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Created May 12, 2017 17:55
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Docker compose wrapper with environment variable setup and complex command macros
import click
import docker
from .compose_wrapper import comp, dc_passthrough
from .env import get_env, setup_env
def dc():
"""Use docker-compose CLI directly.
docker login and environment variable setup are handled for you.
setup_env() # Docker login and set os.environ
dc_passthrough() # send sys.argv to Docker Compose CLI handler
def dev():
"""Utilities for working with your compose-based Development Environment."""
@click.argument('options', nargs=-1)
def grunt(options):
"""Dockerized Grunt wrapper."""
if options:
command = ['grunt'] + list(options)
command = None
"""Wrapper for calling the Docker Compose CLI."""
import sys
from compose.cli.main import main as dc_passthrough
def clean(lst):
"""Clean unicode etc from an iterable of strings.
TODO: cover more cases than u'foo' -> 'foo'.
return map(bytes, lst)
def comp(subcommand, options=None, services=None, files=None, flags=None,
"""Wrapper for calling docker-compose CLI command.
subcommand : str
docker-compose subcommand to run (run, build, up, down)
options : [str]
Options to Docker compse (eg --project-name)
services : [str]
List of services to operate on
files : [str]
docker-compose files to use (-f)
All file paths relative to the path of the first file.
flags : [str]
Any flags to the subcommand
command : [str]
COMMAND override, for `run` commands.
argv = []
if options is not None:
argv += clean(options)
if files is not None:
files = clean(files)
files = '-f ' + ' -f '.join(files)
argv += files.split()
argv += [subcommand]
if flags is not None:
argv += clean(flags)
if services is not None:
argv += clean(services)
if command is not None:
argv += clean(command)
print('Running `dc {}`'.format(' '.join(argv)))
old_argv = sys.argv
sys.argv[1:] = argv
exc = None
except BaseException as exc:
pass # cleanup and raise later
sys.argv = old_argv
if exc is not None:
if isinstance(exc, SystemExit):
if exc.code != 0:
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