Last active September 12, 2024 01:58
how to add more utilities to git bash for windows, wget, make

How to add more to Git Bash on Windows

Git for Windows comes bundled with the "Git Bash" terminal which is incredibly handy for unix-like commands on a windows machine. It is missing a few standard linux utilities, but it is easy to add ones that have a windows binary available.

The basic idea is that C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\ is your / directory according to Git Bash (note: depending on how you installed it, the directory might be different. from the start menu, right click on the Git Bash icon and open file location. It might be something like C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Programs\Git, the mingw64 in this directory is your root. Find it by using pwd -W). If you go to that directory, you will find the typical linux root folder structure (bin, etc, lib and so on).

If you are missing a utility, such as wget, track down a binary for windows and copy the files to the corresponding directories. Sometimes the windows binary have funny prefixes, so

soundyogi / 2018_chrome_snippet_gui_import_export.js
Last active December 24, 2023 22:09
A snippet to export and import your chrome snippets
void function() { "use strict"
/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WIP DO NOT USE WIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
W::::::W W::::::WI::::::::IP::::::::::::::::P
W::::::W W::::::WI::::::::IP::::::PPPPPP:::::P

@kangax's ES6 quiz, explained

@kangax created a new interesting quiz, this time devoted to ES6 (aka ES2015). I found this quiz very interesting and quite hard (made myself 3 mistakes on first pass).

Here we go with the explanations:

Question 1:
(function(x, f = () =&gt; x) {