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Last active October 6, 2018 01:51
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snips ai output
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam install assistant -i proj_59lE2amy64B5
Downloading assistant
NLU training done
ASR training done
✔ Deploying assistant to raspberrypi.local...
Checking for skills
Cloning skill Snips.TimesTables_EN from url:
Cloning into 'snips-skill-times-tables-quiz'...
Warning: Some actions are not executable. Snips-skill-server won't be able to run them. Files:
To change the permission on your device, run:
chmod +x /var/lib/snips/skills/snips-skill-times-tables-quiz/
✔ Generating virtual environment for python actions
Checking actions for end-user parameters
Relaunching snips-skill-server
✔ Snips assistant is now running. Say jarvis to start!
i Run sam watch to see the logs
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam watch
[18:21:24] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT)
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam test speaker
Testing speaker
✔ Playing sound on your speaker. Press Enter to stop...
Playing sound on your speaker. Press Enter to stop... done
i Didn't hear anything ? Run : sam setup audio
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam test microphone
i Plug in your microphone and turn on your speaker
Stopping snips audio server
✔ Say something in the microphone, then press a key to continue...
✔ Playing the recording
Relaunching snips-audio-server
i Didn't hear anything? Check the recording level of your microphone and the volume of the speaker.
i Alternatively you can run sam setup audio to setup your microphone
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam watch
[18:22:41] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT)
// For this one, I did run the chmod command on the Pi in order to enable the response. I also re-tested the mic and speaker, both of which worked fine.
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam install demo
✔ Installing Snips fake weather demo
Checking for skills
Cloning skill from url:
Cloning into 'snips-skill-weather-tts'...
✔ Installing pip and virtualenv. This could take a while.
✔ Generating virtual environment for python actions
Checking actions for end-user parameters
Relaunching snips-skill-server
✔ Snips assistant is now running. Say hey_snips to start!
i Run sam watch to see the logs
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam watch
[18:10:25] Watching on localhost:1883 (MQTT)
// For this one, I waited about a minute to see if any response would happen (or the command would terminate), but nothing happened.
AlexBox:~ alex$ sam status
Connected to device raspberrypi.local
OS version ................... Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Installed assistant .......... WISE
Language ..................... en
Hotword ...................... jarvis
ASR engine ................... snips
Status ....................... Live
Service status:
snips-analytics .............. 0.58.3 (running)
snips-asr .................... 0.58.3 (running)
snips-audio-server ........... 0.58.3 (running)
snips-dialogue ............... 0.58.3 (running)
snips-hotword ................ 0.58.3 (running)
snips-nlu .................... 0.58.3 (running)
snips-skill-server ........... 0.58.3 (running)
snips-tts .................... 0.58.3 (running)
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alexglow commented Oct 6, 2018

I ran both of these tests over ssh.

Problem description:

  • I install everything, run "sam test microphone" and "sam test speaker", and everything works fine
  • I install the demo, and then one of the assistants (with a standalone multiplication app created by Snips team), and encounter the same problem each time:
  • I run "sam watch" to get logs, say the wake word, and see that it is watching.
  • I make sure to phrase the question exactly as written
  • No response happens
  • Eventually, I hit ctrl+C to exit the demo

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alexglow commented Oct 6, 2018

I hit this wall before, when I tried to run a demo on the MATRIX Voice long ago, after installing the one that flashes red LEDs in response to my voice.

Here are similar descriptions of issues, from the forum, none of which seem to be resolved:

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