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  • Save albertobraschi/96a1b818115bd074362c41a7eae252d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#Path to shops' active theme (multiple locations allowed, separated by a ' ' (SPACE))
#Find deployed themes (languages) and copy the themes. 'us_US' becomes 'us_US_source'. We skip directories already having a '_source' suffix
find ${THEME_FOLDER[@]} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \( -not -name '*_source' \) -type d -execdir mv -f \{} \{}_source \;
#Find all *_source themes and use them as input for r.js. The output directories are the input directory with '_source' stripped again.
find ${THEME_FOLDER[@]} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \( -name '*_source' \) -type d -exec bash -c 'r.js -o requirejs-bundle-config.js baseUrl=\{} dir="${@%"_source"}"' bash {} \;
#Find the themes that don't have _source as suffix, assuming these are the ones that are now bundled.
BUNDLED_THEMES=$(find ${THEME_FOLDER[@]} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \( -not -name '*_source' \) -type d);
#Find all .js files in Bundled Themes (that are not already provided as minified) and run them through Terser.
find ${BUNDLED_THEMES[@]} -path '*bundles*' \( -name '*.js' -not -name '*.min.js' \) -exec terser \{} -c -m reserved=['$','jQuery','define','require','exports'] -o \{} \;
find ${BUNDLED_THEMES[@]} \( -name 'require.js' -o -name 'requirejs-config.js' \) -exec terser \{} -c -m reserved=['$','jQuery','define','require','exports'] -o \{} \;
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