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Created November 10, 2022 17:22
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* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 HERE Europe B.V.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* License-Filename: LICENSE
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/core.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/core.errors.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/gestures.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/location.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/mapview.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/navigation.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/routing.dart' as HERE;
import 'package:here_sdk/routing.dart';
import 'package:here_sdk/trafficawarenavigation.dart';
import 'package:mobileapp/controllers/maps/liveMap.dart';
import 'package:mobileapp/controllers/maps/smartRoute.dart';
import 'HEREPositioningProvider.dart';
import 'HEREPositioningSimulator.dart';
import 'LanguageCodeConverter.dart';
// Shows how to start and stop turn-by-turn navigation along a route.
class NavigationExample {
final HereMapController _hereMapController;
final SmartRouteController _smartRouteController = SmartRouteController();
late VisualNavigator _visualNavigator;
late HEREPositioningSimulator _locationSimulationProvider;
late HEREPositioningProvider _herePositioningProvider;
late DynamicRoutingEngine _dynamicRoutingEngine;
MapMatchedLocation? _lastMapMatchedLocation;
int _previousManeuverIndex = -1;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateMessageState;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateSpeedState;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateRemainingDistance;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateStreetName;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateNextStreetName;
final ValueChanged<bool> _isCameraTrackingEnabled;
final ValueChanged<HERE.Maneuver> _updateManeuver;
final ValueChanged<String> _updateDeviation;
HereMapController hereMapController,
ValueChanged<String> updateMessageState,
ValueChanged<String> updateSpeedState,
ValueChanged<String> updateRemainingDistance,
ValueChanged<String> updateStreetName,
ValueChanged<String> updateNextStreetName,
ValueChanged<bool> isCameraTrackingEnabled,
ValueChanged<HERE.Maneuver> _updateManeuver,
ValueChanged<String> _updateDeviation)
: _hereMapController = hereMapController,
_updateSpeedState = updateSpeedState,
_updateRemainingDistance = updateRemainingDistance,
_updateStreetName = updateStreetName,
_updateNextStreetName = updateNextStreetName,
_isCameraTrackingEnabled = isCameraTrackingEnabled,
_updateManeuver = _updateManeuver,
_updateDeviation = _updateDeviation,
_updateMessageState = updateMessageState {
try {
_visualNavigator = VisualNavigator();
} on InstantiationException {
throw Exception("Initialization of VisualNavigator failed.");
// This enables a navigation view including a rendered navigation arrow.
// For easy testing, this location provider simulates location events along a route.
// You can use HERE positioning to feed real locations, see the "Positioning"-section in
// our Developer's Guide for an example.
_locationSimulationProvider = HEREPositioningSimulator();
// Access the device's GPS sensor and other data.
_herePositioningProvider = HEREPositioningProvider();
_visualNavigator, LocationAccuracy.navigation);
_hereMapController.gestures.tapListener = TapListener((Point2D touchPoint) {
_visualNavigator.cameraMode = CameraTrackingMode.disabled;
_hereMapController.gestures.panListener =
PanListener((GestureState gx, Point2D pt1, Point2D pt2, double value) {
_visualNavigator.cameraMode = CameraTrackingMode.disabled;
void _createDynamicRoutingEngine() {
var dynamicRoutingOptions = DynamicRoutingEngineOptions.withAllDefaults();
// We want an update for each poll iteration, so we specify 0 difference.
dynamicRoutingOptions.minTimeDifference =;
dynamicRoutingOptions.minTimeDifferencePercentage = 0.0;
dynamicRoutingOptions.pollInterval = Duration(minutes: 5);
try {
// With the dynamic routing engine you can poll the HERE backend services to search for routes with less traffic.
// THis can happen during guidance - or you can periodically update a route that is shown in a route planner.
_dynamicRoutingEngine = DynamicRoutingEngine(dynamicRoutingOptions);
} on InstantiationException {
throw Exception("Initialization of DynamicRoutingEngine failed.");
Location? getLastKnownLocation() {
return _herePositioningProvider.getLastKnownLocation();
void startNavigationSimulation(HERE.Route route) {
// Stop in case it was started before.
