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Last active January 12, 2018 04:39
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Script to install libpng-apng on Mac OS X
# CEmu libpng-apng Build Script
# Prerequisites:
# - BASH to run this script. (If you can run it, chances are that
# you have it!)
# - curl to download packages.
# - Basic UNIX utilities - sed, grep, sort, tar, rm
# - Clang/GCC + Make installed. For Mac OS X, you may get this
# installed via Xcode - see here:
# - Possibly root access via sudo. For Mac OS X, see here for more
# details:
# ** Note that you may be able to just point the compiler to the
# libpng-apng folder to compile with, hence not requiring any
# root access to install anything at all. If this is the case,
# simply press CTRL-C when prompted for a password and you're
# good to go.
# How to run:
# 1. Download the raw version of this script and save it to
# somewhere you know.
# 2. Open Terminal, and then cd to your folder.
# 3. chmod +x ./
# 4. ./
becho() { echo -e "\033[1m$@\033[0m"; }
cerr() { becho "An error occurred. Please see output above for details." && exit 1; }
becho " ** Detecting latest version of libpng..."
LIBPNG_VERSION=$(curl -L -s '' |
sed -n 's,.*<a[^>]*>v\([0-9][^<]*\)<.*,\1,p' |
grep -v alpha | grep -v beta | grep -v rc |
sort -t. -s -k 1,1nr -k 2,2nr -k 3,3nr -k 4,4nr | head -n1 | tail -1)
([ ! "$?" = "0" ] || [ -z "$LIBPNG_VERSION" ]) && becho "Couldn't autodetect latest libpng, using v$LIBPNG_VERSION_CONSTANT." && LIBPNG_VERSION="$LIBPNG_VERSION_CONSTANT"
becho "Will install: libpng-apng v${LIBPNG_VERSION}"
becho "Press ENTER to start."
# Download libpng
becho " ** Downloading libpng..."
curl -s -L -O "${LIBPNG_VERSION}.tar.xz" || cerr
becho " ** Extracting libpng..."
tar -xJf libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}.tar.xz || cerr
becho " ** Cleaning up libpng archive..."
rm -f libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}.tar.xz || cerr
# Download apng patch
becho " ** Downloading libpng-apng patch..."
curl -s -L -O "${LIBPNG_VERSION}-apng.patch.gz" || cerr
becho " ** Decompressing libpng-apng patch..."
gzip -d libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}-apng.patch.gz || cerr
# Apply apng patch
becho " ** Applying libpng-apng patch..."
cd libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION} || cerr
patch -Np1 -i ../libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}-apng.patch || cerr
becho " ** Cleaning up libpng-apng patch..."
rm -f ../libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}-apng.patch || cerr
# Build libpng-apng
becho " ** Configuring libpng-apng..."
CFLAGS="-O2 -fPIC" ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared || cerr
becho " ** Building libpng-apng..."
make -j2 || cerr
becho " ** Installing libpng-apng..."
sudo make install || cerr
becho " ** All done."
cd ..
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