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Created January 14, 2015 19:14
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Basic Vi Commands

Modes & Controls

Command Description
vi filename Edit filename
vi -r filename Edit last version of filename after crash
vi + n filename Edit filename at end of file
vi + filename Edit filename at end of file
vi +/str filename Edit filename at first occurance of str
Command Description
:w Save
:x or :wq Save & Exit
:q Exit if no changes made
:q! Exit & discard any changes

Cursor Navigation

Command Description
h or ← Cursor left
j or ↓ Cursor down
k or ↑ Cursor up
l or → Cursor right
w Next word
W Next blank delimited word
b Start of word
B Start of blank delimited word
e End of word
W End of blank delimited word
( Back a sentence
) Forward a sentence
{ Back a paragraph
} Forward a paragraph
0 Beggining of line
$ End of line
1G Start of file
G End of file
:n nth line of file
f< char > Forward to char
F< char > Back to char
H Top of screen
M Middle of screen
L Bottom of screen
% Matching bracket
gg Start of document

Inserting Text

Command Description
i Insert before cursor
a Append after cursor
I Insert before line
A Append after line
o Add new line after current line
O Add new line before current line
r Overwrite one character
R Overwrite many characters
:r file Reads file and inserts it after this line
p Put after the position or line
P Put before the position or line
C Rewrite the whole line

Marking Text (Visual Mode)

Command Description
v Start visual mode, mark lines, then do command (such as y-yank)
V Start Linewise visual mode
o Move to other end of marked area
ctrl + v Start visual block mode
O Move to Other corner of block
aw Mark a word
ab A () block (with braces)
aB A {} block (with brackets)
ib Inner () block
iB Inner {} block
esc Exit visual mode

Visual commands

Command Description
> Shift right
< Shift left
y Yank (copy) marked text
d Delete marked text
~ Switch case

Cut and Paste

Command Description
yy yank (copy) a line
2yy yank 2 lines
yw yank word
y$ yank to end of line
p put (paste) the clipboard after cursor
P put (paste) before cursor
dd delete (cut) a line
dw delete (cut) the current word
x delete (cut) current character

Deleting Text

Command Description
x Delete character to right of cursor
X Delete character to left of cursor
D Delete the rest of line
dd or :d Delete current line
ndw Deletes the next n words
ndb Deletes the previous n words
ndd Deletes n lines starting with current
:x,yd Delete lines x through y
:r < file > Reads file and inserts it after this line
d{nav_cmd} Overwrite many characters


Command Description
/string Search forward for string
?string Search backwards for string
n Go to next match
N Go to previous match
:set ic Ignore case while searching
:set noic Case-sensitive searching
:set nu Turn on line numbers
:x,yg/str Search for str from line x to line y
:g/str/cmd Run cmd on lines containing str
* Search for next instance of current word
# Search for last instance of current word
:%s/old/new/g Replace all old with new throughout file
:%s/old/new/gc Replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

Working with multiple files

Command Description
:e filename Edit a file in a new buffer
:bnext (or :bn) Go to next buffer
:bprev (of :bp) Go to previous buffer
:bd Delete a buffer (close a file)
:sp filename Open a file in a new buffer and split window
ctrl + ws Split windows
ctrl + ww Switch between windows
ctrl + wq Quit a window
ctrl + wv Split windows vertically


Command Description
u Undo last change
J Join lines
nJ Join next n lines
. Repeat last command
U Undo all changes to line
ctrl + c Escape insert mode
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