// Simulates location events based on the given route.
// The navigator is set as listener to receive location updates.
_locationSimulationProvider.startLocating(route, _visualNavigator);
_visualNavigator.startRendering(_hereMapController); // just an experiment
void startNavigation(HERE.Route route) {
// Stop in case it was started before.
// Access the device's GPS sensor and other data.
// The navigator is set as listener to receive location updates.
_visualNavigator, LocationAccuracy.navigation);
_visualNavigator.startRendering(_hereMapController); // just an experiment
void _startDynamicSearchForBetterRoutes(HERE.Route route) {
try {
// Notifies on traffic-optimized routes that are considered better than the current route.
DynamicRoutingListener((Route newRoute, int etaDifferenceInSeconds,
int distanceDifferenceInMeters) {
_updateMessageState("DynamicRoutingEngine: Calculated a new route");
"DynamicRoutingEngine: etaDifferenceInSeconds: $etaDifferenceInSeconds.");
"DynamicRoutingEngine: distanceDifferenceInMeters: $distanceDifferenceInMeters.");
// An implementation can decide to switch to the new route:
// _visualNavigator.route = newRoute;
}, (RoutingError routingError) {
final error = routingError.toString();
"Error while dynamically searching for a better route: $error");
} on DynamicRoutingEngineStartException {
throw Exception(
"Start of DynamicRoutingEngine failed. Is the RouteHandle missing?");
void _prepareNavigation(HERE.Route route) {
// Set the route to follow.
_visualNavigator.route = route;
void setTracking(bool isTracking) {
if (isTracking) {
_visualNavigator.cameraMode = CameraTrackingMode.enabled;
} else {
_visualNavigator.cameraMode = CameraTrackingMode.disabled;
void stopNavigation() {
// Stop in case it was started before.
_updateMessageState("Tracking device's location.");
void detach() {
// It is recommended to stop rendering before leaving the app.
// This also removes the current location marker.
// It is recommended to stop the LocationEngine before leaving the app.
// Starts tracking the device's location using HERE Positioning.
void startTracking() {
// Leaves guidance (if it was running) and enables tracking mode. The camera may optionally follow, see toggleTracking().
_visualNavigator.route = null;
_visualNavigator, LocationAccuracy.navigation);
String _getRoadName(Maneuver maneuver) {
RoadTexts currentRoadTexts = maneuver.roadTexts;
RoadTexts nextRoadTexts = maneuver.nextRoadTexts;
String? currentRoadName = currentRoadTexts.names.getDefaultValue();
String? currentRoadNumber = currentRoadTexts.numbers.getDefaultValue();
String? nextRoadName = nextRoadTexts.names.getDefaultValue();
String? nextRoadNumber = nextRoadTexts.numbers.getDefaultValue();
String? roadName = nextRoadName == null ? nextRoadNumber : nextRoadName;
// On highways, we want to show the highway number instead of a possible road name,
// while for inner city and urban areas road names are preferred over road numbers.
if (maneuver.nextRoadType == RoadType.highway) {
roadName = nextRoadNumber == null ? nextRoadName : nextRoadNumber;
if (maneuver.action == ManeuverAction.arrive) {
// We are approaching the destination, so there's no next road.
roadName = currentRoadName == null ? currentRoadNumber : currentRoadName;
// Happens only in rare cases, when also the fallback above is null.
roadName ??= 'unnamed road';
return roadName;
void setMySpeed(String speed) {
void setupListeners() {
// Notifies on the progress along the route including maneuver instructions.
// These maneuver instructions can be used to compose a visual representation of the next maneuver actions.
_visualNavigator.routeProgressListener =
RouteProgressListener((RouteProgress routeProgress) {
// Handle results from onRouteProgressUpdated():
List<SectionProgress> sectionProgressList = routeProgress.sectionProgress;
// sectionProgressList is guaranteed to be non-empty.
SectionProgress lastSectionProgress =
sectionProgressList.elementAt(sectionProgressList.length - 1);
print('Distance to destination in meters: ' +
print('Traffic delay ahead in seconds: ' +
// Contains the progress for the next maneuver ahead and the next-next maneuvers, if any.
