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Created April 26, 2016 15:54
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subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
median(left) : Median number of distinct cluster of markings of left-facing animals
median(right) : Median number of distinct clusters of markings of right-facing animals
median(away) : Median number of distinct clusters of markings of away-facing animals
median(towards) : Median number of distinct clusters of markings of toward-facing animals
mean_probability : The mean average percentage of people who had markings in each cluster
median_probability : The median average percentage of people who had markings in each cluster
mean_tool : the mean average percentage of people who agreed with the most popular direction for that cluster
median_tool : the median average percentage of people who agreed with the most popular direction for that cluster
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
x1,y1 - x2,y2 : coordinates
p(most_likely_tool) : the percentage of people who used the most commonly selected tool for this cluster
p(true_positive) : the percentage of people who saw the subject and have a marking in that particular cluster. Measuring how likely it is that that cluster actually represents "something". A false positive would be something like a tree or a rock. Anything below a certain threshold gets discarded as false positive.
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
p(moving) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was moving
p(standing) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was standing
p(lying) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was lying
p(sitting) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was sitting
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
most_likely : The most likely (most popular) direction faced for that animal
p(most_likely) : The percentage of people who held that view
shannon_entropy : a measure of agreement amongst users for this question - e.g. if entropy is 0, everyone was in agreement. See
mean_agreement : the mean average percentage of people who voted for that option
median_agreement : the median average percentage of people who voted for that option
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
p(easy) : The percentage of people who thought this image is easy
p(moderate) : The percentage of people who thought this image is moderate
p(hard) : The percentage of people who thought this image is hard
num_users : The number of users who saw this
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
most_likely : The most likely difficulty for that image
p(most_likely) : The percentage of people who held that view
shannon_entropy : a measure of agreement amongst users for this question - e.g. if entropy is 0, everyone was in agreement. See
mean_agreement : the mean average percentage of people who voted for that difficulty.
median_agreement : the median average percentage of people who voted for that difficulty.
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
p(complete) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was completely visible
p(mostly visible) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was mostly visible
p(half obscured) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was half obscured
p(mostly obscured) : The percentage of people who thought this specific animal was mostly obscured or off camera
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
subject_id : Panoptes subject ID
cluster_index : zero-indexed counter for each cluster(box) identified by the crowd (each box has its own row)
most_likely : The most likely (most popular) opinion on how much of the animal is visible
p(most_likely) : The percentage of people who held that view
shannon_entropy : a measure of agreement amongst users for this question - e.g. if entropy is 0, everyone was in agreement. See
mean_agreement : the mean average percentage of people who voted for that option
median_agreement : the median average percentage of people who voted for that option
num_users : The number of users who saw this subject
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