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Created January 31, 2018 03:20
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const [,, first, second] = array;
const [one,] = array; // разделит массив на остатки
const { name, age } = me;
const { name: firstName, age } = me;
const me = {
age: 26,
gender: "male",
city: "nsk"
const { name = 'noname', age } = me;
// ArrowFunctions (Сохраняют контекст)
const a3 = => el * 2);
const increment = n => n + 1;
// Functions arguments
const sayHelloNew = (name = 'noname') => `Hello new ${name}`;
const sayHelloNew = (name = 'noname') => ({
name: `Hello new ${name}`
// вернет объект, потому как () вместо return
const sayHello = (...people) => console.log(`Hello ${people.join(', ')}`);
sayHello('Alex', 'Test', 'Test2');
// people - это РЕАЛЬНЫЙ массив
const sayHello = (firstPerson, ...others) => console.log(`Hello ${firstPerson} and ${others.join(', ')}`);
// Деструктуризация внутри аргументов функции
let Person = ({name = 'noname', age = 0, city = 'Nowhere'}) => {
console.log( `Hello from ${city}! my name is ${name}, I am ${age} years old.`)
let me = {
name: "alex",
city: "nsk"
// Objects
const name = "alex";
const city = "nsk";
const me = {
// Назвать свойство из переменной
let propName = 'name';
let user = {
[propName]: 'alex'
const obj = {
sayHello() {
return `Hello ${}`
name: "alex"
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