List<ManeuverProgress> nextManeuverList = routeProgress.maneuverProgress;
if (nextManeuverList.isEmpty) {
print('No next maneuver available.');
ManeuverProgress nextManeuverProgress = nextManeuverList.first;
int nextManeuverIndex = nextManeuverProgress.maneuverIndex;
Maneuver? nextManeuver = _visualNavigator.getManeuver(nextManeuverIndex);
if (nextManeuver == null) {
// Should never happen as we retrieved the next maneuver progress above.
// print("_______________________________________");
// print('road text ${nextManeuver.roadTexts.names.getDefaultValue()}');
var roadText = nextManeuver.roadTexts.names.getDefaultValue();
.setCurrentStreetName(roadText != null ? roadText : "");
// print("_______________________________________");
_updateStreetName(roadText == null ? "" : roadText);
// print('########################################');
var nextStreet = nextManeuver.nextRoadTexts.names.getDefaultValue();
.setNextStreetName(nextStreet != null ? nextStreet : "");
// print(
// 'next road text ${nextManeuver.nextRoadTexts.names.getDefaultValue()}');
// print("########################################");
_updateNextStreetName(nextStreet == null ? "" : nextStreet);
ManeuverAction action = nextManeuver.action;
String roadName = _getRoadName(nextManeuver);
String logMessage = describeEnum(action) +
' on ' +
roadName +
' in ' +
nextManeuverProgress.remainingDistanceInMeters.toString() +
' meters.';
if (_previousManeuverIndex != nextManeuverIndex) {
_updateMessageState('New maneuver: $logMessage');
} else {
// A maneuver update contains a different distance to reach the next maneuver.
_updateMessageState("Maneuver update: $logMessage");
_previousManeuverIndex = nextManeuverIndex;
if (_lastMapMatchedLocation != null) {
// Update the route based on the current location of the driver.
// We periodically want to search for better traffic-optimized routes.
_lastMapMatchedLocation!, routeProgress.sectionIndex);
// Notifies on the current map-matched location and other useful information while driving or walking.
// The map-matched location is used to update the map view.
_visualNavigator.navigableLocationListener =
NavigableLocationListener((NavigableLocation currentNavigableLocation) {
// Handle results from onNavigableLocationUpdated():
MapMatchedLocation? mapMatchedLocation =
if (mapMatchedLocation == null) {
print("This new location could not be map-matched. Are you off-road?");
_lastMapMatchedLocation = mapMatchedLocation;
var speed =
var accuracy = currentNavigableLocation
// print('yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy');
// setMySpeed(speed.toString());
print("Driving speed (m/s): $speed plus/minus an accuracy of: $accuracy");
// Notifies when the destination of the route is reached.
_visualNavigator.destinationReachedListener =
DestinationReachedListener(() {
// Handle results from onDestinationReached().
"Destination reached. Stopping turn-by-turn navigation.");
// Notifies when a waypoint on the route is reached or missed
_visualNavigator.milestoneStatusListener = MilestoneStatusListener(
(Milestone milestone, MilestoneStatus milestoneStatus) {
// Handle results from onMilestoneStatusUpdated().
if (milestone.waypointIndex != null &&
milestoneStatus == MilestoneStatus.reached) {
print("A user-defined waypoint was reached, index of waypoint: " +
print("Original coordinates: " +
} else if (milestone.waypointIndex != null &&
milestoneStatus == MilestoneStatus.missed) {
print("A user-defined waypoint was missed, index of waypoint: " +
print("Original coordinates: " +
} else if (milestone.waypointIndex == null &&
milestoneStatus == MilestoneStatus.reached) {
// For example, when transport mode changes due to a ferry a system-defined waypoint may have been added.
print("A system-defined waypoint was reached at: " +
} else if (milestone.waypointIndex == null &&
milestoneStatus == MilestoneStatus.reached) {
// For example, when transport mode changes due to a ferry a system-defined waypoint may have been added.
print("A system-defined waypoint was missed at: " +
// Notifies on the current speed limit valid on the current road.
