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Last active July 24, 2024 09:08
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Stata command to download and import a Eurostat dataset
// Usage example:
// Either the parameter is Eurostat's "online data code":
// insheet_eurostat nama_10_gdp
// or the parameter is the custom URL generated with Eurostat GUI top right corner:
// Go to e.g. and
// do your selections by clicking first on the circle with plus (+) and then click
// ⤓ Download > ⚙ Options and other formats > Select file format: Text (.tsv, .csv), and Select: Data scope = "Data on this page only" and Compressed = No > Click: [⧉ Copy Link] button
// insheet_eurostat
// To use it like other commands, put it in your "personal" folder/directory
// (see: and
prog insheet_eurostat
qui des
if `r(k)'!=0 {
di as err "Memory is not empty!"
err 18
tempfile temp_file
di as txt "Downloading `1'..."
if substr("`1'",1,5)=="https" {
copy "`1'" "`temp_file'"
else {
copy "`=strupper("`1'")'?format=TSV" "`temp_file'"
di "Importing into memory..."
insheet using "`temp_file'", names tab
qui tostring *, force replace
qui ds *
tokenize `r(varlist)'
loc first_col `1'
qui des
forval i = 2/`r(k)' {
qui ren ``i'' _`i'
loc first_col_names : var lab `first_col'
loc first_col_names = subinstr("`first_col_names'", ",", " ", .)
loc first_col_names = subinstr("`first_col_names'", "\TIME_PERIOD", "", 1)
loc time_pair_list ""
foreach vname of varlist _* {
loc time : var lab `vname'
loc name = subinstr("`vname'","_","",1)
loc time_pair_list `"`time_pair_list' `""`time'" if time=="`name'""'"'
di "Reshaping into long format (be patient, it is usually very slow)..."
qui reshape long _, i(`first_col') j(time) // I suggest replacing "reshape" with faster "greshape" -- it requires running first "ssc install gtools"
di "Reformatting time column..."
cap tostring time, replace
foreach pair of local time_pair_list {
qui replace time = `pair'
di "Splitting values and flags..."
qui split _
drop _
rename _1 value
rename _2 flags
qui destring value, replace force
cap destring time, replace // potentially -- will do it for years, will skip for e.g. quarters
qui split `first_col', parse(,) gen(_)
drop `first_col'
tokenize `first_col_names'
foreach n of varlist _* {
rename `n' `1'
macro shift
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