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Created October 7, 2021 02:55
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Querying the online user list
getOnlineUsers = async () => {
const keys = new Set();
let cursor = "0";
do {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
(err, reply) => {
cursor = reply[0];
reply[1].forEach((key: string) => keys.add(key));
if (cursor === "0") {
} while (cursor !== "0");
const commands: any[] = [];
keys.forEach((key: unknown) =>
commands.push(["hmget", key, "username", "connected"])
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.redisClient.multi(commands).exec((err, reply) => {
const userArray = string[]) => mapSession(result));
return resolve(userArray.filter((user) => user.connected === "true"));
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