_visualNavigator.speedLimitListener =
SpeedLimitListener((SpeedLimit speedLimit) {
// Handle results from onSpeedLimitUpdated().
double? currentSpeedLimit = _getCurrentSpeedLimit(speedLimit);
if (currentSpeedLimit == null) {
print("Warning: Speed limits unknown, data could not be retrieved.");
} else if (currentSpeedLimit == 0) {
"No speed limits on this road! Drive as fast as you feel safe ...");
} else {
print("Current speed limit (m/s): $currentSpeedLimit");
// Notifies when the current speed limit is exceeded.
_visualNavigator.speedWarningListener =
SpeedWarningListener((SpeedWarningStatus speedWarningStatus) {
// Handle results from onSpeedWarningStatusChanged().
if (speedWarningStatus == SpeedWarningStatus.speedLimitExceeded) {
// Driver is faster than current speed limit (plus an optional offset, see setupSpeedWarnings()).
// Play a click sound to indicate this to the driver.
// As Flutter itself does not provide support for sounds,
// alternatively use a 3rd party plugin to play an alert sound of your choice.
// Note that this may not include temporary special speed limits, see SpeedLimitListener.;
print("Speed limit exceeded.");
if (speedWarningStatus == SpeedWarningStatus.speedLimitRestored) {
"Driver is again slower than current speed limit (plus an optional offset.)");
// Notifies on a possible deviation from the route.
// When deviation is too large, an app may decide to recalculate the route from current location to destination.
_visualNavigator.routeDeviationListener =
RouteDeviationListener((RouteDeviation routeDeviation) {
// Handle results from onRouteDeviation().
HERE.Route? route = _visualNavigator.route;
if (route == null) {
// May happen in rare cases when route was set to null inbetween.
// Get current geographic coordinates.
MapMatchedLocation? currentMapMatchedLocation =
GeoCoordinates currentGeoCoordinates = currentMapMatchedLocation == null
? routeDeviation.currentLocation.originalLocation.coordinates
: currentMapMatchedLocation.coordinates;
// Get last geographic coordinates on route.
GeoCoordinates lastGeoCoordinatesOnRoute;
if (routeDeviation.lastLocationOnRoute != null) {
MapMatchedLocation? lastMapMatchedLocationOnRoute =
lastGeoCoordinatesOnRoute = lastMapMatchedLocationOnRoute == null
? routeDeviation.lastLocationOnRoute!.originalLocation.coordinates
: lastMapMatchedLocationOnRoute.coordinates;
} else {
"User was never following the route. So, we take the start of the route instead.");
lastGeoCoordinatesOnRoute =
int distanceInMeters =
currentGeoCoordinates.distanceTo(lastGeoCoordinatesOnRoute) as int;
print("RouteDeviation in meters is " + distanceInMeters.toString());
// Notifies on voice maneuver messages.
_visualNavigator.maneuverNotificationListener =
ManeuverNotificationListener((String voiceText) {
// Handle results lambda_onManeuverNotification().
// Flutter itself does not provide a text-to-speech engine. Use one of the available TTS plugins to speak
// the voiceText message.
print("Voice guidance text: $voiceText");
// Notifies on the attributes of the current road including usage and physical characteristics.
_visualNavigator.roadAttributesListener =
RoadAttributesListener((RoadAttributes roadAttributes) {
// Handle results from onRoadAttributesUpdated().
// This is called whenever any road attribute has changed.
// If all attributes are unchanged, no new event is fired.
