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Alexis Bernard alexisbernard

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alexisbernard / password
Created August 23, 2024 14:49
Is ∀∁∂∃∄∅∆∇∈∉∊∋∌∍∎∏ a strong password?

Is ∀∁∂∃∄∅∆∇∈∉∊∋∌∍∎∏ a strong password?

I think that password entropy could be calculated from standard deviation of code points: log2((deviation * 2) ** length. The log2 converts the entropy in bits.

Indeed, unicode points are grouped by subsets. All latin characters have close code points. It's the same for other alphabets and mathematic symbols. They are grouped together. So it makes sens to compute the password entropy from the standard deviation of all used code points.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am alexisbernard on github.
  • I am alexis_bernard ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FCA3 D196 1FB9 7CF8 7EAD D95D 2712 9EF2 E8A7 447B

To claim this, I am signing this object:

alexisbernard / net_http_extension.rb
Created December 30, 2012 09:12
Convenient way to fetch URLs. It follows redirections and handles SSL.
# Convenient way to fetch URLs. It follows redirections and handles SSL. Usage:
# Net::HTTP.fetch_url('')
# Net::HTTP.fetch_url('')
module Net
class HTTP
def self.fetch_url(url, limit = 10)
raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
url = URI.parse(url)
options = {use_ssl: url.scheme.downcase == 'https'}
request = + '?' + url.query.to_s)
alexisbernard /
Created September 6, 2012 07:44
Public key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAznBfbfnCJMibMMPSI7Fxeo02Y9fgy7yrMVlON2AKhTB3QMhjUORqONRCQG6g1qHJX2Osg/NQ6kxZEU7pHC8aTCXpPnKMrSWz/73B3vSsfV2dZIp1q5pz35MGqCkXKhfM7xO8NHGbzzVOs9mNb0txWU1fPI9parPqCvosjFKN5uJDpMUKV3yVwqztsSgRp9hwMtErg5SkBeRbFYRl2Aa1pEmRwjwdQyS23B4uwus9cFE2xkR86FOkJu4/5Rr1WKmqOLFyObjk1MSwYqfmHtCgwO0GWB3OTYtQbBD/4UC159efKDKvivVqCnItzg2huHsSRr4JugnQ7AIpKhbnrIUx9w== alexis
alexisbernard / infinite_string_stub.rb
Created January 25, 2012 17:05
Infinite string stub
# # => 'baz'
class InfiniteStringStub < String
def method_missing(name)
alexisbernard / prepare-commit-msg
Created January 3, 2012 17:21
Git hook to append Pivotal's story tag
# File: .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# Append the Pivotal's story tag at the end of the commit message.
# Your branch must be named like this: my_branch_12345.
story=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD|sed -rn 's/^.*_([[:digit:]]+)/\1/p') # -E instead of -r for Mac OS X
test $story && echo "[Story#$story]" >> $1
exit 0
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/home/alexis/veritas/lib'
require 'veritas'
include Veritas
header =[[:name, String], [:is_admin, Integer], [:is_author, Integer]])
body = [['Foo', 1, 1], ['Bar', 1, 0], ['Baz', 0, 1]].each
users =, body)
admins =, body).restrict { |r| r[:is_admin].eq(1) }
alexisbernard / gist:270749
Created January 6, 2010 22:28
Fluent scopes
# Called dynamically named scopes on a model
module Fluent
module Scopes
def self.included(klass)
# The code below fixes the following statement:
# @project = Project.find(123)
# @project.developers.apply_scopes(filters).find
# Without the code below the condition where developers.project_id = 123 is erased
# by apply_scopes, because filters are built from the class Developer instead of
alexisbernard / gist:270744
Created January 6, 2010 22:27
Fluent factory
# Fluent Factory overrides the new class method to provide an intuitive factory.
# Instead of using
# MyFactory.new_instance(args)
# Which may return an instance of MyClass, you now use
# The second way is more intuitive and the big advantage is to use it rails and
# inheritance.
# Read the full example below to understand how to use it.
# class Animal
alexisbernard / gist:270730
Created January 6, 2010 22:14
Generate random string
# Generates a random String
# 'abc'.rand(10) # => 'aacbacccbc'
class String
def rand(length)
(1..length).inject('') {|str, i| str << self[Kernel::rand(self.length)]}