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Created November 18, 2021 11:19
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(function s() {
return function () {
function (lwc, platformResourceLoader, agGridMin) {
function _interopDefaultLegacy(e) {
return e && typeof e === "object" && "default" in e
? e
: { default: e };
var agGridMin__default = /*#__PURE__*/ _interopDefaultLegacy(agGridMin);
function tmpl($api, $cmp, $slotset, $ctx) {
const { gid: api_scoped_id, h: api_element } = $api;
return [
styleMap: {
height: "200px",
width: "500px"
classMap: {
"ag-theme-alpine": true
attrs: {
id: api_scoped_id("myGrid")
context: {
lwc: {
dom: "manual"
key: 0
var _tmpl = lwc.registerTemplate(tmpl);
tmpl.stylesheets = [];
tmpl.stylesheetTokens = {
hostAttribute: "c-lwcAgGrid_lwcAgGrid-host",
shadowAttribute: "c-lwcAgGrid_lwcAgGrid"
var columnDefs = [
headerName: "Make",
field: "make"
headerName: "Model",
field: "model"
headerName: "Price",
field: "price"
]; // specify the data
var rowData = [
make: "Toyota",
model: "Celica",
price: 35000
make: "Ford",
model: "Mondeo",
price: 32000
make: "Porsche",
model: "Boxter",
price: 72000
]; // let the grid know which columns and what data to use
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: rowData
class LwcAgGrid extends lwc.LightningElement {
renderedCallback() {
if (this.d3Initialized) {
this.d3Initialized = true;
.then(() => {
console.log("###loaded"); // this.initializeD3();
// const svg ='svg.d3'));
const gridDiv = this.template.querySelector("div");
console.log("####gridDiv", gridDiv, agGrid);
new agGrid.Grid(gridDiv, gridOptions);
.catch((error) => {
console.log("###error", error);
var lwcAgGrid = lwc.registerComponent(LwcAgGrid, {
tmpl: _tmpl
return lwcAgGrid;
})(); //# sourceURL=
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