// Note that a road can have more than one attribute at the same time.
print("Received road attributes update.");
if (roadAttributes.isBridge) {
// Identifies a structure that allows a road, railway, or walkway to pass over another road, railway,
// waterway, or valley serving map display and route guidance functionalities.
print("Road attributes: This is a bridge.");
if (roadAttributes.isControlledAccess) {
// Controlled access roads are roads with limited entrances and exits that allow uninterrupted
// high-speed traffic flow.
print("Road attributes: This is a controlled access road.");
if (roadAttributes.isDirtRoad) {
// Indicates whether the navigable segment is paved.
print("Road attributes: This is a dirt road.");
if (roadAttributes.isDividedRoad) {
// Indicates if there is a physical structure or painted road marking intended to legally prohibit
// left turns in right-side driving countries, right turns in left-side driving countries,
// and U-turns at divided intersections or in the middle of divided segments.
print("Road attributes: This is a divided road.");
if (roadAttributes.isNoThrough) {
// Identifies a no through road.
print("Road attributes: This is a no through road.");
if (roadAttributes.isPrivate) {
// Private identifies roads that are not maintained by an organization responsible for maintenance of
// public roads.
print("Road attributes: This is a private road.");
if (roadAttributes.isRamp) {
// Range is a ramp: connects roads that do not intersect at grade.
print('Road attributes: This is a ramp.');
if (roadAttributes.isRightDrivingSide) {
// Indicates if vehicles have to drive on the right-hand side of the road or the left-hand side.
// For example, in New York it is always true and in London always false as the United Kingdom is
// a left-hand driving country.
print("Road attributes: isRightDrivingSide = " +
if (roadAttributes.isRoundabout) {
// Indicates the presence of a roundabout.
print("Road attributes: This is a roundabout.");
if (roadAttributes.isTollway) {
// Identifies a road for which a fee must be paid to use the road.
print("Road attributes change: This is a road with toll costs.");
if (roadAttributes.isTunnel) {
// Identifies an enclosed (on all sides) passageway through or under an obstruction.
print("Road attributes: This is a tunnel.");
// Notifies which lane(s) lead to the next (next) maneuvers.
_visualNavigator.maneuverViewLaneAssistanceListener =
(ManeuverViewLaneAssistance laneAssistance) {
// Handle events from onLaneAssistanceUpdated().
// This lane list is guaranteed to be non-empty.
List<Lane> lanes = laneAssistance.lanesForNextManeuver;
for (var l in lanes) {
List<Lane> nextLanes = laneAssistance.lanesForNextNextManeuver;
if (nextLanes.isNotEmpty) {
print("Attention, the next next maneuver is very close.");
print("Please take the following lane(s) after the next maneuver: ");
'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ NON EMPTY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@');
// Notifies which lane(s) allow to follow the route.
_visualNavigator.junctionViewLaneAssistanceListener =
(JunctionViewLaneAssistance junctionViewLaneAssistance) {
List<Lane> lanes = junctionViewLaneAssistance.lanesForNextJunction;
if (lanes.isEmpty) {
_updateMessageState("You have passed the complex junction.");
} else {
_updateMessageState("Attention, a complex junction is ahead.");
// Notifies truck drivers on road restrictions ahead.
// For example, there can be a bridge ahead not high enough to pass a big truck
// or there can be a road ahead where the weight of the truck is beyond it's permissible weight.
// This event notifies on truck restrictions in general,
// so it will also deliver events, when the transport type was set to a non-truck transport type.
// The given restrictions are based on the HERE database of the road network ahead.
_visualNavigator.truckRestrictionsWarningListener =
TruckRestrictionsWarningListener((List<TruckRestrictionWarning> list) {
// The list is guaranteed to be non-empty.
for (TruckRestrictionWarning truckRestrictionWarning in list) {
if (truckRestrictionWarning.distanceType == DistanceType.ahead) {
"TruckRestrictionWarning ahead in: ${truckRestrictionWarning.distanceInMeters} meters.");
} else if (truckRestrictionWarning.distanceType ==
DistanceType.passed) {
print("A restriction just passed.");
// One of the following restrictions applies ahead, if more restrictions apply at the same time,
// they are part of another TruckRestrictionWarning element contained in the list.
if (truckRestrictionWarning.weightRestriction != null) {
// For now only one weight type (= truck) is exposed.
WeightRestrictionType type =
int value =
print("TruckRestriction for weight (kg): ${type.toString()}: $value");
if (truckRestrictionWarning.dimensionRestriction != null) {
// Can be either a length, width or height restriction of the truck. For example, a height
// restriction can apply for a tunnel. Other possible restrictions are delivered in
// separate TruckRestrictionWarning objects contained in the list, if any.
DimensionRestrictionType type =
int value =
print("TruckRestriction for dimension: ${type.toString()}: $value");
// Notifies whenever any textual attribute of the current road changes, i.e., the current road texts differ
// from the previous one. This can be useful during tracking mode, when no maneuver information is provided.
_visualNavigator.roadTextsListener =
RoadTextsListener((RoadTexts roadTexts) {
// See _getRoadName() how to get the current road name from the provided RoadTexts.
void logLaneRecommendations(List<Lane> lanes) {
// The lane at index 0 is the leftmost lane adjacent to the middle of the road.
// The lane at the last index is the rightmost lane.
int laneNumber = 0;
for (Lane lane in lanes) {
// This state is only possible if laneAssistance.lanesForNextNextManeuver is not empty.
// For example, when two lanes go left, this lanes leads only to the next maneuver,
// but not to the maneuver after the next maneuver, while the highly recommended lane also leads
// to this next next maneuver.
if (lane.recommendationState == LaneRecommendationState.recommended) {
"Lane $laneNumber leads to next maneuver, but not to the next next maneuver.");
// If laneAssistance.lanesForNextNextManeuver is not empty, this lane leads also to the
// maneuver after the next maneuver.
if (lane.recommendationState ==
LaneRecommendationState.highlyRecommended) {
"Lane $laneNumber leads to next maneuver and eventually to the next next maneuver.");
if (lane.recommendationState == LaneRecommendationState.notRecommended) {
print("Do not take lane $laneNumber to follow the route.");
void setCameraTrackingModeTapGestureHandler(CameraTrackingMode _cmt) {
_visualNavigator.cameraMode = _cmt;
void setupSpeedWarnings() {
SpeedLimitOffset speedLimitOffset = SpeedLimitOffset.withDefaults();
speedLimitOffset.lowSpeedOffsetInMetersPerSecond = 2;
speedLimitOffset.highSpeedOffsetInMetersPerSecond = 4;
speedLimitOffset.highSpeedBoundaryInMetersPerSecond = 25;
_visualNavigator.speedWarningOptions =
void setupVoiceTextMessages() {
LanguageCode ttsLanguageCode = getLanguageCodeForDevice(
_visualNavigator.maneuverNotificationOptions =
ManeuverNotificationOptions(ttsLanguageCode, UnitSystem.metric);
print("LanguageCode for maneuver notifications: $ttsLanguageCode.");
LanguageCode getLanguageCodeForDevice(
List<LanguageCode> supportedVoiceSkins) {
final Locale localeForCurrenDevice = window.locales.first;
// Determine supported voice skins from HERE SDK.
LanguageCode languageCodeForCurrenDevice =
if (!supportedVoiceSkins.contains(languageCodeForCurrenDevice)) {
"No voice skins available for $languageCodeForCurrenDevice, falling back to enUs.");
languageCodeForCurrenDevice = LanguageCode.enUs;
return languageCodeForCurrenDevice;
double? _getCurrentSpeedLimit(SpeedLimit speedLimit) {
// Note that all speedLimit properties can be null if no data is available.
// The regular speed limit if available. In case of unbounded speed limit, the value is zero.
print("speedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
// A conditional school zone speed limit as indicated on the local road signs.
print("schoolZoneSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
// A conditional time-dependent speed limit as indicated on the local road signs.
// It is in effect considering the current local time provided by the device's clock.
print("timeDependentSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
// A conditional non-legal speed limit that recommends a lower speed,
// for example, due to bad road conditions.
print("advisorySpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
// A weather-dependent speed limit as indicated on the local road signs.
// The HERE SDK cannot detect the current weather condition, so a driver must decide
// based on the situation if this speed limit applies.
print("fogSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
print("rainSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
print("snowSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond: " +
// For convenience, this returns the effective (lowest) speed limit between
// - speedLimitInMetersPerSecond
// - schoolZoneSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond
// - timeDependentSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond
return speedLimit.effectiveSpeedLimitInMetersPerSecond();
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